His work tradutor Francês
6,250 parallel translation
So why would an analyst at MI6 tell you about his work?
Pourquoi un analyste du MI6 vous parlerait-il de son travail?
What I said was, so far, his work-up has been negative,
J'ai dit que jusque-là, ses analyses sont négatives,
And I believe His work is done by people like you, and you have so much more to do in France before you turn to England.
Je crois que Son travail est fait par des personnes comme vous. Vous avez tellement à faire en France avant vous tourner vers l'Angleterre.
Anyway, I swear to pops, the boy coming down there every day, putting in his work just like he's supposed to.
Je te jure sur Papa, qu'il vient bosser tous les jours, comme il est sensé le faire.
The Barista dick who made it, now his work was really sloppy.
Le salopard qui a fini par s'en charger, son travail était vraiment bâclé.
He was paranoid about his work.
Il était paranoïaque concernant son travail.
The other possibility is that you stole his work.
KATE : L'autre possibilité est que vous avez volé son travail.
The Doctor is completely devoted to his work.
- Il se consacre au travail.
He's very secretive about his work.
Il est très secret à propos de son travail.
He's also wearing his metrocard lanyard, which he usually hangs on the light behind his work station until he leaves at 8 : 00.
Il porte aussi le cordon de sa carte de métro, qui est habituellement accroché à la lumière derrière sa station de travail jusqu'à ce qu'il parte à 8 : 00.
It still feels weird just throwing away his work like this.
Ça reste bizarre de juste jeter son travail comme ça. Ne t'en veux pas.
His work was excellent, but his company was beyond compare.
Son travail était excellent, mais sa compagnie était incomparable.
- The very same stock purchase that you went to Malone to structure, and now you want me to double check his work because you don't trust him.
- Exactement le même achat que tu as demandé à Malone d'organiser, et tu voudrais que je revérifie son travail parce que tu n'as pas confiance en lui.
It's a time machine, it also travels in space, and it usually contains a man who just wants to get on with his work of preventing the end of the world, but keeps being interrupted by boring little humans.
C'est une machine à remonter le temps, ça voyage aussi dans l'espace, et contient habituellement un homme qui veut juste finir son boulot d'empêcher la fin du monde, mais est continuellement interrompu par des petits humains ennuyeux.
Gets most of his work out of Hollywood and DC. And he's got some serious weaponry licensed to him, including a.38-caliber handgun.
Il trouve la plupart de son boulot à Hollywood et DC et il a quelques armes lourdes à son actif y-compris une arme de calibre 38.
Strauss hasn't published his work.
Strauss ne veut pas publier mes travaux.
I'm doing my dissertation on his work.
Je fais ma thèse sur son travail.
I found his work I.D.
J'ai trouvé son badge de travail.
- Did he ever talk to you about his work? - No.
Vous a t-il déjà parlé de son travail?
It was his study that the chemical industry was holding up as proof that flame retardants work.
L'homme dont l'étude était brandie par l'industrie chimique comme preuve de leur efficacité.
So why would a man like that question the work of his own scientific colleagues?
Pourquoi un homme pareil ferait-il une telle chose?
I'm not gonna question his scientific work, but in terms of his influencing the public.
Je n'attaquais pas son travail, mais son influence sur l'opinion.
And actually his scientific work isn't really in question it's more of his public claims and publicity and interviews.
Je ne mentionnais pas ses travaux scientifiques, mais ses interventions publiques.
I know he's committed the unpardonable crime of making a lot of money, but perhaps in spite of his talent, hard work, and enormous accomplishments, he's still a decent guy.
Je sais qu'il a commis le crime de gagner beaucoup d'argent, mais peut-être qu'à part son talent, son dur labeur, et ses énormes mérites, c'est toujours quelqu'un de correct.
He's been busy doing his graduate work. He's had no time...
Il a été occupé avec son diplôme.
And the same source says that Roth has been working off his debts to Boorman by doing his dirty work.
Les mêmes sources disent que Roth a remboursé ses dettes à Boorman en faisant son sale boulot.
That the doctor "claims" he ran Mr. Kaufman's blood work too late to find any aspirin in his blood.
Le docteur "a dit" avoir fait l'analyse de sang de M. Kaufman trop tard pour trouver des traces d'aspirine dans son sang.
Well, he was known for his very tight brush work.
Et bien, il était connu pour son coup de pinceau très rigoureux.
Did his patrol work in the 77th division.
Il a fait ses classes à la 77ème division.
He had to answer all of the questions correctly, or he couldn't start his day's work.
Il devait répondre correctement à toutes les questions, pour pouvoir commencer à travailler.
Even though Alfred is his subordinate, he has to help guide him into manhood carefully, because he does work for him, and not only that, but he has such respect for him.
Même si Alfred est son subordonné, il doit le guider prudemment jusqu'à l'âge adulte parce qu'il travaille pour lui, et pas seulement, mais aussi parce qu'il a un profond respect pour lui.
Kurt, let's dig into Nightfall himself, his asset history, how we recruited him, any work he's done that I can actually brief POTUS on.
Kurt, creuse sur Nightfall son passé d'agent, comme on l'a recruté, les boulots qu'il a fait, que je puisse briefer POTUS.
Hold on, I'll work in his place,
Attends, je vais travailler à sa place,
Now, this game you're playing with discrediting Branch... having him drugged with peyote, sending Ridges in to mess with his head... this ain't gonna work much longer.
Ce petit jeu auquel tu joues pour discréditer Branch... le droguer au peyotl, lui envoyer Ridges pour le rendre dingue... ne tiendra plus très longtemps.
I was an absentee father, too caught up with work and politics to watch him take his first step.
J'étais un père absent, trop pris par le travail et la politique pour assister à ses premiers pas.
Each Detective is responsible for his own caseload, but we're a small unit, so we work together.
Chacun est responsable de sa propre charge de travail. Mais on est une petite unité, alors on travaille ensemble.
Kurt is not at his home or work.
Kurt n'est ni chez lui, ni au travail.
Poppy and Georgie are going to meet a real Hollywood royal and observe him at work amongst his fans.
Poppy et Georgie vont rencontrer un vrai membre de la royauté d'Hollywood et l'observer travailler parmi ses fans.
His lack of social skills point to menial work, but his sophistication tells us he's more intelligent than we thought.
Son manque de sociabilité indique un travail de classe inférieure mais sa sophistication indique qu'il est plus malin qu'on ne le pensait.
Somebody should tell him to get off his ass and into work while I'm still in a good mood.
On devrait lui dire de bouger son cul pour venir travailler tant que je suis de bonne humeur.
And what is his work exactly?
C'est quoi son travail exactement?
- Now that we have a sample, we'll get to work analyzing it, Figure out the makeup of the poison, Maybe get a clue as to his human identity.
Maintenant que nous avons un échantillon, on va devoir analyser, découvrir la composition du poison, peut être trouver un indice sur l'identité de cet homme.
His putter doesn't work right!
Son club de golf ne fonctionne pas bien!
Both my parents are at work, and Grant's holed up in his room, binge-watching "Lost."
Oui. Vous a-t-elle menacé avec ce pistolet? Elle l'a utilisé pour s'assurer que je n'essaye pas de m'enfuir.
His father is a real piece of work.
Son père, c'est quelque chose.
Well... not exactly out of the ordinary, because he often got threatening mail tied to his humanitarian work, but... lately there seemed to be a lot about this coal initiative.
Bien... pas exactement qui sortait de l'ordinaire, parce qu'il recevait des mails menaçants venant de son travail humanitaire, mais... ces temps-ci il semblait y en avoir beaucoup a propos de cette initiative de charbon
When he was 8, his schoolteacher tried to settle the class with the following problem. Work out 1 plus 2 plus 3 plus 4 plus 5 all the way to 100.
Il a 8 ans, un jour, lorsque l'institutrice de son école, trouvant les enfants trop dissipés, leur donne le problème suivant... il faut calculer 1 plus 2 plus 3 plus 4 plus 5, jusqu'à 100.
But his neighbor said he saw him go into work every day.
Mais son voisin a dit l'avoir vu aller travailler chaque jour.
You need to turn your attitude around right this minute, because if you make Rusty feel unwelcome in this family after all of his and my hard work, I will be just so... disappointed.
Tu dois changer positivement d'attitude dès maintenant, car si Rusty se sent indésirable dans cette famille à cause de toi après tout le travail que lui et moi avons fourni, je serais tellement... déçue.
I know his neutron reaction work.
Je sais que sa réaction neutronique fonctionne.
Perhaps he recruited another higher to do his dirty work?
Peut-être a-t-il recruté un autre ange supérieur pour faire son sale travail?
work 1509
works 73
working 544
workers 297
worker 183
worked 56
work in progress 22
works like a charm 20
work your magic 26
work it 115
works 73
working 544
workers 297
worker 183
worked 56
work in progress 22
works like a charm 20
work your magic 26
work it 115
work for you 20
work stuff 34
works for me 181
working hard 48
working together 81
working late 62
work here 19
work it out 99
working on it 161
work hard 130
work stuff 34
works for me 181
working hard 48
working together 81
working late 62
work here 19
work it out 99
working on it 161
work hard 130