Not at this time tradutor Francês
761 parallel translation
Not at this time of night.
Pas à cette heure-ci.
Not at this time of night, Edwina.
- Pas de nos jours.
- No, not at this time.
Not at this time.
Pas pour l'instant.
Not at this time. Our money must go to more important things.
Les fonds de l'État ont une destination plus urgente.
Not at a time like this.
Ce n'est pas le moment.
Well, it's not for me to say, but I'm not sure that at a time like this, a woman is the right man.
Je n'ai pas mon mot à dire, mais... vu les circonstances, une femme est-elle vraiment l'homme de la situation?
It's not an unusual thing for the faculty to spend their evenings here at this time.
Il n'est pas rare que des professeurs passent leur soirée ici en vacances.
At this time not many restaurants are open.
Beaucoup d'établissements sont déjà fermés.
I'm not going to bandy words with you at this time of night.
Gardez vos réflexions saugrenues.
I am not a pretty sight at this time but I do not bite!
Je ne suis pas beau à voir en ce moment mais je ne mord pas!
Well, at this time of night and in these clothes, I'm not looking for needlework.
À cette heure et avec ces habits, je ne cherche pas de travaux d'aiguille.
That's a good sign at a time like this, is it not?
C'est bon signe à notre époque, non?
I should like to ask anyone who has called us "well-meaning amateurs"... to stand up by his chair and tell me just why... a well-meaning amateur is any less reliable... than a well-meaning professional at a moment like this... but I'll not take the time.
Je demanderais bien à qui nous traite d'amateurs bien intentionnés de bien vouloir se lever pour m'expliquer en quoi un amateur bien intentionné est moins fiable en ce moment qu'un professionnel bien intentionné. Mais je n'en prendrai pas le temps.
Kralik, don't be impulsive, not at a time like this.
Ne t'emballe pas!
No, ma'am, not since he left at his usual time this morning.
Dis-leur qu'il va rentrer.
But tell me this fact, Dr. Segert. When you saw the prisoner's hand reach for the safety catch on that cable car did she, of her own free will, decide not to kill the child at that time or did she refrain from that act because she was aware that you were watching?
Mais dites-moi, Dr Segert, quand vous avez vu la prisonnière retirer le loquet de la porte, croyez-vous qu'elle a décidé de ne pas tuer le petit de son propre chef, ou qu'elle l'a simplement fait parce qu'elle vous avait aperçu?
You're not wanted in this house, Mr. Morgan, now or at any other time.
On ne veut pas de vous, ici Ni aujourd'hui, ni jamais! Est-ce clair?
Coming at a time like this, with everything on his mind this is not just a casual invitation.
En ce moment, avec ses soucis! C'est plus grave qu'une simple invitation.
You're not gonna argue at a time like this.
Tu vas pas discuter à un moment pareil.
Well, I shouldn't like to have to say this in court, but Mr. Carter was not competent to make this or any other will at the time of his death, and this I can easily prove if I have to.
Je ne voudrais pas avoir à le dire au tribunal, mais M. Carter n'était pas en mesure de faire quelque testament que ce soit au moment de sa mort, et je pourrai facilement le prouver si nécessaire.
Why not use this time to forge the dagger... that can strike at the heart of the beast?
Pourquoi ne pas utiliser ce temps à forger une épée qui peut atteindre la bête en plein coeur?
Witnesses at the same places and at the same time that Henderson claims... to have been with this woman, can recall seeing him... yet not one of them remembers her!
Les témoins présents là où Scott Henderson prétend avoir été accompagné d'une femme se souviennent de lui, mais aucun ne se souvient d'elle!
It's not that I disapprove of his being a critic but no man with this published attitude should take any man's daughter anyplace, at any time.
Passe encore qu'il soit critique... mais quiconque dénigre ainsi le mariage... Le Mariage est une fumisterie, par M. Brewster... ne devrait pas sortir une jeune fille.
Arlington is beautiful at this time of year, is it not?
Le cimetière d'Arlington est beau, n'est-ce pas?
I will not make a statement of any kind at this time.
Je ne ferai aucune déclaration à ce stade.
I realize that it's not in order to call witnesses at this time, but with the court's permission,
La comparution de témoins à ce stade n'est pas l'usage.
It's not wrong for us to be here, at this time, is it?
Nous ne faisons rien de mal en ce moment, n'est-ce pas?
In view of this, I'm sure you will agree... that the patient should not be allowed to leave the hospital... at this time.
Au vu de ceci, vous comprendrez que son départ de l'hôpital soit contre-indiqué.
This could not have happened at a worse time for me. Or for Edward for that matter.
Cela tombe très mal pour Edward et moi.
Oh, not at a time like this.
Oh, pas maintenant.
It is not necessary at this time.
Pour l'instant, c'est inutile.
Bruno, don't keep it up, not at a time like this.
Bruno, arrêtez. Ce n'est pas le moment.
As for this stationery, your brother could have got it from Fabian's house at any time, not necessarily on the day of his death.
Quant au papier, votre frère l'aura pris n'importe quand chez Fabian, pas nécessairement le jour de sa mort.
This time he will not come back at all.
Cette fois, il ne reviendra pas.
Any sinful thoughts present in this room at this time come out of you, doll, not me.
Les pensées pécheresses qui pénètrent ce lieu en ce moment... viennent de vous, ma poupée, pas de moi.
This time, we're not all going in at once.
On opérera en 3 temps.
not at a time like this!
Pas à un moment pareil!
Well. He's not very considerate, Calling you at this time of night.
C'est impoli d'appeler si tard.
- They're not here at this time.
- Non, elles sont pas là.
One that at this time for what is seen is not quite getting well unless you help me.
Une que pour le moment on ne voit pas bien sauf si vous m'aidez
The prosecution has based its assumption that the defendant was in the study at a crucial time, not because he was seen or heard but because of this witness's ability to identify various liquors by their aroma.
L'accusation assume que le défendant était dans le bureau non pas parce qu'il y a été vu, mais parce que le témoin saurait reconnaître l'odeur d'un alcool.
And if those who happened to believe, as these Hungarian freedom fighters believed, had taken a strong moral stand on their behalf, at the time when it most mattered, then it is more than likely that 20,000 of these people, need not have given their lives or their liberty for this belief.
Et si ceux qui y croient, comme ces combattants hongrois, s'étaient engagés au moment où c'était le plus important, il est très probable que 20 000 personnes n'auraient pas donné leur vie pour cet idéal.
Look here, lieutenant, this is no time for interrogations! Oh, no, no, not at all, but a man has died.
J'étais à une soirée, je me suis dit que ce serait gentil de l'accueillir.
I'm sorry, Counsel, but the question is not relevant at this time.
Votre question est hors de propos.
I may not, at this time, disclose to you the nature of the offense being tried.
Il m'est impossible de divulguer la nature de la faute.
I could not say at this time.
Je ne sais pas, pour l'instant.
It's not the first time the morning's found me at a party like this.
Ce n'est pas la première fête qui s'achève à 8 h. Du matin.
Is it not possible, nay probable, that this same man tried again, and at this time he succeeded?
Si bien réussi qu'il est libre, alors que l'accusé doit subir ici cette épreuve.
Uh, yeah, not at this time in the morning, though. Did you wreck the shop as well?
Arrêtez, c'est Dyter.
Brother, it was not necessary for you to remind me that at this time, I am less fortunate than you.
Pourquoi me rappeler ma pauvreté?
not at all 5606
not at the moment 148
not at home 25
not at 40
not at first 142
not at the same time 17
not at night 20
not at you 17
not at the time 24
at this time 248
not at the moment 148
not at home 25
not at 40
not at first 142
not at the same time 17
not at night 20
not at you 17
not at the time 24
at this time 248
at this time of night 45
at this time of day 16
this time 1599
this time around 22
this time tomorrow 41
this time next year 20
this time of year 37
this time of night 20
this time it's different 20
not allowed 48
at this time of day 16
this time 1599
this time around 22
this time tomorrow 41
this time next year 20
this time of year 37
this time of night 20
this time it's different 20
not allowed 48
not anymore 2246
not again 976
not angry 22
not a soul 80
not a lot 168
not a bit 123
not all at once 17
not a chance 697
not another word 129
not always 307
not again 976
not angry 22
not a soul 80
not a lot 168
not a bit 123
not all at once 17
not a chance 697
not another word 129
not always 307
not a bad idea 73
not a clue 146
not all of us 56
not a thing 280
not a 133
not a big deal 105
not a chance in hell 32
not all 133
not all the time 106
not all of them 194
not a clue 146
not all of us 56
not a thing 280
not a 133
not a big deal 105
not a chance in hell 32
not all 133
not all the time 106
not all of them 194