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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ N ] / Not this morning

Not this morning tradutor Francês

857 parallel translation
Not this morning. Yes.
Not this morning, dearie.
Pas ce matin, ma chère.
Not this morning, thank you.
Pas ce matin.
Not this morning.
- Pas ce matin.
Not this morning.
Pas ce matin.
No, not this morning.
Non. Pas ce matin.
- No. Not this morning.
- Pas ce matin.
Not this morning, Jerry.
Pas ce matin, Jerry.
The boss is not here this morning.
Le directeur du studio est pas la ce matin.
Yes, I understand your point. But what's important is that this "Morning of Kyeongseong" is not just Anthony Kim's drama, but a drama of our S Broadcasting. Do you understand?
je comprends votre remarque. vous comprenez?
This "Morning in Kyeongseong" that we are all working on should not become a drama of distrust.
Ce "Un matin de Kyeongseong" sur lequel nous travaillons ne doit pas devenir un drama de méfiance.
Not since this morning.
- Non, pas depuis ce matin.
Yes. Young Bobby Merrick and some of his friends... were staging an all-night drinking party. And this morning, not knowing what he was doing, he tried to sail his boat.
Oui, Bobby Merrick et ses amis avaient passé la nuit à boire et ce matin, Merrick a voulu faire du bateau.
- We had to bleed him this morning, sir. He's not fit.
On a dû le saigner ce matin.
He isn't in, he may not be down this morning, he isn't feeling well.
Il ne viendra pas ce matin. Il ne se sent pas bien.
You're not eating well this morning, sir.
Vous ne mangez pas, ce matin.
Really, darling, you're not very good company this morning.
Vraiment, chéri, tu n'es pas de très bonne compagnie ce matin.
And 13 of my friends called me up this morning, so I'd be sure not to miss it.
Oui, et treize amis m'ont appelée ce matin pour me mettre au courant.
I don't know anything This morning, except... That I'm not much Of a person.
Je ne sais plus rien ce matin, sauf que je ne vaux pas grand chose.
May I give my breakfast to Becky? I'm not that hungry this morning.
S'il vous plaît, puis-je donner mon petit déjeuner à Becky?
That's why you're not in Russia any longer... and that's why you came here this morning.
C'est faute d'amour que vous avez perdu votre Russie et que vous êtes ici.
Not at this hour of the morning.
Il est trop tôt.
I should say the baron was not himself this morning.
Je dirais que le baron n'était pas lui-même ce matin.
No, ma'am, not since he left at his usual time this morning.
Dis-leur qu'il va rentrer.
This is not your egg morning.
Pas d'oeuf, aujourd'hui.
- I do not know, don't understand it. - I had to crank it up this morning.
J'ai dû me servir de la manivelle ce matin.
By the way, your father is not among the 40... this morning.
Signez les 4 copies. À propos, votre père ne se trouve pas parmi ces 40...
I told you over the phone this morning Mr. Sherlock Holmes that I did not want to see you. I don't want to see anyone.
Je vous l'ai dit au téléphone, Sherlock Holmes je refuse de vous voir.
After you take off this morning, you are to see no one, speak to no one, telephone no one, not even your wife.
Après votre décollage, vous ne verrez personne, vous ne parlerez ou ne téléphonerez à personne.
This morning I decided not to.
Mais ce matin j'ai changè d'idée.
I'm not in a flipping mood this morning.
Je ne suis pas d'humeur.
Not before the morning when this will be past.
Pas avant le matin, quand ceci aura passé.
Not much like the place you woke up in this morning.
Pas grand-chose à voir avec le lieu de votre réveil.
Gribble, it was not an accident my picking you up this morning.
Je ne vous ai pas fait monter par hasard.
Your friends left this morning. They're not here.
Vos camarades sont partis ce matin.
Would you tell him I'm not up to it this morning?
Veux-tu bien lui dire que je ne suis pas partante?
This morning, in chapel, I suddenly had the feeling you were not with us.
Dans la chapelle, j'ai eu l'impression que vous n'étiez pas avec nous.
I worked very late last night so I'm not very bright this morning, but I'll try and I'll...
Je ne suis pas très éveillée, mais je vais essayer.
As a matter of fact, if I'm not mistaken, you wore such a combination this morning yourself, Your Honor.
Et si mes souvenirs sont bons, vous aussi, ce matin étiez habillé ainsi.
And we know that you're not foolish enough to be feeling sorry for yourselves this morning.
Et nous vous savons trop sages pour vous apitoyer sur votre sort, ce matin.
I wrote to London this morning and told them not to send you the plans for the steam boat.
J'avais écrit à Londres pour les plans du bateau.
Well, that's very interesting, but not interesting enough... to come breaking down doors at this hour of the morning.
C'est très intéressant, mais pas suffisamment pour venir frapper aux portes à une heure indécente.
We can't possible be serious this early in the morning. At least not without a glass of champagne. It won't take a minute.
Nous ne pouvons pas être sérieux si tôt, en tout cas sans champagne.
- Been round the traps this morning, Hoskins? - Not yet, Your Grace.
Vu les trappes, ce matin?
Why not say it would to Los Angeles this morning?
Pourquoi nous cacher que tu allais à Los Angeles ce matin?
Not till this morning in Garcia's office.
Jusqu'à ce matin, au bureau de Garcia.
- Herbert. Big argument this morning. Should we or should we not offer you a drink?
Grosse discussion, ce matin.
President Bercholdt and I saw each other this morning, and we did not disagree in thinking that the distinction you are pleased to make between murderer and criminal might be disturbing to people's consciences.
J'ai vu le président, ce matin. Nous ne sommes pas éloignés de penser que cette discrimination que vous faites entre le meurtrier et le criminel peut troubler les consciences.
- Not far away. On his way to work this morning.
- Près d'ici, en venant travailler.
That is Señor Kane. He arrived this morning but he is not very sociable.
Il est arrivé ce matin, mais n'est pas très sociable.
The Marquis de Maynes is not riding this morning. Do you hear me?
Le marquis ne monte pas à cheval ce matin.

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