That feeling tradutor Francês
7,696 parallel translation
Do you ever get that feeling when you're on a car trip that you never want to get where you're going?
Ça vous arrive jamais, quand vous voyagez en voiture, de pas vouloir arriver à destination?
And you know it's real when you don't get that feeling in your stomach anymore, but it doesn't matter.
Et tu sais que c'est sincère quand tu n'as plus ce sentiment en toi, mais ce n'est pas grave.
You're holding on to a feeling and that feeling will eventually pass.
Tu t'accroches à un sentiment. Au final, ce sentiment va disparaître.
Waiting to find that feeling.
À attendre de ressentir ce sentiment.
Trying to find that feeling over and over.
De retrouver ce sentiment encore et encore.
The whole lab took on that feeling the minute he stepped through the door.
Tout le labo a eu cette impression dès qu'il a passé la porte.
And that feeling you have... when someone you love and admire screws you over?
Et ce sentiment qu'on ressent quand quelqu'un qu'on aime et qu'on admire vous roule?
They're going to have that feeling.
Ils vont le ressentir.
Yes, you don't get laid, but you don't have that feeling... like you're hurting their feelings all the time. Right, right, right.
On ne baise pas, mais on n'a pas l'impression de les blesser en permanence.
I love that feeling.
J'adore cette sensation.
Perhaps I'll share that feeling with Anne and let's just see how quickly she turns that anger in your direction.
Peut-être que je pourrais partager ces sentiments avec Anne et voir comment elle va rapidement abattre sa colère dans ta direction.
I remember that feeling.
Je me souviens de ce sentiment.
And the feeling of crushing empty loneliness that dogged me through the years, well, turned out to be a gluten allergy.
"Et ce sentiment de solitude que j'ai éprouvé durant des années " s'est avéré être une allergie au gluten.
And it's that whole helpless feeling that I have about our creative process being monetized and that's what inspired me to write this song which is actually available on iTunes tonight at midnight.
On ressent cette impuissance face à la monétisation du processus créatif et c'est ce qui m'a inspiré pour écrire cette chanson qui sera disponible sur iTunes ce soir à minuit.
Help yourself with that. In a situation like this, you just want to catch your breath go right up to 4, you should start feeling pretty good.
Dans une telle situation, tu veux juste reprendre ta respiration.
That pain you're feeling, that's carbon steel.
La douleur que tu sens, c'est de l'acier au carbone.
I would say that I'd call you... but I have a feeling, where you come from... it just doesn't work like that.
J'aimerais te téléphoner, mais sûrement que d'où tu viens, ça ne marche pas comme ça.
Well, that hurts my feeling with my vote, I vote "no" to the pig, and "yes" to this "gloriousness".
- C'est pas gentil. Avec ma voix, je m'oppose au cochon. Et j'approuve ce style.
I remember feeling like really happy for her ..and also concerned cos she really didn't know to be that thing that she had been pushed to become
J'étais vraiment content pour elle, et un peu inquiet, parce qu'elle ne savait pas comment être cette chose que le succés avait fait d'elle.
I had the feeling that I'd started to open the door on the spiritual world of the grassland people.
J'eus le sentiment d'avoir entrouvert la porte du monde spirituel du peuple de la steppe.
Experiencing it, being part of the cast, feeling a little bit of what it must have felt like making that movie.
Le vivre, faire partie de la distribution, ressentir ce que les acteurs ont pu éprouver en tournant ce film. Sacha et Lili Mackler Fans
I know it seems weird, but I had this strangely calming feeling that even if he meant to touch my tit, it's probably all right, because he's a good guy, and he knows how it goes and I don't.
Bizarre, j'ai senti que s'il avait voulu me toucher le sein, ça allait. Il est gentil et il s'y connaît.
I have the feeling that you might balk at causing yet another child infinite pain.
J'ai la sensation que tu vas hésiter à infliger à nouveau une douleur infinie à un enfant.
Noah, look, it wasn't more than that, okay. I was feeling vulnerable.
Écoute, Noah, il n'y avait rien de plus.
And how are you feeling about that?
Et que ressentez-vous?
That was a new feeling for me.
Je n'avais jamais ressenti ça.
I understand that you may be feeling a wide range of emotions right now.
Je comprends que tu dois ressentir un large éventail d'émotions en ce moment.
That is an amazing feeling too, you know?
C'est aussi une sensation géniale, Vous savez?
You can go feeling sorry for yourself all you want, kid. But knowing where you're from, that's half of knowing who you are.
Gémis sur ton sort tant que tu veux, mais savoir d'où on vient en dit long sur qui on est.
There's no way around it, and you've made it abundantly clear to me that you're not feeling as compelled as Danny does to go that extra mile for the paper.
Il n'y a aucun moyen de faire sans, et tu l'as rendu abondamment clair pour moi que tu n'est pas aussi impliquée que Danny pour te mettre en quatre pour le journal.
Are you feeling that on the street?
Ne le ressentez-vous pas dans les rues?
feeling as though every axiom in your life turned out to be false... and there was actually nothing. And that you were nothing.
On croit que notre vie entière est un mensonge... et qu'on n'est rien.
Like, when you're feeling sad, and they're fresh from the oven, with a big old glass of milk, and she just makes you laugh and puts everything into perspective and... why are you all looking at me like that?
Comme quand vous êtes tristes, et qu'ils viennent de sortir du four, avec un gros verre de lait, et elle vous fait rire et met tout en perspective, et... Pourquoi vous me regardez tous comme ça?
I got to be honest, I had a feeling, but do you really think that, I mean...
Pour être honnête, je m'en doutais, mais...
If any of you is ever feeling like that, I want you to come talk to us, ok?
Si l'un de vous se sens comme ça, je veux que vous veniez nous en parlez ok?
I got a feeling about that.
Disons que j'ai une intuition.
That light... gave rise to a new feeling inside me.
Cette lumière a donné lieu à un nouveau sentiment à l'intérieur de moi.
This is also the first time I get the taste of this sensation. This feeling that I'm crossing into a... A truly different world.
C'est aussi la première fois que je ressens cette sensation, l'impression de traverser vers... un autre monde.
So I take off my clothes, thinking that with more surface of bare skin I'll have a greater chance of feeling this fishing line.
Je me déshabille, pensant que ma peau nue aura plus de chances de sentir le fil.
That's brilliant! I arrive at the North Tower feeling the most intense joy, the most profound satisfaction I've ever felt in my life.
Quand j'arrive à la tour nord, je ressens la joie la plus intense, la satisfaction la plus profonde de ma vie.
I had that excited feeling, like when you're going off to college, and your life can be anything again.
J'ai eu cette excitation, comme quand tu sèches l'école, et ta vie peut redevenir autre chose.
I am like you, so I know what you're feeling right now, that I'm asking you to weaken yourself for someone else, for the island's sake, for my sake.
Je suis comme toi, alors je sais ce que tu ressens maintenant, que je te demande de t'affaiblir pour quelqu'un d'autre, pour l'île, pour moi.
I was just telling my wife Betty that I was feeling an urge to sign an autograph.
Je viens de dire à ma femme Betty que j'avais une grande envie de signer un autographe.
And I hope you're feeling loaded, cos there's that cash
J'espère que vous avez les moyens, parce qu'eux aussi attendent
My feeling is that we should retire and be ready to leave tomorrow with Mr Narracott.
Je pense que nous devrions nous retirer et nous préparer pour partir demain avec M. Narracott.
You know I sometimes get the feeling that you're not the same man that you're someone else who's come from far away to take my loneliness away!
Vous savez... parfois, j'ai l'impression que vous n'êtes pas le même homme. Que vous êtes un autre homme, venu de très loin... pour m'arracher à ma solitude!
Feeling that by our effort will reveal to God... what is in our hearts.
Estimant que notre effort révélera à Dieu ce qui est dans nos cœurs.
Marcus, why do I get the feeling that you're afraid of me?
Marcus, pourquoi ai-je l'impression que tu as peur de moi?
That's a strange feeling.
C'est une étrange sensation.
I've a funny feeling that the world already knows.
Je pense que tout le monde le sait déjà.
That is the best feeling in the world.
C'est la meilleure sensation au monde.
feeling 99
feelings 150
feeling good 61
feeling better 249
feeling any better 27
feeling guilty 18
feeling okay 19
feeling all right 20
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
feelings 150
feeling good 61
feeling better 249
feeling any better 27
feeling guilty 18
feeling okay 19
feeling all right 20
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that sounds good 394
that was close 355
that sounds fun 130
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that sounds good 394
that was close 355
that sounds fun 130
that is not fair 93
that sounds great 436
that one over there 16
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that was stupid 112
that is good 189
that is not true 434
that is ridiculous 146
that sounds great 436
that one over there 16
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that was stupid 112
that is good 189
that is not true 434
that is ridiculous 146
that was quick 252
that is all 319
that is right 117
that way 1811
that is an order 68
that is enough 189
that is so cool 125
that is great 150
that is a lie 69
that is all 319
that is right 117
that way 1811
that is an order 68
that is enough 189
that is so cool 125
that is great 150
that is a lie 69