The next night tradutor Francês
896 parallel translation
I shall ride tonight, tomorrow night, the next night...
J'irai me promener ce soir, demain soir et après-demain soir.
The next night, Gladys and I...
Et le soir suivant, Gladys et moi...
No, his wallet. But I'd give it back to him the next night.
Non, son portefeuille, mais je le lui ai rendu.
The next night when I was alone he broke into my apartment and tried to kill me.
Le lendemain soir, il est entré chez moi par effraction et il a tenté de me tuer.
The next night, you're showing off for a lot of kids... pulling a no-good dame out of the water.
Et le lendemain, tu fais le beau devant des gamines... en sortant une traînée de l'eau.
Right. Then you return to cover until the next night.
Vous resterez cachés jusqu'à la nuit suivante.
You're having dinner with me tonight... tomorrow night... and the next night... and then... every night... every night!
Vous savez qu'on dîne ensemble ce soir? Et demain soir, et après-demain soir, et puis... tous les soirs. Tous les soirs.
The next night at his house, I teased him about it.
Le lendemain chez lui, je l'ai taquiné à ce propos.
That was why, you naughty boy, on the next night, when you saw some silhouettes approaching, you climbed up to the window sill.
C'est pour ça, coquin, que la nuit suivante, en voyant des silhouettes suspectes, tu as sauté par la fenêtre qui était basse.
But the next night I knew she'd show.
Je savais qu'elle viendrait le lendemain soir.
I found myself going the next night and the next and the next.
Je suis allée à la représentation suivante, puis à celle d'après.
All right. The next night.
Bon, après-demain.
I slept the next night well, was free and merry!
Mon sommeil était serein, j'étais libre et joyeux.
If thou the next night following enjoy not desdemona, take me from this world with treachery.
Et si la nuit prochaine, tu ne jouis pas de Desdémone, enlève-moi par traîtrise à ce monde.
The next Saturday night.
Le dimanche soir suivant.
The next day, after a night of knives.
Le lendemain de cette nuit, où il fit si bel usage du couteau...
Ce n'est qu'à l'approche de la nuit ayant terminé les préparatifs de la fête du lendemain pour l'inauguration de la voie ferrée que Mustafa put partir pour la gare
We close him one night and he opens up the next in another spot.
Si on ferme une boîte, il en ouvre une autre le lendemain.
Good night. We'll see you next week and settle all the details.
On verra les détails la semaine prochaine.
At the campsite, during the night, before the next day battle, the songs and the joy burst in the soldier's souls, maybe for the last time.
Dans les nuits du campement, à la veille du combat, les chansons et la gaîté jaillissent peut-être pour la dernière fois dans l'âme du soldat.
We're invited there for dinner next Friday night... and I'm going to wear my new silver with the white fox.
On est invités chez eux, vendredi. Je mettrai ma robe lamée et mon renard blanc.
Next night, the wire breaks.
Le lendemain, le fil a cassé.
They change the bill next Thursday night.
Ils changent le programme jeudi soir.
They sit at the table next to me every night.
Ils se mettent à table à côté de moi tous les soirs.
You can have one thing one night, something else the next.
Un truc un soir, et autre chose le lendemain.
Incidentally, I was at a party on that night so I didn't get it until the next day.
J'étais à une fête ce soir-là. Je l'ai donc reçu le lendemain.
And so we'll be on the air, as usual, next Wednesday night.
Nous serons à l'antenne mercredi prochain, comme d'habitude.
He's got just as much a chance of winning bank night as the next guy.
Il a autant de chances que n'importe qui de gagner.
You drank all that night and the next day.
Tu as bu toute la nuit et tu t'es monté la tête...
I was sleeping in the next room the night that wolf-man grabbed his sister.
Je couchais dans la chambre à côté la nuit où le loup-garou a enlevé sa soeur.
Because I found it next to Dad Hayden's body the night he was murdered.
Car je l'ai trouvé à côté du corps de papa Hayden le soir de son meurtre.
That was the longest night I ever lived through, Keyes... and the next day was worse, when the story had broke in the papers... and they started talking about it at the office... and the day after that, when you started digging into it.
Ce fut une nuit interminable. Le lendemain, ce fut pire, tout était dans le journal. On ne parlait que de ça au bureau.
- It's the next night. - But, Shelby, I can't be...
- mais pour après-demain?
There's a smoking concert at the Red Lion next Tuesday night, you know.
Il y a un concert au Lion Rouge mardi soir prochain, tu sais.
Several of our most responsible citizens have actually seen the strange apparition on the marshes at night and next morning sheep were discovered...
Plusieurs notables du village ont aperçu l'étrange lueur dans les marais.
- And that night, she was dead. - Yes. - And the very next day, her body was cremated.
Le lendemain... son corps a été incinéré.
It'll make you feel better. I found myself sitting next to such a woman the other night at dinner.
J'ai revu l'une d'elles récemment.
Look, next day it is last night we don't start and Tuesday evening is the morning we ain't coming.
Le prochain jour c'est le dernier où on ne commence pas, et mardi soir, on n'ira pas au matin.
Double duty today,'cause I switch over to night duty for the next month.
J'ai fait deux gardes aujourd'hui, je passe de nuit pour ce mois-ci.
And next morning I began the journey to our town, knowing that I should sleep that night at the forge.
Le lendemain matin, je partis pour notre campagne... sachant que je dormirais le soir à la forge.
He'll give you your flowers and church. You can sleep all you want at night. But still he won't recognize you the next time he looks at you.
Vous aurez vos fleurs et votre église et dormirez tranquille, mais il ne vous reconnaîtra pas dans la rue!
The soil is so rich, one night a padre left his spade standing up in the ground, the next morning, there was growing from the handle, apricots!
La terre est tellement riche, qu'un padre qui y avait laissé sa bêche plantée un soir, l'a retrouvée le lendemain couverte d'abricots!
By order of the commanding officer this night's entertainment will conclude with the playing of the next dance.
Sur ordre du colonel, cette soirée va se terminer par une danse.
Next Monday night, I want you to drive up to the side of Cortlandt.
Lundi prochain, à la nuit tombée, passez en voiture devant le chantier.
He came late at night. And he left ridiculously early the next morning.
Il est arrivé tard le soir pour repartir aux aurores.
You can't rehearse all night and play ball the next day.
Répéter la nuit etjouer le jour...
Mais elle a manqué la représentation.
It came the next Friday night at the Legion Stadium.
Il vint le vendredi suivant au Legion Stadium.
This is for the Seamen's Fund brawl next Tuesday night at the Catfish.
C'est pour la bagarre du Fonds des marins mardi soir au Catfish.
That night Rosemary wrote 32 postcards. Next morning I mailed them, and we went to the studio.
Rosemary écrivit 32 cartes postales qui furent postées avant d'aller au studio.
He said at dinner on Wednesday night that you would have to choose... between this world, the next world, and Australia. Well, the reports I have of Australia and the next world... are not particularly encouraging. Oh.
Il a dit mercredi soir au dîner que vous deviez choisir entre ce monde, l'autre monde et L'Australie.
the next time i see you 21
the next thing i knew 36
the next one 38
the next morning 240
the next time 57
the next thing you know 70
the next thing i know 74
the next day 403
the next 224
the next generation 20
the next thing i knew 36
the next one 38
the next morning 240
the next time 57
the next thing you know 70
the next thing i know 74
the next day 403
the next 224
the next generation 20
the next minute 32
the next thing 17
night 2638
nightmare 102
nights 96
nightingale 38
nighty 93
nightmares 72
nighthorse 18
nighter 122
the next thing 17
night 2638
nightmare 102
nights 96
nightingale 38
nighty 93
nightmares 72
nighthorse 18
nighter 122
nighty night 21
nightcap 16
night and day 58
nightclubs 16
night shift 20
nighters 22
night moves 16
night vision 17
night after night 65
night stands 48
nightcap 16
night and day 58
nightclubs 16
night shift 20
nighters 22
night moves 16
night vision 17
night after night 65
night stands 48