The next morning tradutor Francês
1,576 parallel translation
We were still there the next morning. I got Stevie to check if you were still on the wall.
Le lendemain matin, je fis soulever la trappe à Stevie pour vérifier si tu étais encore au mur.
The next morning, she won't know who he is.
Le matin, elle l'aura oublié.
Sometimes he changes a comma from a semicolon, and then the next morning he changes it back.
Des fois il remplace un point virgule par une virgule... et le lendemain matin il remet le point virgule.
So the next morning he calls the crew up on deck and says,
Au matin, il appelle l'équipage sur le pont et dit...
Aunt Cynthia found me the next morning, rambling about Birdie's ghost.
Ronnie Barnes, l'enfant dans la baignoire.
And the next morning when we come in, it passes.
Et le matin quand on est arrivés, il était voté.
The next morning I got up, and I said :
Le lendemain matin je me suis levée, et je me suis dit :
Got me a tour of hell, though. Had me in military school by the next morning.
Il me l'a fait payer en m'envoyant chez les militaires.
The next morning, and I can't get last night out of my mind.
Le lendemain matin, impossible de penser à autre chose.
The next morning, she's gone and Kinky's dead.
Le lendemain matin, elle était partie et Kinky était mort.
And the next morning I called for an application to get a gun.
Le lendemain, j'ai demandé un permis de port d'arme.
The Brian Jonestown left New York the next morning to play a round of shows in the South, but only got as far as Homer, Georgia.
Les B.J.M. ont quitté New York pour une tournée dans le sud, mais ne sont pas allés plus loin que Homer, Géorgie.
No, he stayed until the next morning
Non, il est resté jusqu'au lendemain matin.
I'd meant to take Kie back to her parents'home but when I got up the next morning she had gone away on her own.
Les tabi sont dans ce tiroir. De temps en temps, n'oublie pas de regarder les tabi du maître.
And the next morning, the family met at Buster's send-off party... where Lucille was not keeping her feelings hidden.
Le lendemain, la famille se retrouva pour fêter le départ de Buster et Lucille ne faisait pas mystère de ses sentiments.
And the next morning, Michael ran into his son doing something suspicious.
Le lendemain matin, Michael surprît son fils en pleine activité suspecte.
The next morning, Michael was wondering... how to end his first one-night stand.
Le lendemain, Michael se demanda comment larguer son coup d'un soir.
And what started as a night of passion with no strings attached... got complicated the next morning when Michael found out she was blind.
Et ce qui débuta comme une nuit de passion sans conséquences se compliqua le lendemain quand il découvrit qu'elle était aveugle.
The next morning, Michael, once again, found himself at Maggie's. - And once again, berated himself for the mistake. - Oh, no.
Le lendemain suivant, Michael se trouva à nouveau chez Maggie, et une fois encore, se le reprocha.
Strip mall opened at 7 : 30. He didn't leave Pahrump till the next morning.
Il n'a pas quitté Pahrump avant le matin suivant.
Jeff would show his appreciation by rolling our trash barrels into the street the next morning.
Jeff se vengeait en faisant du boucan avec les poubelles.
Washed up on the bank of the Delaware the next morning with a broken neck.
A été retrouvée sur la rive du Delaware le lendemain matin la nuque brisée.
The next morning started with a banging.
Le matin suivant commença avec des coups.
The next morning, I could barely stand up.
Le lendemain, j'arrivais à peine à tenir debout.
But you do recognize Britney Spears getting loaded and married one night, and having it annulled the next morning.
Mais vous reconnaissez Britney Spears qui se bourre la gueule et se marie un soir, pour le faire annuler le lendemain.
Meanwhile, he gets to work the next morning, and he realises... he's got a million of'em in the trunk of his car.
Et quand il retourne au travail le lendemain, et réalise... qu'il en a un million dans son coffre.
The next morning, we were determined to use our good humors... to make Samantha's chemo lounge as close as possible to a cocktail lounge.
- Le lendemain, nous transformions la salle de chimio de Samantha en une salle de cocktail.
And when I touched them, there was this blinding light and then pain and all I remember is waking up the next morning to you knocking on my door
Et quand je les ai touchés, il y a eu cette lumière aveuglante, et cette douleur. Tout ce dont je me souviens c'est de m'être réveillée le lendemain matin quand tu frappais à ma porte.
He came and got me the next morning.
Il est passé me prendre le lendemain.
He did call me late the next morning.
Il m'a appelée le lendemain matin.
Answer : "It depends how late you sleep the next morning."
"Jusqu'à ce qu'il se réveille."
The next morning, his pardons are act two- -
Le lendemain, l'amnistie est le chapitre deux.
Anyway, when I woke up the next morning in the cashier's apartment, I thought... Maybe Grace is right.
En me réveillant le lendemain chez le caissier, je me suis dit que tu avais peut-être raison.
The handcuffs go click and it's over... and the next morning it's just you in your room with yourself.
On menotte le type et c'est terminé. Le lendemain, tu es de nouveau face à toi-même.
It was the next morning that was the problem. You don't want to see me again?
Vous a-t-on avisée de vos droits?
And the next morning I'd ask you where you were... and you wouldn't remember.
Le lendemain je te demandais où tu étais allé, et tu ne t'en souvenais pas.
I figured maybe this painting would help explain it so I called an art dealer the next morning.
Peut-être que ce tableau allait m'en apprendre plus, alors j'ai appelé un marchand d'art le lendemain matin.
Well, the next morning the girls head back to the water park for their big audition.
Bien, le matin suivant les filles se dirigent de nouveau au parc d'eau pour leur grande audition.
Tweety was a proud little bird well, his dignified exit didn't do Tweety a hell of a Iot of good we found him the next morning underneath your window
Tweety était un oiseau fier. Sa libération ne lui a pas vraiment réussi, on l'a retrouvé sous ta fenêtre, mort de froid.
The next morning, Assumpta the housekeeper escorted me to meet Doctor Droz.
Le lendemain matin, Assumpta, la gouvernante me conduisit auprès du Dr Droz
The next morning, as I was working on the second automaton, I'm thinking that I was a little out of my depth.
Le lendemain matin, en travaillant sur le deuxième automate je me sentis un peu dépassé
We found him the next morning. He'd stuck a knife through his heart.
On l'a trouvé le lendemain matin, un couteau planté dans le cœur.
The next morning, Charlie helped his parents fix the hole in the roof.
Le matin suivant, Charlie aida ses parents à réparer le toit.
You know, one morning, you wake up, step outside, and you realize the woman next door has gorgeous eyes.
Tu sais, un beau matin, tu te réveilles, tu sors de chez toi et tu t'aperçois que les yeux de ta voisine sont magnifiques.
- Our misfortune will last until tomorrow because the next train to Berlin is in the morning.
- On a jusqu'à demain. Le prochain train pour Berlin part demain matin.
The next morning,
Le lendemain matin, Pai Mei apparut au temple Shaolin.
The band finished the record and prepared to hit the road next morning on their first national tour. COURTNEY : They'd never before tried to pull this off.
Le disque fini, le groupe se prépare à partir le lendemain pour sa toute 1re tournée nationale.
I sleep in the hut and next morning I do the year's first first track.
Je dors dans la hutte et le matin je fais la toute premiere trace de l'annee.
Next morning, I lose the eye.
Le lendemain, je n'avais plus d'œil.
I get up early next morning, follow him from his door to a lunch meeting... with the state senator.
Le lendemain, je l'ai suivi de chez lui à un déjeuner d'affaires avec le sénateur.
Next morning, while the men slept off their hangovers, the women saddled up our horses and sent us on our way.
Le matin suivant, pendant que les hommes ont dormi avec leurs gueules de bois, les femmes ont sellé nos chevaux et nous ont renvoyés sur notre chemin.
the next time i see you 21
the next thing i knew 36
the next one 38
the next thing you know 70
the next time 57
the next thing i know 74
the next day 403
the next 224
the next night 37
the next generation 20
the next thing i knew 36
the next one 38
the next thing you know 70
the next time 57
the next thing i know 74
the next day 403
the next 224
the next night 37
the next generation 20
the next minute 32
the next thing 17
next morning 58
morning 7553
morningstar 35
morning star 17
morning sickness 21
morning to you 18
the night of the murder 53
the new yorker 37
the next thing 17
next morning 58
morning 7553
morningstar 35
morning star 17
morning sickness 21
morning to you 18
the night of the murder 53
the new yorker 37
the notebook 36
the night of the fire 17
the night is young 64
the new york times 60
the night before 47
the night shift 17
the noise 65
the night before last 20
the not 21
the night he died 19
the night of the fire 17
the night is young 64
the new york times 60
the night before 47
the night shift 17
the noise 65
the night before last 20
the not 21
the night he died 19
the night she died 20
the nose 48
the night 83
the night's still young 17
the north 33
the no 36
the non 52
the north pole 16
the necklace 59
the nanny 34
the nose 48
the night 83
the night's still young 17
the north 33
the no 36
the non 52
the north pole 16
the necklace 59
the nanny 34