The office tradutor Francês
31,858 parallel translation
We came in as peers, and I get the office,
On est arrivée en consœurs.
So you said you were out of the office the day he disappeared?
Vous n'étiez pas au cabinet quand il a disparu?
Obviously, the office has had a series of high-profile disasters.
Le procureur a connu plusieurs désastres très médiatisés.
Well, this can't be good if it won't even wait till I get to the office.
Ça ne va pas le faire si on n'attend même pas que je sois au bureau.
"... that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States... "
"... que j'exécuterai loyalement la fonction de président des États-Unis... "
... that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States...
... que j'exécuterai loyalement la fonction de président des États-Unis...
Now do you go by Johnson or Logan outside the office?
C'est Johnson ou Logan, en dehors du bureau?
You'll have to drop me at the office.
Vous me déposerez au bureau.
Are you the carpool buddy or the office colleague?
Vous êtes celle qui covoiture ou la collègue de bureau?
- The silver lining is, every time I sleep at the office, I mark it down as overtime.
- Le point positif de dormir au bureau, c'est de le noter en heures sup'.
You wear it to the office every day.
Vous la portez au travail.
I'll see you at the office, Virginia.
On se verra au bureau.
Did I leave something at the office?
J'ai oublié quelque chose au bureau?
And yet here you are, eating Chinese food at the office while your wife is... where is Nancy tonight?
Et vous êtes là, à manger chinois au bureau pendant que votre femme...
I got bogged down at the office.
Je suis resté travailler au bureau.
Not as common as "late night at the office," but easier to refute than "stuck in traffic."
Pas aussi communes que "j'ai travaillé tard", mais qui passe mieux que "les bouchons".
I-I couldn't find you in the office, so I came here, you weren't here.
Tu n'étais pas au bureau, je suis rentré, tu n'étais pas là.
So I went back to the office.
- Alors, je suis retourné au bureau.
I noticed it in the office.
Je l'ai remarqué.
Just ten minutes at the office, that's it.
Juste 10 minutes au bureau.
I'm just pulling up to the office now.
Je suis sur le point de m'arrêter au bureau.
We watch the video of your Hester speech at the office at least once a day.
On regarde la vidéo de ton discours à Hester au bureau au moins une fois par jour.
Patton did a sweep of the office, Sebastian swept the morgue- - no cameras or listening devices.
Patton a vérifié le bureau, Sebastian la morgue... pas de caméras ni de micros.
Dan Hass from the Office of Management Policy,
Dan Hass du Bureau de Politique de Gestion,
I think everybody in the office - would be really happy about that.
Je pense que tout le monde au bureau sera vraiment content de ça.
We were sitting in his office, and Peter looked me in the eye and said, " Lloyd, you know how much
On était assis à son bureau, il m'a regardé dans les yeux.
Assuming the break-in even happened. Your house of cards is built on the illusion of security. What'll your customers think if you can't safeguard your own office?
S'il y a eu cambriolage, votre château de cartes repose sur l'illusion de sécurité, que penseraient les clients si votre bureau n'est pas sûr?
The first trial ended in a hung jury, so tell me, why do you think the Manhattan D.A.'s office is coming after you again?
Le 1er procès a fini sur un jury divisé, pourquoi pensez-vous que le procureur de Manhattan vous poursuit à nouveau?
On the job as well, and my daughter Erin works for the D.A.'s office.
Dans la police aussi, et ma fille Erin travaille au bureau du procureur.
As soon as the mic picks up people talking, the tape recorders in my office start recording.
Dès que le micro entend parler, la cassette dans mon bureau commence à enregistrer.
If we had tape recorders in this office two months ago, we wouldn't be staring down the barrel of criminal charges.
Si on avait les cassettes de ce bureau il y a deux mois, on ne serait pas la cible d'accusations criminelles.
The small office, no secretary... he's demoted you.
Le petit bureau, pas de secrétaire... Il vous a rétrogradé.
I don't know how well-founded they are, but the rumors around his office are that he's a homosexual, and that's why his engagement was broken off.
J'ignore à quel point c'est fondé, mais les rumeurs courent comme quoi il serait homosexuel, ce serait la raison de leur rupture.
But all the tapes are in Lester's office, under lock and key.
Toutes les cassettes sont dans le bureau de Lester.
You invited the whole office to a swinger's party at your house.
On était tous à votre soirée échangiste.
We already have office space secured on the Upper East Side.
Nous avons des bureaux dans l'Upper East Side.
Hmm. Looks like Mrs. Mason first called this office to make an appointment on February 15th, the day after Valentine's Day.
Mme Mason a appelé le cabinet pour prendre rendez-vous le 15 février, le lendemain de la St Valentin.
In the meantime, one of us needs to search every inch of Nancy's office... maybe she kept files or lists.
On doit aussi passer au peigne fin le bureau de Nancy... Elle y garde peut-être des documents.
But I just got off the phone with Hef's office, and good news.
Je viens de raccrocher avec le bureau d'Hef et j'ai une bonne nouvelle.
So, anyway, um, you know, I was wondering, you know, maybe, you know, if you wanted to, we could swing by the, uh, coroner's office.
Donc, bref... je me demandais...
The CEO of a company should have an office that fits the title.
Le PDG d'une entreprise doit avoir un bureau digne de son rôle.
We, uh... we didn't find the Level Four codes in his office.
On n'a pas trouvé les codes du niveau 4 dans son bureau.
Well, he said his dad's talking to him more, and he told him that he went out with the father of one of the secretaries in his office.
Il a dit que son père lui parlait davantage, et il lui a dit qu'il était sorti avec le père d'une des secrétaires de son bureau.
Cabinet meetings, Foreign Office briefings, they tuck away at the bottom.
Les réunions de cabinet, les briefings du Foreign Office, ils le mettent tout en bas.
MM. The flu hit the Marshals'Office rather hard.
La grippe a frappé le bureau des Marshall.
- to drive her to the doctor's office.
- pour l'amener chez le médecin.
Oh, and I saw the new guy who's playing Gold Storm while I was walking out of the producer's office.
Et j'ai vu le nouveau type qui joue Gold Storm alors que je sortais du bureau du directeur.
I'll have my office send you the minutes.
Je demanderai au bureau de vous envoyer le procès-verbal.
I just... I don't know what I would do if I didn't work in the M.E.'s office.
Je ne sais pas ce que je ferais si je n'étais pas médecin légiste.
I don't plan on leaving the M.E.'s office anytime soon.
Je ne prévois pas de quitter mon poste de légiste de sitôt.
Rachel's in my office looking at me right now and she's gonna think something's wrong in five seconds, so unless you've changed your mind about me not telling her, I gotta go. Harvey, you gotta get the phone from her.
Qu'est-ce que je peux faire pour toi, Harvey?
office 169
officer 2766
officers 467
offices 24
officer down 213
officer reagan 31
officer peck 20
officer needs help 24
officer mcnally 17
officer kalakaua 20
officer 2766
officers 467
offices 24
officer down 213
officer reagan 31
officer peck 20
officer needs help 24
officer mcnally 17
officer kalakaua 20
officer myers 18
officer milo 17
the one and only 111
the other night 242
the one that got away 33
the other half 29
the one that 19
the others 231
the odyssey 21
the other woman 16
officer milo 17
the one and only 111
the other night 242
the one that got away 33
the other half 29
the one that 19
the others 231
the odyssey 21
the other woman 16
the other me 18
the other way around 24
the old 139
the one i told you about 27
the only way 33
the other guy 58
the other day 439
the other thing is 17
the other thing 93
the only thing 56
the other way around 24
the old 139
the one i told you about 27
the only way 33
the other guy 58
the other day 439
the other thing is 17
the other thing 93
the only thing 56
the other one 318
the other side 74
the other way 103
the one 287
the old days 17
the old woman 18
the other two 35
the opposite 109
the ocean 80
the other 237
the other side 74
the other way 103
the one 287
the old days 17
the old woman 18
the other two 35
the opposite 109
the ocean 80
the other 237