Think hard tradutor Francês
2,678 parallel translation
So think hard, Vivian.
Réfléchissez, Vivian.
Okay, wait, now really think hard about this one.
Réfléchis bien à celle-là.
You're making it hard not to think about.
- traitée et teinte. - Tu me compliques la tâche.
I really didn't think I hit him that hard.
Je ne pensais pas l'avoir frappé si fort.
Yeah, I was a little hard on Chuck, but what good does it do to let him think he can go up against a fanger?
Oui, j'ai été un peu dur avec Chuck, mais à quoi bon s'en prendre à lui quand il pense s'en prendre à un fanger?
I think Alex was a little hard on ya.
Alex a été dure avec toi.
The dresses will be hard to mend, don't you think?
Il sera difficile de recoudre ces robes, non?
Well, hard to say definitively, but I think we'll find a match.
Eh bien, c'est difficile à dire, mais nous trouverons une correspondance.
I guess it's hard for me to accept because I don't think you need to change.
C'est dur de l'accepter parce que tu devrais rien changer.
I should think long and hard before trying to pull anything on you.
Que je devais y repenser à deux fois avant de t'embobiner.
It's hard to tell, but I don't think he was very happy.
C'est dur à dire, mais il n'avait pas l'air content.
I find it hard to believe that these two letters came from the same source. Well, I don't think they did.
Dur de croire que ces lettres ont la même origine.
You get regular guaranteed income, I don't have to think too hard.
Vous avez des rentrées régulières garanties, je n'ai pas à m'en faire
I guess it's just so hard for me to think about eating healthy food.
C'est difficile pour moi de penser à manger des aliments sains.
And... Well, she's... She's five months pregnant with our fourth, so I think I understand what you're going through and how hard it must be.
Et... elle est enceinte de cinq mois de notre quatrième... je crois donc comprendre ce par quoi tu passes.
We had very little, and it was really hard, but I think it brought us together.
Nous avons eu très peu, et c'était vraiment difficile mais je pense qu'il nous a réunis.
Maybe. I don't think they had any idea how hard any of this was gonna be.
- Et bien sûr, ils ignoraient que ce serait aussi dur que ça, je pense.
I don't think this is so hard. You know.
Je trouve pas que ce soit si dur... tous les trois.
It's hard to think when you're on that ledge.
C'est dur de réfléchir quand vous êtes sur ce rebord. Descendez.
And don't think it was hard for me... because it wasn't.
Et ne pense pas que c'était difficile pour moi... parce que ça ne l'était pas.
As I had to learn the hard way, the more you think you're helping your child, the more you push them away.
Comme je l'ai durement appris, plus tu penses aider ton enfant, plus il s'éloigne.
I think it's just hard, you know, with Henry and Grace making a real commitment.
C'est difficile, avec Henry et Grace, qui se marient.
Your buddy buttfucked me. When I sit on something hard, I think of him.
Dès que je m'assois sur un truc dur, je pense à lui.
I think about, like, you're - that must have been so hard for you to leave Tom.
Je me dis que... ça a dû être très dur pour toi de quitter Tom.
I think you're going to have a hard time meeting with them, but I think it's certainly worth pursuing a couple of really big, obvious brands,
Même si ça va être dur, vous devriez viser les marques les plus en vue.
Hey, how hard do you guys think it would be to throw a press conference?
Vous croyez que c'est difficile d'organiser une conférence de presse?
If I were you I'd think long and hard about where you could wind up.
Si j'étais toi je penserais énormément à quel endroit tu pourrais atterrir.
I think I've coughed so hard I've pulled a muscle or something.
Je pense que j'ai tellement toussé que j'ai étiré un de mes muscles.
Did you think I did it too hard?
J'y suis allé trop fort?
I think it's hard on us.
Je pense que c'est dur pour nous.
I know it's hard to think of anything but the here and now... but in a year's time, with your daughter in a vegetative state...
Je sais que c'est dur de prendre du recul... avec votre fille dans un état végétatif...
You know, I don't think you kids appreciate how hard your father and I work to provide you with everything we do.
I think I shall stick with hard numbers.
Je devrais m'en tenir aux nombres.
Plus other stuff, so don't think you're hard.
Chez moi, toutes les femmes se partagent les corvées.
[sighs] I'm gonna have to think really hard to remember exactly.
Je vais devoir y penser très fort pour m'en souvenir précisément, mais pendant ce temps là, pourriez-vous aller me chercher un truc?
- Well, I think you're being a little hard on yourself. - Joy.
Tu es un peu dur avec toi.
I think it's hard to change at your age.
Je pense que c'est dur de changer à votre âge.
I don't think Molly understands how hard I work.
Molly ne comprend pas que je travaille dur.
Oh, God. Look at me playing hard to get. I don't think I have ever done that.
Je ne m'étais jamais fait désirer, c'est une première.
You were a little, um, hard on Megan yesterday, don't you think?
Tu as été un peu, um, dur avec Megan hier, tu ne crois pas?
Why do you think Chief Dwayne had such a hard-on for this piece of land?
Pourquoi Chef Dwayne était autant à fond sur ce terrain?
Jess hasn't been using drugs, but someone is trying really hard to make you think that she was.
Jess ne se drogue pas, mais quelqu'un essaye de vous le faire penser.
Calls like this, it's always hard. Thing is, I don't think anybody was supposed to get hurt today. What do you think?
Personne n'aurait dû être blessé, vous croyez pas?
You don't think she's working just a little too hard?
Tu ne crois pas qu'elle en fait un peu trop? Marshal Marshall Mann!
I think Natalie's a perfect partner at this point, but it's going to be hard, though.
Je pense que Natalie est une partenaire idéale en ce moment, mais ça va être difficile.
I sold the houseboat and I sold my motorcycle. And Joel and I have been working really hard on it and I think it's going to turn out really beautiful.
J'ai vendu le bateau, ma moto et Joel et moi, on a bossé dur et je crois que ça va être... très beau.
I know it's hard, Frank, but I do think it's for the best.
Je sais que c'est difficile, Frank, mais je crois que c'est pour le mieux.
Yeah, I think cases involving children are particularly hard on him.
Je crois que les affaires avec des enfants sont dures pour lui.
But when I sing that song, it's hard not to think about all of the times in my life that's happened.
Mais quand je la chante, je pense à tous les moments de ma vie où c'était comme ça.
Because I didn't think about how hard it was for you.
Je n'ai pas pensé combien c'était difficile pour toi.
I think she worked hard to fight off her attacker.
Je pense qu'elle s'est défendue.
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hardware 22
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hardworking 26