As it was tradutor Turco
12,772 parallel translation
As it was his will to take Daliyah.
Daliyah'ı almak da onun takdiri.
As thrilling as it was, none of it is admissible.
Heyecanlı olmasına rağmen bunların hiç biri kabul edilemez.
The power of the Eye was absorbed by young Jonathan, just as it was by our Miss Jenny.
Göz'ün gücü tıpkı Jenny gibi genç Jonathan'ın vücuduna hapsoldu.
As relevant today as it was then.
Bugün de hâlâ geçerli.
Well, now we've got the codex and Charlie's code-breaking, so the book isn't as useful to you as it was.
Şifre kırıcı ve Charlie'nin kod çözücüsü bizde kitap bu şekilde senin işine pek yaramaz.
Just as you left it... made sure not even a post-it note was moved,'cause I know how particular you can be about it.
Tıpkı bıraktığın gibi. Bir tane yapıştırma kağıdın bile yerini oynattırmadım. Ne kadar hassas olduğunu biliyorum.
Now these emails indicate that Colby was in fact aware of the dangerous levels of toxicity and kept it a secret as it
Bu mailler Colby'nin tehlikeli seviyedeki zehirlilikten haberi olduğuna ve sır olarak sakladığına işaret ediyor.
You know, I didn't quite know how I was gonna handle it, but my main thing was I was gonna treat him as I always treated him.
Ve açıkçası bununla nasıl baş edeceğimi bilmiyordum... ama en önemlisi ona her zaman davrandığım gibi davranacaktım.
As it turns out, the film was the only thing that convinced him I wasn't a spy.
Anlaşılan o ki, onu casus olmadığıma ikna eden tek şey o filmdi.
You know, people used to tell me that I was tempting fate, but... I mean, if it hadn't been that dog that attacked me, it could just as easily have been a drunk driver.
Bilirsin eskiden insanlar bana güzel bir kaderim olduğunu söylerlerdi lakin eğer o köpek bana saldırmasaydı sarhoş bir sürücü de olabilirdi.
I had to... it was as if I was compelled.
Ben... Sanki mecbur bırakılmış gibiydim.
So, as I've been saying all along, it was the parents.
Başından beri söylediğim gibi, aile yaptı.
- No, it's just copious examples of how this group was evil and used Will as a blood offering.
Hayır, sadece Will'i nasıl kurban olarak kullandıklarının örnekleri ile dolu.
As hard as it is to admit, I was wrong, Hulk.
Bunu kabul etmek ne kadar zor olsa da, ben hatalıydım Hulk.
I was looking at our future as something out there, when I didn't realize it was always right here.
Geleceği hep dışarıda arıyordum ama yanı başımda olduğunu fark etmedim.
It was a pact with God, and as such can never be a lie.
Tanrı'nın yoluydu ve böylesine bir yol asla yalan olmaz.
In it, blue was described as having healing properties.
Kitapta mavi şifalı özelliklere sahip olarak nitelendirilmişti.
Because you were right and I was wrong, and as crazy as it seems, you and I actually make a pretty good team.
Çünkü sen haklıydın, bense haksızdım ve ne kadar çılgınca gelse de ikimiz oldukça iyi bir takım olduk.
As for Chef, although it was painful...
Şef için... acı vericiydi ancak...
I said maybe there was a bean, even though you and I know full well there was never a bean, and I did it exactly as you said.
İkimiz de olmadığını bildiğimiz halde, belki de fasulye vardır dedim ve siz ne dediyseniz yaptım.
He was questing for the Grail and torching down each hiding place... As he annihilated it.
Kaseyi arıyormuş ve bütün saklama yerlerini ateşe vererek yok etmiş.
And you're not as weak as I once was, so if you're clinging to the darkness, you have good reason, and it's beyond temptation, so what is it?
Sen benim bir zamanlar olduğum gibi zayıf değilsin, yani karanlığa yöneliyorsan iyi bir sebebin vardır. Bunun karanlığın ayartmasıyla ilgisi yoksa ne o zaman?
It's like her brain was overloading. She couldn't get it out fast enough.
Beynine aşırı yükleme oldu ve yeterince çabuk kurtulamadı.
- As I was saying, it appears to me that this island is occupied by a rather unfriendly pack of wild dragons.
Sizi temin ederim ki her alışverişimizden zevk alıyorum. Toothless!
♪ ♪ It was as brothers that we rose together.
Birlikte büyüyen kardeşler gibiydik.
As long as he tried to use sarin on U.S. soil, it doesn't matter if it was empty...
Sadece niyeti önemser. Birleşik Devletler toprağında Sarin kullanmaya çalıştığı sürece boş olması önemli değil- -
Only way he wouldn't was if every house in the city threw a party and played jazz as loud as it could.
Yapmaması için tek bir fırsat sunmuş şehirdeki herkes son ses cazla uğraşırsa.
Soon as it's light, we'll go back to where Ginnie was attacked.
Gün doğar doğmaz, Ginnie'nin saldırıya uğradığı yere geri döneceğiz.
Remember how he always wanted to do a treasure hunt episode of Horsin'Around but the network said it was too edgy?
Herb Horsin'Around'da bir hazine avı bölümü çekmek istemişti ama kanal çok aşırı bulmuştu.
I was supposed to get something... something I could only get if you were dead... and then throw it through the breach as proof.
Senin öldüğü kanıtlayabilecek bir şeyi ele geçirip sonra da kanıt olarak gediğe atacaktım.
If you're not going to do anything with this bottle of perfume over here, would you mind if I gave it to the girl, seeing as how it was her lifelong dream and all.
Buraya parfümün bu şişe ile bir şey yapmak için gitmiyoruz ıf, I kıza verdi sakıncası olur, Onu ömür boyu rüya ve tüm nasıl olarak görüyorum.
It was no easy task to avoid him, and yet we survived, and when the compulsion ended, it was as if someone had peeled off our skin.
Ondan kaçmak kolay değildi. Ama yinede hayatta kaldık ve bu dürtü sonlandığında sanki birisi derimizi yüzmüş gibiydi.
It consumed me, and then once I did, as crazy as it is, all I wanted was a home, and New Orleans is that home... And The Strix are trying to take that, aren't they?
Beni tüketen ve sonra tükendiğimde de ne kadar çılgınca olursa olsun tek istediğim bir yuvaydı ve New Orleans o yuva ve Strix bunu almaya çalışıyor, değil mi?
Well, to be fair, if Cami had done as she was told, she'd still be here, so technically, it's her fault.
Dürüst olmak gerekirse, eğer Cami söyleneni yapmış olsaydı, hala burada olurdu. ... yani teknik olarak bu onun suçu.
Oh, and as far as Travis Tanner goes, Sexual harassment wasn't his idea. It was mine.
Cinsel taciz Travis Tanner'ın değil, benim fikrimdi aslında.
In the first place, he could sure as hell get her To say it was her idea.
Böyle söylemesi için onu ikna etmiştir.
It was as you said it would be.
Söylediğiniz gibiydi.
And as long as we're assigning blame here, if anyone drove him into Etai Luskin's arms, it was you.
Ve sürece burada suçu atama gibi, Herkes Etai Luskin kucağına onu sürdü eğer, o sendin.
Meanwhile, we're analyzing the video for clues as to where and when it was made.
Bu arada ipucu bulmak için videoyu analiz edeceğiz videonun nerede çekildiği veya ne zaman çekildiğine dair.
You see it as breaking bread, in actuality, he was sampling the meagerness of our sustenance.
Siz onun yemek yediğini görüyorsunuz ama aslında erzağımızın sayısına bakıyordu. - Sayımızın azaldığını biliyorlar.
As I was saying, it's good to see everyone.
Dediğim gibi, sizleri gördüğüme sevindim.
I just got to know if Ivy town was as good as it gets for us, because we've come back here.
Sadece Ivy Town sandığımız kadar iyi mi geldi bize bilmek istiyorum çünkü buraya geri döndük.
Before the city went to crap, it was touted as the most secure building on the west coast.
Şehir boka sarmadan önce batı yakasındaki en güvenli bina sayılıyordu.
As much as your speech was about outing Darhk, it was also about sending the message that you're not afraid anymore.
Her ne kadar konuşman Darhk hakkında olsa bile.. ... aynı zamanda artık korkmadığına dair verilmiş bir mesajdı da.
I mean, it was fantasy, but still, we secretly knew as long as she was a vampire, it's all it was.
Yani, bu fantezi, ama yine de, Biz gizlice she sürece biliyordu O was her bir vampir olduğunu oldu.
When she told me what happened to her, it was as if all the lights in the room went on...
Ona ne olduğunu anlattığında, sanki odadaki tüm ışık yok olmuştu.
Yeah, it was the first commercially successful American wall clock to have the pendulum suspended in front of the weight case and the weight attached to a pulley.
Evet, sarkacı, makaraya bağlı ağırlık kutusunun önünde asılı olan ticari anlamdaki ilk Amerikan saati.
Well, much as I'm sure your client would enjoy playing volleyball with a gaggle of white-collar criminals, we're talking about murder here, and we have reason to believe that it was more than just Criolla.
Müvekkilin bir grup beyaz yakalı suçluyla voleybol oynasaydı güzel olurdu ama burada cinayetten bahsediyoruz ayrıca cinayetlerin Criolla ile sınırlı kalmadığına inanıyoruz.
You ran a mile and delivered a note still as crisp and as neatly folded as the moment it was given to you, yet only paid a farthing.
Bir mil koştun ve notu ulaştırdın üstelik sana verildiği andaki kadar düzenli ve kıvrıştırılmamış bir şekilde yine de bir çeyreklik ödüyor.
But it was my duty as your wife to tell you.
Ama karın olarak bunu sana söylemek benim görevim.
It seems like only yesterday I was baptizing you as Osbert, and then again as Uhtred.
Seni önce Osbert ve sonra da Uthred olarak vaftiz edişim daha dünmüş gibi geliyor.
as it is 114
as it happens 259
as it were 352
as it is in heaven 21
as it goes 32
as it stands 27
as it turns out 330
as it turned out 75
as it should be 53
as it so happens 16
as it happens 259
as it were 352
as it is in heaven 21
as it goes 32
as it stands 27
as it turns out 330
as it turned out 75
as it should be 53
as it so happens 16
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it wasn't that bad 112
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was a mistake 473
it wasn't hard 37
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it wasn't that bad 112
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was a mistake 473
it wasn't hard 37
it was beautiful 226
it was good 635
it was a 305
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it wasn't fair 35
it was nice 232
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233
it was good 635
it was a 305
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it wasn't fair 35
it was nice 232
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233