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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ B ] / Beauty queen lemon

Beauty queen lemon tradutor Português

83 parallel translation
- Beauty queen Lemon?
- Miss Lemon?
Thank you, Beauty queen Lemon.
Obrigado, Miss Lemon.
Beauty queen Lemon dreams with the perfect system of filing, what it will leave backwards all the other systems.
Miss Lemon sonha com o sistema perfeito de arquivamento, que deixará para trás todos os outros sistemas.
Beauty queen Lemon, we are going to be out up to tomorrow.
Miss Lemon, vamos estar fora até amanhã.
And what about the musicals, Beauty queen Lemon?
E que tal os musicais, Miss Lemon?
Excellent work, Beauty queen Lemon.
Excelente trabalho, Miss Lemon.
Of turn to a Monsieur Raffles, Beauty queen Lemon.
De volta ao Monsieur Raffles, Miss Lemon.
Ask please the Beauty queen Lemon what takes notice of an Inspector-chief Japp.
Peça por favor a Miss Lemon que ligue ao Inspector-Chefe Japp.
Cancel all my promises for this morning, Beauty queen Lemon.
Cancele todos os meus compromissos para esta manhã, Miss Lemon.
- All, Beauty queen Lemon.
- Todas, Miss Lemon.
- Thank you, Beauty queen Lemon.
- Obrigada, Miss Lemon.
The Beauty queen Lemon he says what he does tartes.
A Miss Lemon diz que ele faz tartes.
Beauty queen Lemon... you are marvellous!
Miss Lemon... você é maravilhosa!
What plays the fool, Beauty queen Lemon.
Que disparate, Miss Lemon.
What it finds, Beauty queen Lemon?
O que acha, Miss Lemon?
- Good morning, Beauty queen Lemon.
- Bom dia, Miss Lemon.
Poirot has no colds, Beauty queen Lemon.
Poirot não tem constipações, Miss Lemon.
Beauty queen Lemon, yesterday it was yesterday.
Miss Lemon, ontem foi ontem.
I am preoccupied by the Poirot, Beauty queen Lemon.
Estou preocupado com o Poirot, Miss Lemon.
Beauty queen Lemon, my tisane, please.
Miss Lemon, a minha tisana, por favor.
Co'a brakes, Beauty queen Lemon, I am very much preoccupied about the keys.
Co'a breca, Miss Lemon, estou muito preocupado com as chaves.
Order and method, Beauty queen Lemon.
Ordem e método, Miss Lemon.
The Lagonda has a hole, Beauty queen Lemon.
O Lagonda tem um furo, Miss Lemon.
The grey celulazinhas, Beauty queen Lemon.
As celulazinhas cinzentas, Miss Lemon.
- Yes, Beauty queen Lemon?
- Sim, Miss Lemon?
Where it is does it link, Beauty queen Lemon?
Onde está ela, Miss Lemon?
Perhaps be afraid of knots, Beauty queen Lemon.
Talvez tenha medo de nós, Miss Lemon.
- Good night, Beauty queen Lemon.
- Boa noite, Miss Lemon.
Have calm, Beauty queen Lemon.
Tenha calma, Miss Lemon.
Beauty queen Lemon, looks!
Miss Lemon, olhe!
- I know, Beauty queen Lemon.
- Eu sei, Miss Lemon.
Beauty queen Lemon, can call to an Inspector Japp, please?
Miss Lemon, pode ligar ao Inspector Japp, por favor?
This is true, a Beauty queen Lemon.
Isso é verdade, Miss Lemon.
Beauty queen Lemon, I thought that it had already gone away.
Miss Lemon, pensei que já tivesse ido embora.
This work, Beauty queen Lemon, for times it is not so so clear.
Este trabalho, Miss Lemon, por vezes não é assim tão claro.
- Very much thank you, Beauty queen Lemon.
- Muito obrigado, Miss Lemon.
Tomorrow, well very early, Beauty queen Lemon, it would like what was accompanying me in a visit to Mademoiselle Barrowby.
Amanhã, bem cedinho, Miss Lemon, gostaria que me acompanhasse numa visita a Mademoiselle Barrowby.
- I am not sure, Beauty queen Lemon.
- Não tenho a certeza, Miss Lemon.
This makes me remember yours childlike rigmarole, Beauty queen Lemon.
Isto faz-me lembrar a vossa lengalenga infantil, Miss Lemon.
There is cat here, Beauty queen Lemon.
Aqui há gato, Miss Lemon.
It does not prefer to wait in the taxi, Beauty queen Lemon?
Não prefere esperar no táxi, Miss Lemon?
Beauty queen Lemon.
Miss Lemon.
- Excellent, Beauty queen Lemon.
- Excelente, Miss Lemon.
And now, it is time of my tea, Beauty queen Lemon.
E agora, está na hora do meu chá, Miss Lemon.
Beauty queen Lemon, imagines a history.
Miss Lemon, imagine uma história.
But, first, Does beauty queen Lemon, have two pennies?
Mas, primeiro, Miss Lemon, tem dois pennies?
- For the telephone, Beauty queen Lemon.
- Para o telefone, Miss Lemon.
Come, Beauty queen Lemon.
Venha, Miss Lemon.
You also, Beauty queen Lemon.
Você também, Miss Lemon.
I lament, Beauty queen Lemon, it will change them to me of perfume.
Lamento, Miss Lemon, mas terá de mudar de perfume.
Beauty queen Lemon, cover the typewriter.
Miss Lemon, tape a máquina de escrever.

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