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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ M ] / Mount up

Mount up tradutor Português

399 parallel translation
We're goin'. Mount up. We're goin'now.
Subam todos.
My debts do mount up, don't they, major?
As dívidas estão a aumentar.
Let's mount up.
Mount up.
Mount up.
All right, mount up.
Vamos lá, toca a montar.
Come on, mount up.
Vamos, montem.
Mount up and head'em off!
Suba para a cerca e evite-os!
We can still mount up some kind of a detail, sir.
Ainda podemos montar com uma parte do destacamento, senhor.
Mount up.
- Mount up, Ballad.
- Sobe para o cavalo, Ballad.
If you don't mount up, you'll be resting here a long time.
Se você não montar, você estará descansando aqui um longo tempo.
You, mount up.
Você, montar.
Now, mount up.
Agora, montem.
Mount up, before I blast ya all over the street.
Suma daqui antes que eu o faça em pedaços.
All right, boys. Let's mount up.
Certo, vamos embora, rapazes.
All right, men, mount up!
Muito bem, homens! Montem!
I said mount up!
Eu disse, montem.
All right, boy, mount up.
Vamos, suba.
Mount up. PEQQY -
Pode montar, Peggy.
You heard me, Kirby. Mount up.
Você ouviu-me, Kirby?
Mount up.
Toca a montar.
Let's mount up. ( water sloshing ) You and Hoss hunted this country, didn't you?
Vamos montar.
Those of you with horses, mount up. The rest of you, fall in.
Quem tem cavalo, monta, os outros em forma!
Mount up.
Mount up some riders.
Reúne alguns cavaleiros.
All right, mount up,
Vamos lá, montem.
We'll mount up, and we'll jump her and follow her.
Vamos, Travis, vamos montar na Jumper e vamos segui-lo.
All right... Mount up, we're moving in!
Está bem, montem, vamos!
Why don't you find a horse and mount up, Lieutenant Graham?
Porque não arranja um cavalo e monta, Tenente Graham?
Mount up!
Mount up the troop, Lieutenant, we're going back home.
Faça as tropas montar, Tenente, vamos para casa.
Now, mount up.
Agora, monte.
I need some volunteers. Mount up.
O capitão Coburn está em dificuldades.
Now you're going down them stairs and mount up.
Agora desça aquelas escadas e monte.
Sergeant, mount up.
Sargento, montar.
Troopers, mount up.
Soldados, montem.
Mount up and leave, peaceful and orderly.
Monte e parta. Em paz e calmamente.
The 1st Battalion began the long, rugged climb up Mount Sammucro.
O primeiro batalhão iniciou a longa e acidentada subida pelo Monte Sammucro acima.
He's been laid up. He took a fall helping us mount the cannon.
Está a descansar, caiu ao ajudar-nos a montar o canhão.
Mount up!
The last news was that they went up Mount Sneffels with some heavily laden donkeys. Yes?
As ultimas noticias é que subiram Snaeffels com burros carregados.
Let's back up and see if you can turn that Mount Everest of manure into a few facts.
Transforme esse Monte Everest de porcaria em factos.
You mount up.
All right, mount up.
You just named your own poison. You're going to mop up Gavabutu and mount the invasion of Levu-Vana.
Vai limpar Gavabutu e preparar a invasão de Levu Vana.
Here, we are halfway up the Mount of the Beatitudes.
Aqui, estamos a meio caminho do topo do Monte das Bem-aventuranças.
- Mount up.
- Sargento!
Of all God's animals they're the cleverest They develop these remarkable features running up and down Mount Everest
Eu lhe falarei diretamente podia-lhe contar histórias que o fascinariam... eu conheço o comércio.
Runnin'up and down Mount Everest?
Mas pelo seu vai-e-vem.

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