Off with you tradutor Português
4,791 parallel translation
All this does not mean that I'm not still basically pissed off with you.
Tudo isto não quer dizer que não esteja danado contigo.
Out of the way, off with you.
Saiam da frente, todos.
Maybe you forgot that while you were off with your wildling bitch, but I didn't.
Talvez o tenhas esquecido enquanto andavas com a tua puta selvagem, mas eu não.
Joey said he dropped him off with you, right?
O Joey disse que o deixou contigo, certo?
Well maybe if you spent less time goofing off with your friends and more time actually paying attention you'd understand.
Bem, talvez se gastasses menos tempo a conversar com os amigos e mais tempo realmente prestando atenção entenderias.
And if I'm honest with you, I'm kind of glad to have her off my hands.
E para ser sincero, estou contente por me ter livrado dela.
If the worse that happens during your time with us is that you suffer the indignity of an old man seeing your cock then I'd say you got off light.
Se o pior que acontecer enquanto estiveres connosco for sofreres a indignidade de um velho ver a tua pila, eu diria que tiveste sorte.
You gonna take off with her?
Vais pirar-te com ela?
I think we just found our first piece of evidence... to get you guys off the hook with Kane.
Encontrámos a primeira prova para safá-los do Kane.
You know, when your radar goes off, you usually wind up with stitches?
Você sabe, quando o radar dispara, você geralmente acaba com pontos?
Acabei de falar com a Jamie.
I mean, I'd rather stay here with you guys but our careers aren't even close to being off the ground.
Preferia ficar cá convosco mas as nossas carreiras nem sequer estão com os pés assentes na terra.
You knock her off her feet with your confident suggestion of a night out.
Surpreende-la com a tua sugestão confiante de uma saída à noite.
I'll get more out of her in half an hour than you'll get all night... with your bullshit cop attitude, so why don't you back the fuck off?
Vou tirar mais dela em meia hora do que tu a noite toda... com a tua atitude policial de merda, então porque não paras com isso?
You get a text message from a significant other with one exclamation point when you expected three exclamation points, and the next thing you know you're right off the cliff, descending fast into crazy valley.
Recebes um SMS de alguém de quem gostas com 1 ponto de exclamação, quando esperavas ( Vejo-te logo à noite! ) 3 pontos de exclamação, e quando dás por isso estás à beira do precipício, a cair vertiginosamente no vale da loucura.
And then--and then the monitor starting going off, and so there I was, you know, laying in the sand just with piss all over myself and this loud alarm going off.
E depois... E depois o alarme disparou. E, portanto, ali estava eu, sabes, deitado na areia, cheio de xixi por todo o lado e com aquele alarme aos berros.
Six months with time off, you'll be out in three.
Seis meses com redução, vais sair em três meses.
Didn't it occur to you that she could just run off with all the fucking gold?
Não pensaste que ela podia fugir com o ouro todo?
Neither have I. Which is why we're going to give you a break and let you off with a warning. Ready?
Está preparada?
You fought her off with a houseplant?
Derrotaste-a com uma planta doméstica?
You really wanna piss him off, go with me.
Se queres mesmo irritá-lo, vai comigo.
Would you just knock it off with him?
Não consegues deixar de olhar para ele?
- I'm not taking off without you. I'm taking you with me.
Só saio contigo comigo.
But when the scientists from the future... come to my house with robot eyes... and they tell me to try them on... I'm gonna tell those scientists to piss off, because... because Gus, I don't even want to see a world without you.
Mas quando os cientistas do futuro vierem a minha casa com olhos robóticos e me disserem para experimentá-los... vou mandá-los passear, porque... porque não quero ver um mundo em que não existas.
Professor Kaman, I don't mean to come off so direct or with any disrespect, but I'm concerned about what you're teaching in your class.
Professor Kaman, eu não quero parecer demasiado directo ou desrespeitador, mas estou preocupado com o que está a ensinar na sua aula.
So, you guys didn't take off with Moose.
Então, voces não foram com o Moose.
And this light, you've gotta turn on and off with this turny kind of thing.
E esta luz deve ligar com esta coisa aqui.
Listen to me- - your illegal with the Morticia Addams hair and the hot skirts is a fantasy you've been jerking off to as far as we can tell.
A tua Agente com cabelo de Mortícia Adams deve ser uma fantasia, para te masturbares. - Ela não existe.
Can I have a quick word with you about the vote for the bonus and my lay-off?
Podemos conversar cinco minutos? É sobre a votação que vocês fizeram sobre o abono e a perda do meu emprego.
Look, if you're gonna just cut my head off and parade it around the square, I don't need to help you with that.
Olha, se vais cortar a minha cabeça e exibi-la na praça, não preciso de te ajudar nisso.
Okay, I'm assuming you're talking about the trilogy that starts off with Charlton Heston frolicking naked with a black astronaut.
Bom, presumo que estejas a falar da trilogia que começa com Charlton Heston a brincar nu com uma astronauta negra.
I thought you ran off with the rock and roll circus.
Eu pensei que tinhas fugido com o circo do rock and roll.
I-I thought you ran off with a rock and roll circus.
Eu-Eu pensei que tinhas fugido com o circo do rock and roll.
You know that Fontenot girl, remember, goin'off with her daddy?
Lembras-te daquela miúda, a Fontenot, que se foi embora com o pai?
Can I start you guys off with an order of our freedom tots?
Vamos começar pela especialidade da casa?
Look, every day, you find a new way... to get your damn head blown off and mine along with it.
Ouve, todos os dias arranjas uma maneira nova de nos rebentarem com os miolos.
You want to sit here and play Barney Badass with me and break me off for 300 bucks, or would you like to make $ 2,000 a week?
Queres ficar aqui a fazer-te de bom e arrancar-me 300 dólares ou ganhar 2 mil por semana?
You're a show-off, Pottinger, with your big words, your hand lotion, your TV screens.
Ès um exibido, Pottinger, com as tuas grandes palavras, o teu creme para as mãos, teus televisores.
You're starting it off with the, er... backward fourth, right?
Estão a iniciar com o... para trás quarto, certo?
- But you ran off with it instead.
- Mas não o levaste de volta.
There must be something wrong with my eyes cos I can't take'em off you.
Devo ter um problema nos olhos, pois não consigo tirá-los de ti.
You're fucking off with my money!
Ias fugir com o meu dinheiro.
Look, I know you've been dealing with a few of your rigs getting picked off as well.
Sei que alguns dos teus camiões também têm sido roubados.
- How do you square yourself off with God with something like this?
- Como te vês com Deus? Com estas coisas?
I mean... it... next morning, I come out with my.22, and I'm gonna finish it off, you know?
Na manhã a seguir, fui lá com a minha.22 e ia terminar com aquilo, estás a ver?
Can I please get off the phone with you and not feel like shit?
Posso, por favor, desligar o telefone e não me sentir na merda?
If they take it off of you and beat you up, you go around their houses at night and burn them down with their families inside. What's the worst they can do?
Se se meterem contigo e te baterem, vais até casa deles, à noite, e incendeias-lhes as casas, com as famílias lá dentro.
Hey, I was thinking, next time you guys go hit the links, maybe I could dust off my clubs and play a round with you?
Estava a pensar, da próxima vez que forem jogar talvez pudesse tirar o pó aos tacos e juntar-me a vocês?
Look, unless you want to find yourself slapped with a police-brutality suit, you better take your hands off me right now.
Ouça, a não ser que queira que lhe instaure um processo por brutalidade policial, é melhor tirar as mãos de cima de mim, agora.
It was a pleasure co-parenting with you tonight, and I'm gonna hit the road before the nitrous wears off.
Foi um prazer ser pai contigo esta noite e vou pôr-me a andar antes que passe o efeito do nitroso.
off with his head 28
off with their heads 18
with you 1138
with you by my side 17
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with your 48
with your mother 23
with your help 124
with your wife 28
off with their heads 18
with you 1138
with you by my side 17
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with your 48
with your mother 23
with your help 124
with your wife 28
with your dad 25
with your father 34
with your life 24
with your hands 23
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
with your father 34
with your life 24
with your hands 23
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
younger 104
you tell 24
you got a pen 63
you are 6060
you know that 5741
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
younger 104
you tell 24
you got a pen 63
you are 6060
you know that 5741