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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ P ] / Pull him up

Pull him up tradutor Português

231 parallel translation
- All right, pull him up.
- Puxa-o para cima.
Pull him up!
- Pull him up!
- Puxa-o!
Come on, pull him up.
Vá, puxa-o.
Pull him up, pull him up.
Vá lá. Puxa-o, puxa-o.
- Pull him up.
- Puxa-o.
Pull him up.
- Yes, yes, come on, comrades, pull him up.
Sim, sim, vamos, camaradas. Levantem-no....
Pull him up.
Saquem-no fora.
Pull him up. Come on, Quint, bring him in.
Vá lá, Quint, traga-o para cima.
I want to you to breeze him for a half mile... then pull him up, nice and easy.
E então, quero que o arrefeças por uma meia milha... empurrando-o com calma e devagar.
Pull him up!
Pull him up, Nappy!
Puxe-o, Nappy!
The little fucker had thrown all my papers all over the floor. All I tried to do was pull him up.
O sacaninha atirou-me com a papelada e agarrei-o.
- Pull him up.
- Não tenho tubos.
- I have no pipe. - Pull him up onto the roof.
Iça-o para o telhado.
Pull him up!
Okay, buddy, pull him up.
Muito bem, parceiro. Puxa-o.
Hey, pull him up.
Hey, subam-no.
Pull him up, boys.
lcem-no, rapazes!
No, pull him up.
Puxe para cima.
We got to pull him up.
Temos de o trazer acima.
Pull him up!
- Then pull him up.
- Então puxe-o para cima!
Pull him up!
Puxa-o para cima!
Pull him up.
Pull him up. Put some water on him.
Deita-lhe água.
Get your dog to rally them hogs around the tree. Reach down your loop, pull up your pig and go to work on him.
Quando todos os porcos estão ao redor, baixa a corda, laça e faz o seu trabalho.
Pull the black up, get him up there.
Puxa o preto para cima, põe-o a andar.
Okay, pull him up!
Ok, podem puxar!
"All right," says Rosy, starts to get up. I pull him down.
Rosy levantou-se, mas eu o fiz sentar outra vez.
Pull up! I'll get him off.
Suba, Boomer.
Pull up ahead of him.
Encosta à frente dele.
Pull up. I'll head him off.
Suba, eu irei interceptá-lo.
You know, if this doesn't stop him, you gotta pull over... and put your hands up, pal, because the man is holy.
Sabes, se isto não parar ele, vais ter que encostar... e pôr as tuas mãos no ar, parceiro, porque este homem deve ser santo.
Se o René me elevasse nos seus fortes braços, chegava ao pé dele e puxava-o para baixo.
Who'll make sure he doesn't pull up, if it gets too scary for him?
Quem é que se certifica que ele não sobe se ficar assustado?
Well, live and let live, I say, but when I pull up next to him at the light, your wife leans over and gives him the finger.
Bem, deixai-o ir, pensei eu. Mas quando parei ao lado dele num semáforo, a tua mulher inclina-se e estica-lhe o dedo.
Maybe it will remind him of the good old days, when we used to drive to the poor side of town, and pull up next to some old guy, and ask him for change of 1000.
Talvez o cheiro deste cheque volte a acordar o Steve. Talvez ele se lembre dos bons velhos tempos, quando íamos até ao lado pobre da cidade, estacionávamos junto a um velhote e lhe pedíamos troco de mil.
If I told him about us, your pull would dry up.
Se lhe contar sobre nós, ficas em maus lençóis.
Any attempt to pull him up would snap him like a twig.
Qualquer tentativa de o puxar, lhe partiria o pé como um ramo.
If Thad Beaumont shows up, you pull him in on suspicion...
Se o Thad Beaumont aparecer, prenda-o por suspeita.
Pull up to him.
Encosta-te a ele.
Angh! You pick it up, pull, and throw it right back at him! All right!
Apanhamo-la, despoletamo-la e lançamo-la de volta!
Pull him up, Foy.
Puxa-o, Foy.
Let's string him up by his pull string! - I got dibs on his hat!
Pendurem-no pelo fio dele.
When I pull him up, brain him with the gnome.
And when you pick him up at daycare, you can't pull up to the curb anymore.
Quando fores buscá-lo, não podes parar no passeio.
And then he put his hand up to me. So I tried to pull him on board... but Bilson stopped me.
depois deu-me a mão e eu tentei puxá-lo para dentro do barco.
Let's get him out! Pull up!
Puxem-no para cima!
Then pull me in and pick him up.
Então retire-me e prenda-o.

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