These are good people tradutor Português
118 parallel translation
These are good people, so calm down!
Olha mia filha... essa são gente boa no comércio, fica tranqüila, sabias?
This is a good town and these are good people.
Esta é uma cidade de bem e as pessoas são boas.
But these are good people... so I shall take them to the seventh world.
Mas estas são boas pessoas.. então levá-las-ei para o sétimo mundo.
This is a good school.these are good people.
Uma boa escola, e o pessoal é muito porreiro.
These are good people, Padmé.
Esta gente é boa.
These are good people.
São boas pessoas.
- These are good people by and large but they're under the thumb of a dictatorial ruler.
- Estas pessoas são muito boas mas estão sob o domínio de uma governante ditatorial.
These are good people who happened to make mistakes.
Tratam-se de boas pessoas que cometeram erros.
These are good people, Daniel.
Estas pessoas são boas, Daniel.
Oh, come on, Alvin. These are good people.
- Ora, Alvin, eles são boa gente!
These are good people, Joy.
Eles têm direito a aprender.
These are good people. I mean, they can sing, they can dance, they can even mop up afterwards. You can't find help like that.
Podem cantar, dançar, e depois fazer a limpeza!
These are the good people that found me in the jungle.
São as boas pessoas que me resgataram.
What are you telling these good people?
O que estás dizendo a estas pessoas?
We have good reason to believe that these are the people that direct the organization.
Temos boas razões para pensar que são os que dirigem a organização.
I hope these people are good.
Eu espero que sejam boas pessoas.
- These are nice, good people.
- São pessoas simpáticas, George.
These people are good.
É gente boa.
Now if these good people... Jaime, Les, Dave, or any of their friends... catch a cold, stub their toe, or if there are any more fires in this town... the pictures that Miss Allen took... showing you committing the crime of arson... will be given to the district attorney, and then distributed to the newspapers.
Se estas pessoas de bem, Jaime, Les, Dave, ou qualquer amigo deles se constipar, magoar um dedo, ou se houver mais algum incêndio nesta cidade, as fotos que Miss Allen tirou mostrando que cometeram o crime de incêndio premeditado
These people are no good.
Estas pessoas não prestam para nada.
Good people throughout Christendom... are directing their gaze at these venerable walls... anxiously awaiting our answer to the vexed question :
Por toda a Cristandade, boas pessoas continuam a observar estas quatro paredes, à espera ansiosamente da nossa resposta para a questão melindrosa :
I'm paying good money to stay here... and these noisy people are raising all kinds of hell.
Estou a pagar bom dinheiro a ficar aqui e estes barulhentos estão aqui a armar o diabo.
Good luck, then, sweetheart,'cause these are some of the kindest people in the world, Camille.
Ei, boa sorte então, docinho, porque essas são algumas das mais gentis pessoas do mundo, Camille.
- Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the joining of these two good people in holy matrimony.
Convidados, estamos aqui para juntar estas duas pessoas pelo matrimónio.
Until you can understand that there are delicate politics involved not to mention economics you're only going to do these people more harm than good.
Até compreenderes que há políticas delicadas envolvidas, para não falar em economias, só irás fazer a estas pessoas mais mal do que bem.
'When you meet the happiest people you've ever known'who introduce you to the most loving people you've ever met,'and you find the leader to be the most inspired,'compassionate and understanding,'the cause something you never thought could be accomplished, 'and all this sounds too good to be true... it probably is. 'Because these men are not only'some of the most charismatic people of the 20th century,
Quando se encontra com as pessoas mais felizes que já viu... que lhe apresentam as pessoas mais amáveis que já encontrou... e o líder é o mais inspirado, piedoso e compreensivo... a causa é algo que nunca esperou que fosse alcançado... e tudo isto parece bom demais para ser verdade... e provavelmente é, porque estes homens... são uns dos mais carismáticos do século 20... e são também uns dos mais perigosos.
Okay, you zeros, these people are paying us good money.
Está bem, seus zeros.
These people are good people.
Esta gente é boa gente.
- Good. Are you friends with these people?
- És amiga desta gente?
[Groans] People, these are all good ideas -
Pessoal, são todas boas ideias.
These are good people.
Isto é boa gente.
You are gonna get a lot of work ripping these people to shreds and looking good doing it.
Vais ter muito trabalho a esfrangalhar essas pessoas e a ter sucesso ao fazê-lo.
I have learned a lot about what works... and does not work between two people... and I can tell you these kids are in good shape.
E posso dizer-te que este casal está em muito bom estado.
Wonder what these people are up to, huh? Good job, partner.
Sabemos o que esta gente anda a fazer.
These are good people.
Esta gente é honesta.
Listen to me... these are Tarkans, they're good people.
Escute-me, eles são "tarkans", boa gente.
Your world has these rules that force good people to lie, even to those they are closest to.
O vosso mundo tem regras que forçam as pessoas a mentir, mesmo a quem lhes é mais próximo.
These are the good people who make up Peace Fresno. A community group in Fresno, California.
Estas são as pessoas de bem que formam a Peace Fresno, um grupo comunitário de Fresno, na Califórnia.
But when the good people of Halloweentown realize that humans have not changed. that they are still these lying. backward, wretched creatures...
Mas quando as pessoas boas de Halloweentown perceberem que os humanos não mudaram que eles ainda são criaturas miseráveis que mentem, voltam atrás...
If I think like you, what good are these 2 million people?
Se fosse como tu, estava-me a baldar para tudo.
And these people, these worshippers are young and healthy and good looking.
Estas pessoas... estes adoradores são jovens, saudáveis e bonitos.
And these people, these worshippers are young and healthy and good looking.
E estas pessoas, estes idólatras, são jovens, saudáveis e bonitos.
25 ¢, 25 ¢ a tuft! These are good boots you people sold me.
Bem boas, estas botas que me venderam.
What these people are doing, good or bad, makes the lunar landing look like we were testing our toes in the ocean. And what have we got to show for it?
O que eles fazem aqui, bom ou mau, faz com que a aterragem na lua seja insignificante, o que temos para o mostrar?
These people are the good, church-goin'type.
Estas pessoas são boas, do tipo que vão a Igreja.
- These are really good people here. - Yeah.
É tudo boa gente.
At the seminars, you get the impression that... the senior people here are good at dealing with these things.
Nos seminários, ficamos com a sensação de que os seniores são bons em lidar com este tipo de coisas.
Okay, look, I know you love Logan and the Huntzbergers... and you already have the wedding invitations printed and ready to go... but I have to tell you, these are not good people.
Bem, eu sei que adoram o Logan e os Huntzbergers... e que já têm os convites de casamento impressos e preparados, mas tenho de dizer : eles não são boa gente.
Look, I know you serve these people, but if you're right, and eventually they lose their ability to control the chair, well, at that point, what good are they?
Olhe, eu sei como serve esta gente, mas, se tiver razão e eles perderem a capacidade de comandar a cadeira, - nesse momento, de que servem eles?
These people just want to make sure that we're doing good, and we are, right?
Estas pessoas apenas se querem certificar, de que estamos bem, e estamos, certo?
Good God, these people are all naked.
Caramba, estão todos nus!
these are for you 196
these are my parents 38
these are your friends 17
these are my friends 112
these are 200
these are my children 16
these are my people 41
these are delicious 19
these are their stories 161
these are beautiful 38
these are my parents 38
these are your friends 17
these are my friends 112
these are 200
these are my children 16
these are my people 41
these are delicious 19
these are their stories 161
these are beautiful 38
these are amazing 39
these are mine 45
these are the rules 19
these are the 22
these are yours 24
these are nice 28
these are great 61
these are good 54
these are really good 21
these are your people 17
these are mine 45
these are the rules 19
these are the 22
these are yours 24
these are nice 28
these are great 61
these are good 54
these are really good 21
these are your people 17
these are facts 19
these are people 17
these are so good 16
good people 154
these 760
theseus 51
these things take time 64
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these days 368
these people 330
these are people 17
these are so good 16
good people 154
these 760
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these people 330