They know that tradutor Português
9,326 parallel translation
They know that blacks like Ross more!
Eles sabem que os negros gostam mais da Ross!
I beg your pardon, my lady, but they know that a Stark beheaded their father.
Desculpai, mas eles sabem que um Stark decapitou o pai deles.
They know that more than half of you are women and children.
Sabem que mais de metade são mulheres e crianças.
Okay, so, they're not very good, and they know that, right?
Está bem. Portanto... Eles não são muito bons.
The embassy can do something... only if they know that we've setup a camp.
A embaixada pode fazer alguma coisa se souberem que montámos um campo.
They know that it happened in the house.
Eles sabem que aconteceu na casa.
They know that if we're a united front, we can't lose.
Sabem que, se formos uma frente unida, seremos imbatíveis.
They know that, Howard. Oh.
- Eles sabem, Howard.
Because they know that my voice, a voice that refuses to be enslaved, once lived in you.
Porque sabiam que a minha voz, uma voz que recusa ser escravizada, outrora viveu em vocês.
They get cranky when they're hungry, baby, you know that.
Querida, sabes que eles ficam irritadiços quando estão com fome.
You know, if they take a personal belonging... Something that you treasure... Then there's no escape from them.
Sabes, se pegarem numa coisa pessoal, uma coisa que aprecias muito, não há como escapar-lhes.
You know all they had to claim - was that their lives were in danger.
Eles só precisaram dizer que estavam em perigo.
But when they say "Mayor of Brentwood," I know what they mean when they're saying that.
Mas quando dizem "Presidente de Brentwood", eu sei o que querem dizer.
You know, after that glove thing, they should just call off the rest of this trial.
Depois daquela coisa das luvas, deviam cancelar o resto do julgamento.
All I know is... Rain that fall in Virginia get burned off by the sun... Rise up to the clouds, and then them clouds, they drift away.
Tudo aquilo que sei é que... a chuva que cai na Virginia, é queimada pelo Sol... sobre para as nuvens, e depois as nuvens afastam-se.
That's why they bark. Look, I know they're a pain in the ass, but we need to figure out a way to get along.
Eu sei que elas são umas chatas, mas temos que arranjar uma maneira de nos entendermos.
No one will know that they are in your possession.
Ninguém irá saber que estão em sua posse.
And then, here is all the men on that list, you know, who would buy the old Faberge egg even if they knew that that item was stolen.
E depois, aqui está uma lista de todos os homens, sabes, que comprariam o velho ovo Fabergé, mesmo sabendo que tinha sido roubado.
Dent, they got him in general population now, F Wing. You know what that means?
Dent puseram-no na população geral, ala F. Sabes o que isso significa?
The public, the people of Gotham? The ones you and I serve? They have to know, they have to see that we're impartial, you understand?
Mas o povo de Gotham, povo esse que nós os dois servimos, tem de saber, tem de ver que somos imparciais, percebe?
It's obvious that they know.
É evidente que eles sabem.
Yeah, but they don't know that.
Mas eles não sabem disso.
They wouldn't know that, though, would they?
Mas eles não sabem disso, pois não?
You know what they call that?
Sabes o que chamam a isso?
You know, your eyes, they're sparkling like the Nile. You know that? Fuck!
Sabes, os teus olhos cintilam como o Nilo...
They don't know that Reagan's coming.
Não sabem que Reagan vem aí.
You know, like the way that he looks at you... or the way they get a little bit desperate at some point.
Sabes, a forma como ele olha para nós. Ou a forma como ficam um pouco desesperados a certa altura.
- It's about stones. It's, I don't know, set in Iceland, where, I guess, they have this weird mythology where stones turn into trolls, or something, only that's a red herring, because, really, it's this serial killer, but, for a while, you think it is trolls, and, I don't know.
É sobre pedras, sei lá, passa-se na Islândia, onde acho que eles têm este mito estranho, em que as pedras se transformam em tróis, ou assim, mas é uma manobra de diversão, pois, na verdade, é um assassino em série.
This is just until they can find someone to take care of all three of you together, you know that, right?
Este é apenas até que eles possam encontrar alguém para cuidar de todos os três de você juntos, você sabe disso, certo?
They take note of that immediately, you know.
Eles memorizam imediatamente, você sabe.
What? - You know, The Sopranos could have just been a show about mob guys that people forgot, but they made it, like, a piece of art.
- Por exemplo, Os Sopranos podia ter sido uma série sobre a máfia já esquecida, mas tornou-se numa obra de arte.
We will build an army so secret that not even the soldiers will know they've enlisted.
Construiremos um exército tão secreto que nem mesmo os soldados saberão que se alistaram.
They don't know that I'm onto them.
Eles não sabem que os topei.
All right? We can't be telling them anything that they don't even know.
Não lhes podemos contar uma coisa que eles ainda não sabem.
They know when they're onto a good thing, I'll say that for them!
Eles sabem quando estão numa coisa boa, digo isto por eles!
So... so what happens if, I don't know, they found out that the converter couldn't work for a sustained period of time?
Então, o que acontece se descobrissem que o conversor não podia funcionar durante um longo período de tempo?
See, I don't know about that,'cause the thing about dead people is, they don't try to kill you.
Isso já não sei, porque o bom dos mortos é que não nos tentam matar.
You know, all of the costumed ghouls that were working at Satan's Palace, they had two zippers on the front of their costumes. Now this guy has none.
Todos os mascarados de demónio a trabalhar no Palácio de Satanás tinham dois fechos na parte da frente das máscaras, mas este tipo não tem nenhum.
The good news for us is that, you know, given all the things they can do now... - The technology. - At the lab, even if he washed that murder weapon down with bleach, we could get his prints off it.
As boas notícias para nós são, tu sabes, com tudo o que fazem agora nos laboratórios, mesmo que ele tivesse lavado a arma do crime com lixívia, ainda assim podíamos tirar as impressões digitais.
My maid said that a... a Frenchman's "thing," you know, they put it right between a lady's legs.
A minha criada disse-me que a "coisa" de um francês, sabe, eles põem-na entre as pernas de uma mulher.
You said it was possible because they didn't know that we were looking for them.
Disseste que era possível porque não sabiam que estávamos à procura deles.
Why do I get the feeling, now that they do know, now that they've made it their personal crusade to see this regime fail, that your estimate will be far less optimistic?
Porque tenho o pressentimento, agora, que eles sabem, agora que fizeram a sua vingança pessoal para fazerem com que este Regime caia, que a tua estimativa será muito menos optimista?
They know they'll need to fight to survive, but I will not go before them and argue to have that fight all at once and risk losing everything all at once unless I am certain that fight can be won.
Sabem que terão de lutar para sobreviver. Mas não vou pedir-lhes que aceitem fazer as lutas todas de uma vez e arriscar-me a perder tudo de uma vez. A menos que eu tenha a certeza de que podemos vencer.
No, Mom, they didn't even know I was gonna make that decision till right before I voted.
Não, mãe. Só me decidi mesmo antes de votar.
♪ I know that they're comin'for my throne ♪
Sei que querem tirar-me o trono
All that I know is that I couldn't stand running Empire, but Hakeem and Camilla? They gonna burn that place down to the ground.
Só sei que odiei gerir e Empire, mas o Hakeem e a Camilla vão destruí-la.
♪ I know that they comin'for my throne ♪
Sei que querem tirar-me o trono
♪ I know that they comin'for my throne... ♪ I don't think we should do this.
- Não devíamos fazer isto.
That's why, you know, this little adventure that we're out on... Your mom and Ted, they can't find out about this.
E é por isso que esta pequena aventura que estamos a viver nunca a podem contar à mãe nem ao Ted.
- Aah! And that even if they did want pizza for the hostages, which they don't, the perps wouldn't eat it'cause they know we'd put sleeping pills in it.
E mesmo que quisessem pizza para os reféns, e não querem, os criminosos não a comeriam porque sabem que púnhamos lá comprimidos para dormir.
All they know is that they make trades and they win big every time.
Só sabem que fazem transacções e ganham sempre muito dinheiro.
they know 270
they know nothing 26
they know each other 27
they know everything 44
they know me 35
they know what they're doing 42
they know we're here 46
they know it 24
they know you 16
know that 57
they know nothing 26
they know each other 27
they know everything 44
they know me 35
they know what they're doing 42
they know we're here 46
they know it 24
they know you 16
know that 57
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
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that's 10531
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that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
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that's good to hear 161
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that is 2872
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that is 2872
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that is so lame 16