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You called him tradutor Português

884 parallel translation
You called him?
Mrs. Lord, you called him Willie.
- - chamou-lhe Willie!
Hey, last time you called him "lnosuke."
Na última vez você o chamou "Inosuke."
My nephew says you called him "Poncho".
O meu sobrinho diz que lhe chamou "Poncho".
You called him four weeks ago and told him to sell it!
Tu ligaste-lhe e mandaste-o vender!
talking about man you called him a very special animal.
Falando sobre o homem chamou-lhe um animal muito especial.
Besides, you called him a penguin.
Além disso, chamaste-lhe pinguim.
- Have you called him yet?
- Você já ligou para ele?
You called him?
Tu chamaste-o?
Cos I thought it had something to do with this article where you called him a treacherous hack and a vermin-filled ex-wart healer who should be castrated so that his genes aren't passed on to future generations.
Porque pensei que tivesse algo a ver com seu artigo onde o chama de pirata traiçoeiro e gentalha curandeiro de verrugas que devia ser castrado para que seus genes não passem para futuras gerações.
When you called him up you were in such a hurry, you forgot the doctors.
Quando o convocou estava tão apressado, que se esqueceu das placas de identificação.
You called him this morning.
Tu telefonaste esta manhã.
You were riding a horse called Caesar, which my father sold you... because, fine horseman though he was, he could never hold him himself.
Estava a usar um cavalo chamado César, que o meu pai lhe vendeu, porque não o tinha conseguido dominar.
I think it would be better if you called in Inspector Krogh and told him everything.
Acho que seria melhor chamar o Inspector Krogh e contar-lhe tudo.
- You called on him at his hotel.
- Ligaste frequentemente para o hotel.
Miss Vane. Miss Vane, has Sir Tristan, as you have so charmingly called him... ever invited you to see the wonderful portrait that Basil Hallward has made of him?
Miss Vane, o seu Sir Tristan, como adorávelmente lhe chama já a convidou a ver o retrato que Basil Hallward fez dele?
But you just called him by his first name.
Mas você acaba de o tratar pelo seu primeiro nome.
On the night Mr. Courtland called on the defendant, did you let him into her apartment?
Quando o Courtland visitou a acusada, deixou-o entrar? - Não!
Just the other day a club owner called- - I won't mention any names- - and offered Ricky twice as much money as you're paying him.
Ainda outro dia um proprietário do clube telefonou - não mencionarei nenhum nome - e ofereceu Ricky duas vezes mais dinheiro do que está pagando a ele.
Gee, if you hadn't opened your mouth I wouldn't have called him.
Se não tivesse sido por ti, não lhe teria ligado. Alegro-me por ti.
I called him a monkey before... but he's really a little kewpie doll, you know.
Chamei-lhe macaco, antes... mas realmente ele é um bonequinho, sabes.
Suppose that cop last night had called up and said he was coming to collect for the Police Fund. You think I'd given him $ 5 if I'd had the chance to think it over?
Achas que se o polícia da noite passada tivesse dito logo que andava a angariar fundos eu lhe teria dado 5 dólares se pudesse ter pensado com calma?
They already know a girl described as Lois Fenton called on Callender at 2 : 23 just two minutes after you left him.
Eles já conhecem uma garota descrita como Lois Fenton. Chamou Callender às 2 : 23 apenas dois minutos depois que você o deixou.
Morey Allen called, told you he'd killed George Fayette, then asked you to come over and help him cover up.
Morey Allen ligou, disse que tinha matado George Fayette, em seguida, pediu-lhe para vir e ajudá-lo a encobrir.
If you should get near Wangcheng, and if you run into a man called Lin, Colonel Lin, would you give him a message from me?
Se fôr para perto de Wangcheng, e se encontrar um homem chamado Lin, Coronel Lin, pode dar-lhe uma mensagem minha?
And my father once... My father once almost beat a man to death because this man called him some kind of name, you know?
Meu pai uma vez quase matou um homem de tanto bater porque ele o xingou.
After you called, I gave Chunjin the night off, because it was Christmas Eve, I told him.
A seguir à tua chamada, dei uma noite de folga ao Chunjin, por ser véspera de Natal, disse-lhe eu.
It's you and the others that called him a "freebooter" a "butcher," a "conqueror."
Foi você e os outros que lhe chamaram "aventureiro", "carniceiro" e "conquistador".
The moment you let her know I was double-crossing them, she called Yussef to warn him.
No momento em que soube que eu sou um agente duplo, ligou para Yussef a avisar.
You never even called him at the hospital.
Nunca lhe telefonou para o hospital.
- You should not have called him that, he'll be offended.
Mas porque o chamam assim?
God, our Father in His infinite wisdom... has called you home to Him... still in the bloom of your youth.
Deus, nosso Pai, com os seus insondáveis desígnios chamou-te ao seu reino na flor da tua juventude.
I called the U.S. Attorney up there... and told him you were instrumental in bringing about a major arrest.
Falei com o procurador... e disse que a tua contribuição foi decisiva para uma detenção importante.
"Boogie, boogie, boogie, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger," till it didn't mean anything any more! Then you'd never be able to make a black kid cry because somebody called him a nigger in school.
"Escarumba, escarumba, preto, preto," até que isto não quisesse dizer mais nada, não se conseguiria fazer chorar um miúdo preto porque alguém lhe tinha chamado preto na escola.
My friend has been urgently called to London on a matter of international importance. I have given him my personal assurance that you will secure an accommodation for him on the coach to Calais.
Vai a Londres em um assunto de importância internacional eu disse que o acomodaria no vagão de calais.
After you called and said he wouldn't stay under cover we decided to pull him in.
Depois de nos avisar a dizer que ele não ficava escondido... Decidimos tirá-lo de lá.
I called him just before you arrived.
Telefonei-lhe antes de chegares.
When I had called you this morning.. .. Kumar answered the phone.. .. and asked me to meet him here at 8'O Clock.
Quabdo te liguei esta manhã, o Kumar atendeu o telefone e pediu-me para me encontrar com ele aqui às 20h.
You go there, and find Mr. Christopher. Tell him Ming called, Mr. Ming.
Tu irás lá procura pelo Sr. Christopher e diz-lhe que o Sr. Ming telefonou.
And that's south. So naturally they called him "south paw." You see?
E lá chamavam a isso "canhoto".
You are the only person who stands between Stransky and his Iron Cross and you could be called as a primary witness against him in the court of honor
É o único obstáculo entre o Stransky e a sua Cruz de Ferro, e pode ter que testemunhar contra ele no tribunal.
At 3 : 00 in the morning, I called Papa and told him I was going to stop touring and stay at home with him and you. We'd be a real family.
Às 3h da manhã, liguei para o pai e disse-lhe que ia parar de fazer tournées para ficar em casa com ele e contigo, como uma família.
Hey, you know they called me yesterday from the supermarket asking if I've seen him.
Ontem me ligaram do supermercado... perguntando se o tinha visto.
You called me... more clearly than him!
O seu apelo foi mais claro.
I called him a nigger, you bet I did.
Eu chamei-lhe preto, podes crer.
Anyway, I called him, I said, "Why don't you come up for a drink?"
De qualquer modo, chamei-o. Disse-lhe : "Por que não sobes para uma bebida?"
I don't believe you actually called him a clam-brain.
Não acredito que Ihe tenhas chamado cérebro de amêijoa.
Can you please tell him Christina called?
Pode dizer-lhe, por favor, que a Christina telefonou?
You know, he and Sheila have been speaking, or at least she called him.
Ele e a Sheila estiveram a conversar, ela ligou-lhe.
I've been on assignment here for the past six weeks, which is why I called him... and how you two got recommended.
Estou cá em missão há 6 semanas. Foi por isso que lhe telefonei e que ele vos recomendou.
She... She kneed you in the nuts and called him faggot in front of everybody. No.
Deu-lhe uma joelhada nos tomates e chamou-lhe "maricas".

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