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You said no tradutor Português

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Thought you said no one was home at the mines.
Pensava que tinhas dito que não estava ninguém nas minas.
I asked you it that old couple came over the other day. You said no.
Perguntei-lhe se um casal de idosos tinha entrado aqui e disse que não!
You said no one at the company will talk to you.
Disseste que ninguém da empresa vai falar contigo.
The last time I talked to you, you said I was tops on your list of regrets.
A última vez que falei contigo, disseste que eu estava... no topo da tua lista de arrependimentos.
- You just said you were never directed to base your performance on Colin Sweeney.
- Acabou de dizer que nunca foi orientado para basear a sua actuação no Colin Sweeney.
No, you said you would do your best.
Não, disse que você faria o seu melhor.
Tetra said you were looking for me the other day.
A Tetra disse que procuraste-me no outro dia.
I've been thinking about what you said.
Tenho pensado no que disseste.
You said the codes room was second floor,
Você disse que a Sala dos Códigos era no segundo andar.
Unh! I thought you said no vamp speed, Marcel.
Não disseste que não usarias a velocidade de vampiro?
You said you went to Joe.
Disseste que estava no Joe.
Yeah, but I was in the car, and you were - - you said she protected you.
Pois, mas eu estava no carro e tu estavas... Disseste que ela te protegeu.
I've been thinking a lot about what you said - - and - - and I know, I lost my chickens when you put it out there.
Tenho pensado no que me disseste... e eu sei que fiquei meio perdido quando me falaste disso.
Yeah, Cisco said that he saw you at the Flash Day celebration.
Sim, o Cisco disse que te viu no Dia do Flash.
As I've already told you, he said there is a safe in St. Petersburg on the second floor of I don't know where, a bank, an apartment.
Como já te contei, ele disse que há um cofre em São Petersburgo, no segundo andar não sei de quê, um banco, um apartamento.
None of what you just said was on the CPA exam.
Nada do que disseste saiu no exame de Contabilidade.
Showed it to me the next day, said it was proof he could kill you any time he wanted unless I did whatever he said.
Mostrou-mo no dia seguinte, disse ser a prova de que podia matar-te quando quisesse, se não lhe obedecesse.
On your personality test, you said your favorite shape was a square.
No teste de personalidade, disse que preferia formas quadradas.
No, no, seriously, because you know James and I have always said that,
Não, não, a sério, porque sabes, James e eu sempre disse isso,
But you said yesterday she was late because she was stuck on the subway.
Mas ontem disseste que ela ia se atrasar porque estava presa no metro.
- No. - You said for this to work, - you can't be here.
- Disse que para isto funcionar, não podia estar aqui.
The guy you said you met at the Dog Star who was looking for me. Yeah, I remember.
O tipo que conheceste no Dog Star que estava à minha procura.
That's what you said, but now you want to quit the team in the middle of the game because you don't like the play-calling?
Foi o que tu disseste. Mas agora queres largar a equipa no meio do jogo, porque não gostaste da jogada?
Don't you remember what I said in the parking lot?
Não te lembras daquilo que eu te disse no parque de estacionamento?
"I'll always watch over you," she said and in the dark, she took his hand.
"Vou sempre olhar por ti", disse ela, e no escuro, ela pegou na mão dele. "O teu desejo é uma ordem."
She said there was no way for us to help you.
Ela disse que não te podíamos ajudar.
I thought about what you said.
Pensei no que disseste.
That's funny, cause for a second there I thought you said "no weapons".
É engraçado, por um segundo pensei que tinha dito "nada de armas".
I'm merely recognizing the fact that you completely changed your mind based entirely on what I said.
Apenas reconheço o facto de teres mudado completamente de ideias, apenas com base no que eu disse.
No, Harvey, you were willing to pay for her mistake right up until Louis said Gerard doesn't respect you.
Estavas disposto a isso, até o Louis dizer que o Gerard não te respeita.
No. He said he would. But then instead of taking him up on it, you went ahead and shit on his feelings.
Disse que sim, em vez de aceitares, feriste-lhe os sentimentos.
- No him, Slater said you were great.
- Ele, o Slater disse que foste óptimo.
We can't really do anything with the fact that Elana March said she knows what you and Andrew were talking about, because there was a lot of people in that coffee shop, and she could have heard that from anyone.
Não podemos fazer nada com o facto da Elana March saber da tua conversa com o Andrew porque havia muitas pessoas no café e ela pode ter ficado a saber por qualquer um.
I know that I said that to you at the service already, but I wanted to say it again.
Sei que já disse isto no velório, mas tenho de dizer de novo.
You know, Lois, I've been thinking about what you said. And I did learn a little something from watching Chris and Heather.
Sabes, Lois, tenho andado a pensar muito no que disseste, e... aprendi mesmo algo ao ver o Chris e a Heather.
You said Gustavo was gonna get us into Liv's auction.
Disseste que o Gustavo colocava-nos no leilão da Liv.
If you were a major player, a government, why wouldn't you hide it? Of course no one was who they said they were.
Se tu fosses um Governo importante, porque não havias de esconder?
- Before we get to that, I'd like to revisit something that you said at our last meeting.
Antes de irmos a isso, gostaria de confirmar o que disse no nosso último encontro.
You said that Cole was at your apartment between 6 : 00 and 8 : 00 last night.
Disse que o Cole esteve no seu apartamento entre as 18h00 e as 20h00 ontem à noite.
I was just thinking about what you said the other day, and I can't do this on my own.
Não. eu só... eu estava a pensar sobre o que disseste no outro dia, eu não consigo fazer isso sozinha.
- Jackson said he'd driven you to Mrs Crawley's - and the maid there told me you were at the hospital.
O Jackson disse que o trouxe a casa da Sra. Crawley e a criada disse que estava no hospital.
Well, like you said, maybe she's still at work.
Bem, como você disse, talvez ela ainda está no trabalho.
He said, "No one's going to rewrite my stuff." I said, "Well, then there's nothing I can do for you, so you might as well leave."
Ele disse que ninguém ia rescrever o artigo dele e eu disse : "Então não vos posso ajudar, mais vale saírem."
I was, I remember, right here on the lawn telling Lisa McMoyler, who lived across the street, that I was adopted, and she said, "So, does that mean your real parents didn't want you?"
Lembro-me de estar aqui no jardim e contar à Lisa McMoyler, minha vizinha, que eu era adoptado. E ela disse-me : "Então os teus pais verdadeiros não te quiseram?"
They said, "No, you don't understand."
" Não, não percebeste.
I cannot believe you just said that.
Não acredito no que acabaste de dizer.
She said nothing she ever did Could've turned you into what you are.
Ela disse que nunca fez nada que pudesse transformá-lo no que é.
No, no. You said that. I said let's go.
Não, tu é que disseste, eu só disse "Vamos lá".
No! I thought you said she got on the helicopter.
- Disseste que estava no helicóptero.
No, I said that if you can solve the Keller case fast enough, you could stitch into Ed.
- Não. Eu disse que se resolvesses o caso Keller rápido o suficiente, podias fazer o stitch com o Ed.
Also, right at the beginning, you said hello to him and he didn't say hello back.
Acrescentaria ainda, logo no início, que quando o cumprimentou, ele não respondeu de volta.

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