And his father tradutor Russo
2,499 parallel translation
What I am... is a marine, like my father before me and his father before him. And as a marine, I swore an oath to defend the United States of America against enemies both foreign and domestic.
Я простой морпех, каким был мой отец, и его отец до него, и как морпех, я дал клятву защищать Соединенные Штаты Америки как от внешних врагов, так и от внутренних.
I want us to be like Chris and his father.
Я хочу, что бы мы были, как Крис и его отец.
The son of God gets nailed to a cross and his father loved it.
Сын Божий был распят на кресте и его отец возлюбил это.
And his father ran the organization before him and his father before him, et cetera, et cetera.
Его отец управлял организацией до него, а его отец до него, и так далее, и так далее.
And now that his father's gone vigilante, he's afraid to recant.
И теперь, после нападения отца он боится в этом признаться.
He lives here scot-free, in the house your father and I worked all our lives for and he never thinks to put his head round the door to see if I want owt.
Он живет тут нахлебником, в доме, на который я и твоей отец всю жизнь зарабатывали. и он никогда не подумает заглянуть за двери, узнать не нужно ли мне что-нибудь.
That made them pretermitted heirs in the eyes of the law, which meant that if they ever discovered their father's true identity, they'd have been able to sue for a piece of his considerable estate, potentially reducing you and your sister's inheritance
Это определило их наследниками второй очереди, по закону, а это значит, что, узнай они правду о своем отце, они могли бы требовать в судебном порядке значительную часть его имущества, что могло сократить вашу долю и долю вашей сестры
Wo Fat was looking for the person who murdered his father and he was willing to kill anyone who stood in his way.
Во Фат искал человека, убившего его отца, и жаждал убить любого, вставшего на его пути.
That kid likes to sleep and play. Just like his father.
Малыш любит спать и играть, прямо как его отец.
And whoever the father is, his DNA isn't in the system.
И ДНК отца нет в системе.
Yeah, but his father's dead, and-and finding Shelburne is not gonna change that.
Да, но его отец мертв, и нахождение Шелберна не изменит этого.
And apparently, it was his father.
Очевидно, это был его отец.
Typical teenager - - he's having trouble relating to his father, and he wants to change the world.
Типичный подросток... он имеет проблемы с отцом, и он хочет именить мир.
Never is a long time, Ethel, but you were right, he does love Charlie, and not just for his father's sake.
Никогда - это долгий срок, Этель, но ты была права, он любит Чарли, и не только в память о своем сыне.
My father- - he stopped taking orders from Wo Fat and paid with his life.
Мой отец... он перестал выполнять приказы Во Фата и заплатил за это своей жизнью.
Well, let's just hope that your Haven's the real Haven and that Nathan's alive, because a son should outlive his father.
Она по-прежнему должна быть там.
Reckless-driving citation for his mother from 10 years ago and a dropped drunk-and-disorderly for the father.
У матери штраф 10-летней давности за неосторожную езду, у отца арест за нарушение порядка в нетрезвом виде.
Sean's mother, for it was she, yanked him out of his private Swiss school and absconded with him to America in one of my father's private jets.
Мать Шона, это была конечно она, выдернула его из его частной швейцарской школы и скрылась с ним в Америке На одном из частных самолетов моего отца.
And now Rigsby has taken perfectly legal revenge against the man who killed his father.
И Ригсби отомстил - абсолютно законно - убийце отца.
To father Hong Man Pil, and his son Hong Nak Hyun...
Отец Хон Ман Пиль и его сын Хон Нак Хен
Chuck will never be finished fighting with his father, and that ring around your neck is never gonna be on your finger.
Чак никогда не перестанет бороться со своим отцом. и это как кольцо вокруг твоей шеи оно никогда не будет на твоем пальце.
My father is being honored here as a humanitarian, but the last time I checked, humanitarians value human life... and he just tried to have his own son killed.
Моего отца здесь чествуют как гуманного, но, как я убедился в последний раз, гуманные люди ценят человеческую жизнь. и он только что пытался убить собственного сына.
And Peter's got this whole idea Of living up to his father's memory.
И Питер живет этой мыслью - быть достойным памяти своего отца.
How loyal do you think your father's going to be when you're next on the chopping block and he's got freedom at his fingertips?
- Насколько преданным окажется твой отец, когда ты станешь следующим, кого посадят в камеру, а он станет абсолютно свободным?
There's no record of his father complaining, and Vincent's credibility is shot now, even with me.
В документах нет записи о жалобе его отца, а недёжность Винсента как свидетеля пошатнулась.
His father hired the great philosopher Aristotle and asked him to create a little school, here in a remote part of Macedonia, where he spent three years intensively teaching the young Alexander everything from history and geography to mathematics and philosophy.
Его отец нанял великого философа Аристотеля и попросил создать небольшую школу, здесь, в отдалённой части Македонии, где тот провёл три года интенсивно обучая юного Александра всему - от истории и географии до математики и философии.
Neither one of us wanted to put a stroke victim in jail, and Peter Kent's son doesn't really want the world to know what his father did for a hobby.
Ни один из нас не хотел упрятать за решетку жертву инсульта, а сын Питера Кента не хотел бы, чтобы весь мир узнал, чем его отец занимался в свободное время.
You know, it's a tad old-school, but my father was not one to spare the rod when my brother would sneak into his truck and drink his driving whiskey.
Ты знаешь, это немножко олдскульно, но мой отец был не из тех, кто жалеет розги когда мой брат пробирался в его грузовик и выпивал его виски для вождения.
And from his father before him.
А прежде - от его отца.
His surgical skills were remarkable, and as a fellow surgeon, I envied your father.
и я завидовал вашему отцу.
I can't even get in contact with his father, and even if I ring the bell of the house, nobody answers.
Я даже с его отцом не могу связаться. Звоню в дверь - ответа нет.
I told him to get his father's real signature, and that only then could he really resign from school.
и только тогда он сможет уйти из школы.
Every day, for as long as I can remember, my father... has left every morning... and he's put a badge on his chest... and strapped a gun to his hip.
Каждый день, сколько я себя помню, отец... Надевает форму, берет оружие и уходит на работу.
Day of the prom, his father got drunk and stole his car, stole his own son's car, went somewhere, Mexico.
День выпускного, его отец напился и украл его машину, украл машину его собственного сына. И уехал куда-то, в Мексику вроде.
Ну, а мы с отцом часто бывали в его хижине.
And it pains me to say this to you, as it would pain any mother, but he killed his own father with his bare hands.
И это причиняет мне боль чтобы сказать тебе, поскольку это причинило бы боль любой матери, но он убил собственного отца голыми руками.
His father had immigrated from Italy. And, had stoked coal.
Его отец иммигрировал с Италии.
Managed to take five AP classes while working on his father's reindeer farm and starting and running a shelter for homeless sled dogs.
Смог пройти 5 классов AP пока работал на оленьей ферме своего отца и также открыл приют для бездомных собак.
His brother is out of favor... and this could be an attempt to cast himself as a possible successor to his father.
Его брат в немилости, и это может быть попыткой показать себя в роли достойного преемника отца.
My father wrestled courageously with his flora and tree type guides.
Мой отец храбро боролся со всеми его книжками о растениях и видах деревьев.
When her father starts to twitch fast and uncontrollably with his jaw, get the hell out.
Если у ее отца... начнут сильно дергаться щеки... лучше сразу смывайтесь, хорошо? Удачи Вам.
every night in his setting room father took off his boots and muttering some cryptic statements after raising glass of whiskey upto his lips precisely every 45 seconds.
Каждый вечер в гостинной папа снимал свои сапоги и, бормоча что-то себе под нос, подносил стакан виски к губам с точностью каждые 45 секунд.
Father was so impressed. He took off his hat and slapped it on my brother's head.
Папа был так потрясён, что даже одел на него свою шляпу.
His real father left and started a new family.
Его отец ушёл и завёл новую семью.
But my father kept his office and continued his research.
Но мой отец сохранил свой кабинет и не прекращал свои исследования.
And it was last night that you told me that it is many years since your father abandoned his experiments with the hydrotherapy.
И прошлой ночью Вы сказали мне, что много лет назад Ваш отец отказался от экспериментов с гидротерапией
Michael had been given an opportunity to turn his life around, and all he had to do to make it happen was to get -... the family signatures, especially my father's. - his family's signatures.
Майклу выпала возможность изменить жизнь, и для этого требовалось лишь добиться подписей членов его семьи.
- Nothing, huh? She was super-pretty, red hair... But even without her name, he knew his only chance with her was to be a real producer, and that meant getting a signature from a father whose face he hadn't seen in ages.
Но даже не зная его, он знал точно, что такую девушку он завоюет только если и правда станет продюсером, а этого можно добиться, только выбив подпись у отца, которого он уже давно не видел.
And so, with his father's rights in hand, Michael the producer headed up to find his lady "Cinderella Man" at the Ealing Club, an exclusive show business hangout.
И вот, заполучив подпись отца, продюсер Майкл отправился в заведение для звёзд шоу-бизнеса искать девушку, которая отправила его в романтический нокдаун.
J.B.J., a weekend weatherman, all-week party boy and a huge disappointment to his father.
Джей-Би-Джей, по выходным — диктор прогноза погоды, в остальное время — тусовщик и сплошное разочарование для отца.
Why must father, tear up the advertisement, his children have made ; and throw it in the fireplace! ?
Зачем отцу рвать рекламку, которую сделали его дети, да ещё и выбрасывать в камин?
and his brother 20
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his family 18
and his daughter 27
and his friend 20
and his name 26
and his girlfriend 18
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his family 18
and his daughter 27
and his friend 20
and his name 26
and his girlfriend 18
and his son 20
his father 174
father 10424
fathers 85
father of the year 25
father and son 35
father brown 114
father christmas 18
father jack 19
father beocca 17
his father 174
father 10424
fathers 85
father of the year 25
father and son 35
father brown 114
father christmas 18
father jack 19
father beocca 17
father abbot 27
father quinn 28
father crilly 18
and happy birthday 27
and here 683
and how old are you 36
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and hopefully 74
and here we go 118
father quinn 28
father crilly 18
and happy birthday 27
and here 683
and how old are you 36
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and hopefully 74
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here they are 24
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and how are you 102
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here it is 109
and here they are 24
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and how are you 102
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and him 200
and honey 21
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and he's 185
and he didn't 42
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and him 200
and honey 21
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and he's 185
and he didn't 42