According to him перевод на испанский
716 параллельный перевод
Fagan was a cab driver, just a kid and, according to him, honest.
Fagan era taxista, un chaval, y según él, honrado.
According to him, a direct descendant of Ameti.
Según él, un descendiente directo de Ameti.
According to him, he beat them all single-handed.
Según él, los derrotó a todos él solito.
And according to him, I ´ m nothing but a man-chasing trollop!
Según él, sólo soy una libertina que persigue hombres.
According to him, Gizzi was crushed to death before he was dumped in the ocean.
Según el, Gizzi fue aplastado de muerte antes de caer al océano.
When I went to pay my fare, he wanted one lira extra for the dog, because according to him this isn't a lapdog.
La cuestión es que cuando he ido a pagar, el taxista me ha pedido una lira de suplemento,... porque según él, éste no es un perro faldero.
- According to him you manage too well.
- Según él, no lo hace nada mal.
According to him, you forced me to marry you.
Según él, me obligaste a casarme contigo.
But, according to him there's no hurry.
Pero, según dice él, no hay ninguna prisa.
Well, according to him, you were more dead than alive.
Bueno, según él, estabas más muerto que vivo.
According to him, nothing, I repeat, nothing is right about me.
Según él, nada, repito, nada va bien conmigo.
Hear that, Adelina? According to him, I'm a Bolshevik.
Según él, soy un bolchevique.
But nobody's decent, according to him.
Pero para él, nadie lo es.
According to him, I think like a little bourgeois.
Según él, razono como una pequeña burguesa.
You're one of the stalwarts of the City, according to him.
Un incondicional del City, según mi marido.
According to him, the last time they picked up a new passenger was the summer of'48. So, you see... well, no need to fuss, is there?
Ya ven, sobre todo que ella es un barco crucero, y la última vez que subieron nuevos pasajeros fue, de acuerdo con el capitán Protheroe...
- According to him...
- De acuerdo a él...
According to him, he was the owner... not of the bar but of a racing stable, and he also owned oil wells in Arabia, interests in the textile industry...
Me contó que era el dueño... No del bar, de un picadero de caballos de carreras. Y también de pozos de petróleo en Arabia, intereses textiles...
According to him, when you put them on you could walk up the side of a house.
Según el profesor, cuando se llevan... uno puede caminar por la pared de una casa.
What will seeing him make her do, according to her cruel instincts?
¿ Qué dejará ver, de sus crueles instintos? "
I'm asking you, to bury him according to the new ways...
Os pido yo... Os pido enterrarlo de una manera distinta...
Test him at once and give him a document according to form!
¡ Que lo prueben de una vez y le den un documento de acuerdo con la regla!
I let him dress himself according to his own taste today and you see what he looks like. Do you think we can do anything about him, Ruggles?
¿ Crees que podemos hacer algo con él, Ruggles?
According to the fact of psychology that under great emotional stress the mind sees what it has expected to whether the thing is actually there or not is it not possible that you did not see Joseph Wilson but only the image of him your imagination had created in your head?
La sicología dice que bajo emociones fuertes la mente ve las cosas que quiere ver sin importar si están o no. Srta. Grant. ¿ No es posible que no haya visto a Joseph Wilson sino sólo la imagen de él creada por su imaginación?
Good and merciful God, who according to thy mercy and loving kindness, forgivest the sins of such as repent and graciously remittest the guilt of their past offenses mercifully regard this thy servant and grant him full remission of his sins
Dios todo misericordioso que en su infinita bondad perdonas los pecados y concedes la gracia de redimir nuestras faltas pasadas,... mira a éste tu siervo y perdónale todos sus pecados terrenales...
Mademoiselle, since by some miracle Raynald has survived and according to your notions, you've tended him faithfully let us say no more about it.
Mademoiselle, por algún milagro Raynald ha sobrevivido y con las nociones que tiene, le ha atendido fielmente así que no hablemos más del tema.
According to your notes, wasn't that the evening he said he last saw him?
Según tus notas, ¿ no fue ésa la última noche que Tigre lo vio?
According to his virtue, let us use him with all respect and rites of burial.
De acuerdo con su virtud... tendrá todos los ritos y el respeto en su entierro.
According to Mr. Vanmeer's appointment book, Mr. Peterson, you had lunch with him at the Savoy a few days before his death.
Según la agenda personal del Sr. Vanmeer, Vd. almorzó con él en el Savoy poco antes de su muerte.
Are you then prepared to give him burial according to our laws and customs that you may inherit that which was his?
¿ Estás preparada a darle sepultura acorde con nuestras leyes y costumbres para poder heredar lo que era suyo?
Let's pray that we never let him down... that we serve him in this beloved old church... in this great city of Washington... according to his will.
Oremos para no decepcionarlo nunca... y para servirlo en esta amada y vieja iglesia... en esta gran ciudad de Washington... según su voluntad.
He does not know about him according to me. They abuse his name.
Estoy seguro de que han utilizado su nombre.
According to the grapevine, Azae sent him down here.
Según los rumores, Azae lo envió acá.
According to the Declaration of Human Rights, you have to register him.
En nombre de la Declaración de derechos humanos, le impongo que inscriba a Blaireau.
According to her, Cazalis really had pulled a guy out of the Seine and had put him up.
Me aseguró que Cazalis había sacado a un hombre del Sena. Hace... 2 días. Y lo había alojado en su casa.
According to what we were told, he would try to assassinate the Prince of Gonzague unless we killed him.
- ¿ Un conspirador? - Sí.
And then again, according to your testimony, the deceased, Eli Jones, intercepted you on the morning of the 16th of this month and he begged you to come with him to interview a John Doe, a man known as R.E. Wallace,
Y de nuevo, según su testimonio, el fallecido Eli Jones, le interceptó,... la mañana del 16 de este mes y le pidió que le acompañara para interrogar al desconocido. Un hombre llamado R. E. Wallace.
According to our religion, if someone commits a crime everyone at Tanko village will punish him.
Según nuestra religión, si alguien comete un crimen todos los habitantes de Tanko lo castigarán.
How long have you been going according to plan with him?
¿ Durante cuanto tiempo ha aplicado su método con él?
Your relationship with him, according to their consequences, could be considered immoral, a crime.
Tu relación con él, de acuerdo a sus consecuencias, podría ser considerada inmoral, un crimen.
Now, according to the Act the mere fact of the blow would be enough to hang him be it fatal or no.
De acuerdo al Acta, el solo hecho de dar un golpe, letal o no, ameritaría la horca.
We covered him according to a gentle custom of ours.
Nosotros los cubrimos, en honor a otra gentil costumbre extranjera.
Come out and fight him man-to-man, according to our code of honor. Or if you'd rather settle the matter quietly, turn the concession at the ford over to him.
Ir y luchar contra él hombre a hombre, de acuerdo con nuestro código de honor o si prefieres resolver la cuestión discretamente pásale la concesión del vado.
Let him be clothed according to his rank.
Que se le vista según su rango.
So, according to you I'm not the right wife for him.
- Nuestro matrimonio esta condenado al fracaso?
For this, the Grand Commandement according to the exceptional disposal no.32183, degrades him by condemning to death by hanging.
Por ello, de acuerdo a la disposición 32183, se le condena a muerte por ahorcamiento.
The Academy of Law, incidentally, passed a resolution establishing that the love to Fuehrer is a legal notion ; therefore, those who dislike him could be prosecuted according to the Criminal Code.
Por cierto, esta academia de'derecho'emitió un decreto según el cual,... el amor al Führer era un concepto legal,... por lo que el desamor al Führer, podía ser encausado judicialmente.
What happens when you find him guilty, according to regulations?
¿ Qué pasa si lo declaran culpable, como mandan las ordenanzas?
And according to this, it was the Monk who put him up to it.
Y de acuerdo a esto, que era el monje que lo puso a él.
Execute him according to the law.
Ejecutarlo según la ley.
I did not see him. According to Captain Edal, Jano is no longer to be trusted.
Según el Capitán Edal, Jano ya es persona de confianza.
according to her 66
according to 41
according to the legend 19
according to my calculations 42
according to our records 22
according to legend 40
according to my research 22
according to you 115
according to the police 21
according to mr 27
according to 41
according to the legend 19
according to my calculations 42
according to our records 22
according to legend 40
according to my research 22
according to you 115
according to the police 21
according to mr 27