Could be anybody перевод на испанский
617 параллельный перевод
Furnoy, we were wondering if it could be anybody on this boat.
Furnoy, no sabemos si podría ser alguien de este barco.
Could be anybody.
Podría ser cualquiera.
- Nah! Could be anybody anywhere. Could
Podría ser cualquiera en cualquier parte.
Shot up that way, could be anybody.
Ese cadáver podría ser de cualquiera.
Could be anybody's race.
Cualquiera corre.
There never could be anybody like Jocelyn.
Nunca podría haber nadie como Jocelyn.
This could be anybody.
Este podría ser cualquiera.
He could be anybody.
Puede ser cualquiera.
Well, could be anybody.
Bien, podría ser cualquiera.
It could be anybody, of course,
Puede ser cuaquiera, por supuesto,
The way they did the Court Martial it could be anybody You know, I kept forgetting they was talking about me.
El tribunal me trató como a cualquier otro hasta me olvidé que se referían a mí.
This could be anybody's race.
Esta podría ser la carrera de nadie.
I can't see how anybody could be so anxious to leave this beautiful Paris.
No entiendo que desees abandonar esta hermosa ciudad.
Anybody sitting next to you could be the murderer. "
Cualquiera cerca de usted podría ser el asesino. "
Oh, she's more loving, more adorable than I ever dreamed anybody could be.
Es encantadora, es adorable es más de lo que soñé que alguien podría llegar a ser.
Now, how could anybody be jealous of an old slice of watermelon?
¿ Cómo puedes estar celosa de una cáscara de sandía? - Escúchame, Jane.
Anybody with half an eye could see... that you wouldn't be party to any action like that.
Cualquiera ve que jamás tomaría parte en algo así. Déme eso.
Ni- -? How could anybody be 19?
¡ Nadie puede medir eso!
Look, if I could feel sorry for anybody right now, it would be for myself,
Mire, si tengo que sentir pena por alguien ahora mismo, sería por mi misma,
I was as certain as anybody could be of anything... in this uncertain world that Consolidated would renew.
Estaba tan seguro como se puede estar en este mundo incierto... que Consolidated renovaría.
How could I be mad at anybody for doing what I would have done myself?
¿ Cómo estar molesto con alguien que hace lo mismo que yo habría hecho?
She was as near crying as anybody could be without crying.
Estaba a punto de llorar y se fue sin decir nada.
It struck me as rather peculiar why anybody like you could be...
Me parece muy extraño que alguien como usted...
It could be anybody.
Podría ser cualquiera.
I was talking to them last night, Robbie, and I told them that if anybody could lick this case, it would be you.
Anoche hablé con ellos, y les dije... que si alguien podía resolver el caso, eres tú.
Cualquiera puede llevarse un disgusto con el primer león.
Didn't it ever occur to you that once we started we could never ask anybody for help, even if we were dying, the rest of our lives that we're all alone and always will be?
¿ Que una vez que empezáramos no podríamos pedir ayuda aunque nos estuviéramos muriendo y que estamos solos y siempre lo estaremos?
If there's anybody in London who could do it, it'd be you.
Si hay alguien en Londres que pudiera hacerlo, eras tú.
That could be a picture of anybody.
Podría ser cualquiera.
Of course, with a Little diplomatic representation in the right quarter, I wouldn't be surprised but what a different complexion could be put on things. But you wouldn't want to bribe anybody, would you?
Por supuesto, con una pequeña representación diplomática en... el lugar adecuado, no sería sorprendente el que... hubiera un cambio en el estado de las cosas. ¿ Pero usted... no querría sobornar a nadie, no?
How could anybody be hurt by a nice solid year in jail?
¿ Cómo puede sentarle a alguien mal un bonito año en la cárcel?
I am going to be met in San Francisco, but not by the police or anybody else who could get you into trouble.
Me esperan en San Francisco, pero no es la policía ni nadie que le pueda causar problemas.
The only way anybody could get that ring would be to chop off my finger.
La única manera de quitármela sería cortándome el dedo.
Do you think anybody could make it up? A guy would have to be nuts...
¿ Cómo voy a inventarlas?
I can't imagine how anybody could be angry on a day like this.
Còmo se puede estar enfadado en un día como hoy.
How could I be anybody else?
¿ Quién iba a ser si no?
He may be in peace now, could anybody know?
- Ahora podría estar en paz, ¿ alguien puede saberlo?
Could be almost anybody.
Podría ser casi cualquiera.
Nadie puede hacer esto.
And to think that for four years... I sat here and waited... and believed that love meant faithfulness... that you loved me the way I loved you... that whatever it might be for others... it could never be anybody else for you or - or for me.
Y pensar que durante años... me senté y esperé... y creí que el amor significaba fidelidad... que tú me amabas como yo te amaba... y que a pesar de todo... nunca nadie se interpondría entre tú y yo.
Yes, of course. I should have known anybody as lovely as you could not possible be a human.
Una mujer tan bella como usted no podía ser humana.
I haven't told anybody, not even Dr. Thissbaum, although I know he could be depended upon to cooperate in every possible way.
Yo no se lo he dicho a nadie, ni siquiera al Dr. Thissbaum, aunque sé podía confiar y cooperar en todo lo posible.
I am as in as anybody, but one of them himself could be.
Estoy tan dentro como cualquiera de ellos.
Anybody else could get business conducted and be gone.
Otra persona habría arreglado sus asuntos en pocos minutos.
I never thought I could be interested in anybody like Eddie.
Jamás pensé que me interesaría alguien como Eddie.
Could that be said of anybody?
¿ Existe alguien así?
Anybody could be proud to rest in this coffin.
Cualquiera estaría orgulloso de descansar en este ataúd.
How could anybody be so dumb!
¡ Agarra cualquier cosa! ¡ Mira qué has hecho!
- Now, as much as anybody could be.
- En la medida de lo posible.
Podría personificar a cualquiera.
Anybody at this table could be doing these killings.
Cualquiera de nosotros podría haberlos asesinado.
could be more 16
could be 753
could be worse 129
could be better 30
could be anything 68
could be anywhere 25
could be a trap 19
could be fun 50
could be anyone 27
could be nothing 25
could be 753
could be worse 129
could be better 30
could be anything 68
could be anywhere 25
could be a trap 19
could be fun 50
could be anyone 27
could be nothing 25
could be a coincidence 22
anybody here 163
anybody 677
anybody home 323
anybody there 124
anybody out there 31
anybody else 178
anybody see anything 16
anybody in there 17
anybody hungry 26
anybody here 163
anybody 677
anybody home 323
anybody there 124
anybody out there 31
anybody else 178
anybody see anything 16
anybody in there 17
anybody hungry 26
anybody in here 21
anybody hurt 34
could 243
couldn't 72
couldn't agree more 58
could you give me a hand 26
could you say that again 20
could you repeat that 46
couldn't be better 98
could i ask you something 32
anybody hurt 34
could 243
couldn't 72
couldn't agree more 58
could you give me a hand 26
could you say that again 20
could you repeat that 46
couldn't be better 98
could i ask you something 32