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Did you see me перевод на испанский

2,254 параллельный перевод
Did you see me here with a tall, blonde woman?
¿ Me viste aquí con una mujer alta y rubia? Sí.
Did you see me on TV?
¿ Me vieron en la TV?
Did you see me in there this morning?
¿ Me viste ahí esta mañana?
Did you see me on TV?
¿ Me vieron en televisión?
I don't look like... Did you see that bloke's gut?
No me veo como- - ¿ Viste la panza de ese tipo?
Don't you see what you did to me?
No ves lo que me hiciste?
Did you ask the court to make it illegal for my dad to see me?
¿ Le pediste a la corte que le prohibieran verme a mi papá?
And he started whispering to me, he said... he never had such a hard-on in his life, and he said, "See what you did to me?"
Y entonces comenzó a susurrarme al oído, me dijo que no había tenido nunca una erección de ese tipo en su vida y me dijo ¿ "Ves que me has hecho"?
See, you did come all this way just to see me.
Ves, si que viniste hasta aquí solo para verme.
For Christ's sake, tell me, where did you last see her?
¡ Por el amor de Dios, dímelo! ¿ Dónde fue la última vez que viste a Nina?
You did see I inspected it, didn't you?
Me viste registrarlo.
He asked me, "Did you see it yourself?"
Me preguntó, "Lo viste con tus propios ojos?"
But you said god was talkin'to you, and I thought maybe- - i did see you in here.
Pero me dijiste que Dios te hablaba y pensé que, quizá... Te vi aquí.
i'm like, " did you see that?
Tras un episodio, me pongo en plan " ¿ Has visto eso?
Did you want to see me scared?
¿ Querías verme asustada?
Did you want to see me crack?
¿ Querías verme destrozada?
Did you see that?
Él me siguió. ¿ Viste eso?
Tell me, did you see Mr. Sutherford engage the gunman?
Dime, ¿ viste al Sr. Sutherford involucrarse con el pistolero?
did you guys see the car that hit me?
Eh tios, habéis visto el coche que me golpeó?
First of all, she told you that she didn't see the car, But she told me she did and that it was blue
Primero que nada, ella les dijo que no vio el auto, pero a mí me dijo que sí y que era azul.
Charlie, did you get me in to see William Bell?
Charlie, ¿ me conseguiste la entrevista con William Bell?
Well, much as I'd like to say we didn't see that coming, we, you know, did.
Bueno, por mucho que me gustaría decir que no lo veíamos venir... Sabes, lo vimos.
Let me see. Did you break it?
- Déjame ver, ¿ lo has roto?
How did you not see me spray that guy?
¿ Cómo es que no me viste pulverizar a ese chico?
But you see... things did not work out between your mom and me.
Pero ves... las cosas no funcionaron entre tu madre y yo.
I wanted to see if you were gonna talk smack about me and yeah, you did.
Quería ver si ibas a hablar mal de mí, - y sí, lo hiciste.
i cannot believe you did that. i cannot wait to see this.
A mí me parece un ídolo.
Why did you want me to see it?
¿ Por qué quiso que yo lo viera?
Yes, I did. You see, I persevered and er, there it is.
Sí, lo hice, no me dí por vencido y aquí está
But I am sorry you did not see fit to consult me on the decision.
Pero lamento que no hayas decidido consultarme antes de decidir.
Did you see her face, thanking me for saving your life?
Has visto su cara, agradeciendome haber salvado su vida?
It's okay to feel pain. It's even okay to hate the person that did this, but when that anger and - - and that pain and that hate becomes too much for you, you come see me, nate, or luke.
Está bien, sentir dolor está bien incluso odiar a la persona que hizo esto, pero cuando la rabia y el dolor y el odio empiece a ser demasiado para ti, ven a verme a mí, a Nate, o a Luke
Why did you want to see me?
¿ Por qué quieres verme?
Did you see the way he was staring at me?
¿ Te fijaste como me miraba?
Did you see how short that skirt was That you put me in at the u.S.O. Show?
¿ Viste lo pequeña que era esa falda que me pusiste en el espectáculo del U.S.O?
See what you did to me.
Mira lo que me hiciste.
Did you see the beautiful poncho he made me?
¿ Viste el hermoso poncho que me hizo?
Why did you want to see me?
I wanted to see just how productive you could be, if you had to... and you did not disappoint me.
Quería ver cuán productivo podías ser, si debías y no me desilusionaste.
Tell me the truth, did you see Angelo on that Monday?
En cambio aquel lunes por la tarde, y esta vez dime la verdad... fuiste a casa de Angelo.
Did you see him wink at me?
- ¿ Viste que ese me guiñó un ojo?
Excuse me. Did you happen to see a picture in here?
Perdona. ¿ Has visto una foto por aquí?
Excuse me, did you see a girl selling stuffs around?
Disculpe, ¿ vio a una chica vendiendo cosas?
Why did you not look at me, Jokanaan? Over your eyes you placed the blindfold of one who wished to see his God
¿ Por qué no me miras, Jokanaan?
Why did you all suddenly want to see me?
¿ Por qué de repente todos ustedes quieren verme?
What did you want me to see?
¿ Qué quería que viera?
How many times are you gonna ask me... did I see him shoot the girl?
¿ Cuántas veces me va a preguntar si vi que le disparaba a la muchacha?
Everybody in the office was happy to see me. Why did AP turn pale? Sir, if you love a girl and she hugs somebody else..
Si te gusta una chica y ella abraza al otro como para disfrutar?
Did you really see me selling cars for Rainey?
¿ De verdad me veías vendiendo autos para Rainey?
I want you to tell me, did you see someone?
Dime, ¿ viste a alguien? ¿ Oíste algún ruido?
When you told me you weren't dating till June had someone in her life... I did see her as an obstacle.
Cuando me dijiste que no salías con nadie hasta que June consiga a alguien en su vida. Yo la vi como un obstáculo.

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