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Or his перевод на испанский

17,749 параллельный перевод
As with the best MIA's officers, Ben was driven by the pursuit of justice over and above any concern he had for his own person or safety.
Como los mejores agentes de Homicidios, a Ben lo impulsaba la búsqueda de la justicia, más allá de cualquier preocupación que tuviera por su propia seguridad.
- or his son.
- o para su hijo.
We don't need him or his marauders anywhere near this place.
No le necesitamos, ni a sus merodeadores en ningún lugar cerca de aquí.
Or his greed.
O su codicia.
I mean, five different papers and not a word about the bullet he took to the brain, or his military record, or his family.
Cinco diarios distintos no mencionan el balazo que recibió, sus antecedentes militares ni su familia.
Well, either he wanted to use it and was covering his tracks or...
Bueno, o quería usarlo... y estaba cubriendo sus huellas o...
The traces we found in the bathroom, I reckon he took time to wash before making his or her - equally - exit.
Sobre las pruebas en el cuarto de baño, el asesino se tomó su tiempo para lavarse... antes de que él o ella, viva la igualdad, se fuera.
Or he'd put his name to a list of customers he kept in a pad.
O pondría su nombre en una lista de clientes que guardaba en un cuaderno.
"He knew in that moment whether they made it " through this night or not he finally found his match. "
Él sabía que en ese momento, superaran o no esa noche, por fin había encontrado a su pareja ".
Meet his eye or it will curse you, it will burn you.
Mírale a los ojos o te maldecirá y acabará contigo.
Or maybe he used both hands and his right hand took most of the residue.
O puede que usa las dos manos y su mano derecha tomó la mayor parte del residuo.
Rose, I do not think his father can care of him, or at least that the thought of that does not ease my fear.
Rose, no creo que su padre pueda cuidar de él, o al menos ese pensamiento no mitiga mi miedo.
His father, when he goes up to the volcano, and if he wants to smoke, he just calls out and the fire will come down, and take the fire and light his cigarette or pipe or something like that.
Y si quiere fumar, simplemente llama y el fuego desciende y le enciende el cigarrillo o la pipa o lo que sea.
Whatever, he probably finger-banged his 15-year-old girlfriend when he was 17 or something else no big.
Da igual. Seguramente le metió el dedo a su novia de 15 años cuando él tenía 17 o algo así de tonto.
I guess his head hit the curb or something.
Supongo que se golpeó la cabeza contra el bordillo o algo.
It's time his body was found in the forest or washed up in the harbor.
Es hora de que su cuerpo sea encontrado en el bosque o arrastrado al puerto.
Or it could just be some techie at the phone company with too much time on his hands.
O podría ser algún informático de la compañía de teléfono con mucho tiempo libre.
Told Rex to do his bit for PR, or, to use your words, schmooze the local yokels.
Le dijo a Rex que sería su granito de arena para las relaciones públicas,... o, para usar sus palabras, codéate con los pueblerinos locales.
Because of the death threats, Mr Wolsey stationed extra security guards on the wing who are adamant that nobody entered or left the building between two, when his secretary went home, and 4 : 15, when the body was discovered.
Por las amenazas de muerte,... el Señor Wolsey situó guardias adicionales es esta ala del edificio quienes se mantienen firmes en que nadie entró o dejó el edificio entre las dos, cuando su secretaria se fue a casa,
Because Samantha said that the only way that I could see him is if I promised to not tell him or anyone else that I'm his father.
Porque Samantha me dijo que solo podría verlo si prometía no contarle ni a él ni a nadie que soy su padre.
Andy here might have mentioned that his brother John worked for the Green Arrow, or should I say Oliver Queen?
Y Andy mencionó que su hermano John trabaja para Flecha Verde, ¿ o debería decir Oliver Queen?
Or if he finds the water so cold he dives in with all his clothes on!
Y si encuentra el agua fría que se bañe con la ropa puesta.
What if, then, one of them abandons his girlfriend with a baby, or gets infected, or infects her, with an incurable STD, because we miss our only chance of explaining to them?
Qué pasa si... uno de los chicos dejara embarazada a una chica, o le infectará alguna STD, sólo porque evitamos explicarles...
We need to leave him here or end his life.
Tenemos que dejarlo aquí o terminar con su vida.
Either that's when his phone battery died, or...
O cuando la batería de su celular se agotó...
They want him operational again and his firearms permit reinstated unless you can show there's substantive suspicion of crime and / or misconduct and / or endangerment of public trust.
Quieren que vuelva a ser operativo y que se le restituya su permiso de armas, a menos que puedan demostrar una sospecha evidente de delito y / o mala praxis y / o perdida de confianza de la población civil.
Perhaps he can feel his power waning or... maybe it's less emotional and more neurological.
Tal vez puede sentir que su poder declina o... es menos exaltado y tiene problemas neurológicos.
or whatever his name is.
O como sea su nombre.
Let's watch something funny, like "His Girl Friday" or a Carole Lombard movie.
Y si vemos algo gracioso, como "Luna Nueva", o una peli de Carole Lombard.
[sobbing ] [ gasps and growls] But before you fold the omelette, I'd like the chef to hold the pan up and whisper his or her dreams into it.
Antes de plegar el omelet, quisiera que el chef se acercara a la sartén y le susurrara sus sueños.
I thought you were going trick-or-treating as King Arthur and his Band of Merry Men.
Pensé que irías a pedir dulce o truco...
Long black robe down to his feet, a mask... or a hood, covering his face.
Túnica larga y negra hasta los pies, una máscara o una capucha, cubriéndole su rostro.
I wonder if I slashed open his neck right now, would it be me doing it, or would it be you?
Me pregunto si le corto el cuello en este momento, ¿ sería yo quien lo hace o serías tú?
Or that the everlasting had not fix'd his canon'gainst self-slaughter!
¡ O el Eterno no hubiera promulgado su ley contra el suicidio!
Dig into his covers, try to link them to news stories or anything tangible.
Indaga sus identidades. Trata de asociarlas a historias nuevas o a algo tangible.
I am not his comrade or friend.
No soy su camarada ni amigo.
Claim his innocence or that you were ever caught?
¿ Afirmar su inocencia o que no te atraparan nunca?
- On his way here or to his girl?
- ¿ De camino aquí o a donde su novia?
The DEA asked him to pretend his death, not to arouse suspicion his men, or the plan change drastically.
La DEA le pidió que fingiera su muerte, para no despertar sospechas a sus hombres, o el plan cambiaría drásticamente.
A Time Master is trained to do his work without interference, which means not helping people or being a hero.
Un Amo del Tiempo está entrenado para hacer su trabajo sin interferencia, lo cual significa que nada de ayudar a las personas o ser un héroe.
In his opinion, that was those who had different-colored skin, were religious or were handicapped.
Según él, estos grupos incluían a la gente de color... los religiosos o los discapacitados.
Bad people. I mean, like the ones who killed his family or the ones who came after me.
Como las que mataron a su familia o me atacaron a mí.
Whatever is going on with Matt, he's... he's either not capable or... or not willing to make room for anything else in his life... right now.
Más allá de qué le pase a Matt, no puede o no quiere darle espacio a otra cosa en su vida en este momento.
Or let it go and let his family move on.
O déjalo pasar y que su familia salga adelante.
But I can promise not to let his life... or death... go in vain.
Pero puedo prometerles no dejar que su vida o muerte, sean en vano.
And for any pain that I've caused... his family or otherwise...
Y por el dolor que he causado, a su familia y a otros, lo lamento.
So what, did this anger his ex or something?
Así qué, hizo esta ira a su ex o algo?
Or it puts his plan to re-brand in jeopardy.
O se pone su plan para volver a la marca en peligro.
What, are you his daughter or something?
¿ Qué, eres su hija o algo?
Somebody could be doing this on his behalf, or maybe he's involved in a different way.
Alguien podria estar haciendo esto en su nombre, o tal vez el esta involucrado de una manera diferente.
Somebody could be doing this on his behalf, or maybe he's involved in a different way.
Alguien podría estar haciendo esto en su nombre, o tal vez involucrado de una forma diferente.

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