Such a перевод на испанский
84,900 параллельный перевод
She was such a part of me, it made sense she left a mark.
Ella fue importante para mí. Tenía sentido que dejara una marca.
You did such a good job.
¡ Lo hiciste muy bien!
So, I'm gonna tell the whole family about it tonight. You know, I mean, such as it is. Whatever.
Esta noche se lo contaré todo a mi familia.
F you! You think you're such a big shot just because you're on TV and you have a fancy tie and a tiny little microphone.
¿ Te crees mejor por salir en la tele, tener una corbata bonita y un micro?
Why are you always in such a foul mood?
¿ Por qué siempre estás de mal humor?
You guys did such a great job, and I'm proud of you, everyone.
Chicos, habéis hecho un trabajo genial, estoy orgulloso de vosotros, de todos.
Such a shame, to let you go to waste at the gallows. Hmm.
Es una pena que te desperdicies en la horca.
Why would you do such a thing?
¿ Por qué has hecho algo así?
You have been such a friend, Barbara.
Usted ha sido un amigo así, Barbara.
- Be such a shame if I...
- Será una lástima si... Oh!
And I could even help if you weren't being such a jerk.
Y podría incluso ayudarte si no fueras tan capullo.
Is that such a crazy idea?
¿ Es eso una locura?
No army of monsters, huh? Such a shame.
¿ Sin ejército de monstruos?
That was such a good dinner.
Fue una excelente cena.
- in such a short time, right?
- en tan poquito tiempo, ¿ verdad?
It's crazy how fast I've gotten in such a short time.
Es una locura lo rápido que me he vuelto en tan poco tiempo.
It's crazy how fast I've gotten in such a short time.
Es una locura lo veloz que me he vuelto en tan poco tiempo.
It's such a small piece.
Es una pieza tan pequeña.
♪ There's such a lot of world ♪
* Hay mucho mundo *
Ah... Supergirl, I loved your rendition of "Moon River," such a beautiful song.
Supergirl, me ha encantado tu interpretación de "Río de luna", qué canción más bonita.
I'm such a huge fan of your work, but I have to say, recently, your work's been a bit off. You know what I'm talking about?
Soy un gran admirador de tu trabajo, pero he de decir que recientemente tu trabajo ha estado un poco apagado.
Such a dick.
Un imbécil.
Are you sure starting a new thing with her is such a good idea?
¿ Estás seguro de que empezar algo nuevo con ella es una buena idea?
- That's such a lie.
- Es todo una mentira.
I'm such a bad friend.
Soy una muy mala amiga.
This is such a good idea.
Es una idea genial. ¿ Deberíamos celebrarlo?
God, you were always such a bad liar.
Dios, siempre se te ha dado mal mentir.
Why are you such a horrible human being?
¿ Por qué eres un ser humano tan horrible?
Aw, such a shame
Qué pena
I mean, what kind of sick bastard would do such a thing?
¿ Qué clase de cabrón enfermizo haría tal cosa?
I assumed you'd be pleased by such a development.
Supuse que estarías satisfecho por tal desarrollo.
You are such a drama queen.
Eres la reina del drama.
Such a trite idea, but we firmly believe the ends do justify the means.
Una idea tan trivial, pero creemos firmemente que los fines justifican los medios.
Such a dick. And?
Qué gilipollas.
So you always such a chatterbox?
Así que... ¿ Siempre eres tan charlador?
You're gonna have such a brilliant life.
Vas a tener una vida maravillosa.
You're such a liar.
Eres un maldito mentiroso.
We ended up not giving this to Jimmy Smits because Attack of the Clones was such a turd.
No se lo dimos a Jimmy Smits porque El ataque de los clones fue un asco.
You've made such a big deal out of sex in the vagina.
Le diste tanta importancia al sexo en la vagina.
You're such a lovely girl.
Eres una niña adorable.
Because I was in surgery, I was forced to invoke the 25th Amendment, giving the Vice President the authority to make such a call.
Como me iban a intervenir, me vi forzado a invocar la Vigesimoquinta Enmienda, otorgando al vicepresidente la autoridad de tomar esa decisión.
God, you're such a pussy.
Dios, qué maricón eres.
Look, you're gonna have such a good time, you're gonna pay me.
Mira. Te divertirás tanto que me pagarás a mí.
Well, I don't exactly see a groundswell of demand for such a group.
No veo una gran demanda para un grupo así.
The town matrons who assessed such claims, which were usually spurious, were surprised when they were forced to agree Essie was indeed with child.
Las matronas de la ciudad que evaluaban dichas alegaciones, que suelen ser falsas, se sorprendieron al verse obligadas a aceptar que Essie estaba efectivamente embarazada.
Into this land with no time for magic, no place for faeries and such folk.
A esta tierra sin tiempo para la magia, sin tiempo para las hadas y gente semejante.
I'm used to such burdens.
Estoy acostumbrado a tales cargas.
He is a corpse, thus impervious to such bedside manners.
Es un cadáver, así que es inmune al buen trato del paciente.
Even I don't like reading such books, and I work at the High Court.
Ni a mí me gusta leer tales libros, y trabajo en el Tribunal Supremo.
I'd thank you... Ooh. - for coming on such short notice, but I'm not in the habit ïîä ÷ èíåíïîä ÷ èíåíof coddling my henchpeople.
Les agradecería por venir con tan poco aviso, pero no acostumbro a consentir a mis secuaces.
And some people believe that such information will lead to them having sex.
Y algunas personas creen que esa información los conducirá a tener sexo.
such a shame 83
such a gentleman 23
such a waste 37
such a pity 30
such as it is 39
such as 496
such a pleasure 18
such a good boy 21
such as what 21
such as yourself 24
such a gentleman 23
such a waste 37
such a pity 30
such as it is 39
such as 496
such a pleasure 18
such a good boy 21
such as what 21
such as yourself 24
such a tragedy 30
adios 283
all right 154529
angela 1455
alla 16
angel 1665
actually 30667
andale 45
are you okay 10556
agua 21
adios 283
all right 154529
angela 1455
alla 16
angel 1665
actually 30667
andale 45
are you okay 10556
agua 21
anyway 21649
adele 237
andre 702
agnes 524
allo 105
apparently 5721
america 556
antonio 540
access 59
are you all right 6257
adele 237
andre 702
agnes 524
allo 105
apparently 5721
america 556
antonio 540
access 59
are you all right 6257