Thanks to him перевод на испанский
584 параллельный перевод
Although Joseph now belongs to the Revolution with all his heart, he does not for one day fail to visit his former masters, who, thanks to him, have been accorded tolerable conditions.
Aunque Joseph ahora pertenecía al cuerpo y amaba la revolución, no pasaba un día sin visitar a sus antiguas amas, que gracias a él, gozaban de condiciones soportables.
Tell him Machiko's bridal gowns are ready thanks to him.
Dile que el vestido nupcial de Machiko está listo gracias a él.
Thanks to him I made many acquaintances and gained weight.
Gracias a sus novelas descubro el mundo.
Thanks to him, I'm in my rightful place.
En fin, gracias a él, heme aquí.
- I'm much better now, thanks to him.
- Bastante mejor ahora, gracias a él.
If you love me... it is perhaps thanks to him.
Y si tú me amas... es quizás gracias a él.
You became someone thanks to him.
Le debes la vida.
But, thanks to him... angry-beast-Midori has turned into a puppy.
Pero gracias a él, La fiera de Midori se ha convertido en un cachorrito.
Do I need to be your age to understand that thanks to him people call me names and laugh at me?
Se necesita tener su edad para entender que por culpa de él he tenido que aguantar que me digan hija de una mala mujer.
Storm nearly followed me here... thanks to him.
Storm por poco me sigue por su culpa.
The lucky ones, like the Isbells, whose faces spoke their thanks to him better than any words.
Afortunados, como los Isbell, cuyos rostros expresaban agradecimiento mejor que con palabras.
He got fond of me and thanks to him I am a lawyer today.
Me tomó cariño y gracias a él hoy soy abogado.
Thanks to him I was hired from Japan to dance in this show.
Gracias a él me contrataron desde Japón para bailar aquí.
- We eat thanks to him!
- ¡ Comimos grcias a èl!
Then, thanks to him, I had a piece of land and a start of cattle.
Gracias a él, conseguí un trozo de tierra y empecé a criar ganado.
Did you liked the Saeta he sang last night for the blind girl,... who'll regain her sight thanks to him?
¿ Te gustó la saeta que cantó anoche por la niña ciega, que gracias a él va a recobrar la vista?
I survived thanks to him.
Gracias a él, aguanté mucho, salí vivo.
I know that it is thanks to him that the factory got bigger.
Sé que gracias a él ha prosperado el taller.
- it's all thanks to him. - I have to go now.
- Es todo gracias a él.
Thanks to him, we have to sleep here now.
Mira que tener que quedarnos aquí por su culpa.
Thanks to him, I've got my Sunday.
Gracias a él, tengo el domingo libre.
You, who thanks to him have never had to work hard in your life.
Gracias a él no has tenido que trabajar seriamente en la vida.
Thanks is given to him for the opportunity for this new presentation.
Los productores quieren agradecerle la oportunidad de esta nueva presentación.
All right, present my thanks and compliments and tell him to fire when ready. Yes, sir.
Preséntale mis saludos y mi agradecimiento.
I always tell him so, It's al thanks to her,
Yo siempre se lo digo, que todo es gracias a ella.
Toni asked me to speak for him because, you see well, he's got a good job thanks to the industrial development in the area...
Total, que Toni, mi compadre, me dice, "Ve tú,... hablarás por mí, serás mi representante." Bueno, y ahora, las cosas han cambiado gracias al desarrollo de la región. El progreso avanza a pasos de gigante.
- Well, I- - - Please, don't thank me. A woman always thanks a man who proposes to her if she doesn't wanna marry him.
No me des las gracias, como cuando se dan calabazas.
- Thanks, but I'd better wait for him outside. - Oh, no, hit him in here. Oh, I didn't come up here to...
Luego estaban los políticos, que arreglaban tus calles, tus multas de estacionamiento y tus declaraciones de impuestos.
Give him my thanks and go back to the men.
Dale las gracias y vuelve con los hombres.
No, but thanks to Brennan, we got enough on him to send him up for life already.
No, pero gracias a Brennan, tenemos pruebas para condenarlo a perpetua.
But thanks for giving him to me anyway.
Debo agradecerte que me lo hayas dado.
We yield thee hearty thanks, Most Merciful Father... that it hath pleased thee to regenerate this infant for thy Holy Spirit... to receive him for thine own child by adoption... and to incorporate him into thy holy church.
Te damos gracias, padre misericordioso, por haber regenerado a este niño en tu santo espíritu, para recibirlo como hijo tuyo e incorporarlo a tu santa iglesia.
Thanks, i'll give it to him.
Gracias, yo se lo entregaré.
I know where to find him, thanks.
- No, algo.
The examination won't be worth a thing without the patient. It was just because I felt we owed it to him but Mr. Macy suggested that we find something else for him and keep you on by all means. Oh, well, thanks.
La examinación no tiene sentido sin paciente. pero el Sr. Macy sugirió que buscáramos otra cosa para él... y nos quedáramos con usted por encima de todo.
Second, because he asked you to marry him then hit you with a pretzel dish when you refused isn't conclusive proof he's our Lonely Heart Killer, but thanks for calling, lady. Bye.
Segunda : aunque le pidiera que se casase con él y la golpeara con una rosquilla cuando usted le rechazó, no podemos concluir que se trate del asesino de los "Corazones Solitarios", pero de todas maneras, gracias por llamarnos, señora.
I'll try to warn him, thanks a lot.
Intentaré advertirle, gracias.
Thanks to boxing and to him, I pulled through.
Gracias a él, gracias al boxeo, salí adelante.
"Germany now leads the thanks to one man... and if someone does something against him is high treason."
"Alemania ahora está a la cabeza gracias a un sólo hombre... y si alguien hace algo en su contra es alta traición."
Then I have to see him right now. Thanks, Millie.
- Entonces voy a hablar con él.
- Would you like to go up there and wait for him? - Thanks. Tell me what he does with his evenings.
Gracias. ¿ Qué hace él en las noches?
Thanks for your kindness to him.
Sí. Gracias por darle trabajo a mi hijo.
Oh, thanks be to him.
¡ Demos gracias al Señor!
Thanks for bringing him to me, Steve.
Gracias por traérmelo, Steve.
We gotta catch him! The fire is out. Thanks to you-all.
Apagamos el incendio gracias a Uds.
- I'm going to see him, thanks.
- Iré a hablar con él, gracias.
Thanks to him, you have a name.
No olvides que gracias a él tienes un nombre.
I'm going to look for him, thanks.
Voy a buscarlo, gracias.
Thanks to his own business consultant and his own banker men who were supposed to be working for him but who were actually hatchet men for Cash McCall.
Gracias a su asesor financiero y a su propio banquero hombres que se suponía trabajaban para él pero que en realidad son sicarios de Cash McCall.
If that's the way you say thanks, it'll just take me a second to rustle up about a dozen more just like him.
Espera un poco y vamos a dar una vuelta. Espero que hayas gustado.
Thanks, but I don't need anyone in order to look after him.
Gracias, pero no necesito a nadie para cuidarlo.
thanks to you 1075
thanks to me 108
thanks to her 38
thanks to 17
thanks to us 21
thanks to mr 18
to him 225
to himself 21
himself 154
himura 39
thanks to me 108
thanks to her 38
thanks to 17
thanks to us 21
thanks to mr 18
to him 225
to himself 21
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
thank you 126302
thanks 59401
thank god 4623
thank you very much 5591
thank 280
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
thank you 126302
thanks 59401
thank god 4623
thank you very much 5591
thank 280
thanksgiving 89
thank you for your attention 27
thank you for your concern 101
thank you for understanding 58
thanks for letting me know 59
thank you for your support 46
thank you so much 3846
thank you for your service 99
thanks for the heads up 54
thanks for playing 28
thank you for your attention 27
thank you for your concern 101
thank you for understanding 58
thanks for letting me know 59
thank you for your support 46
thank you so much 3846
thank you for your service 99
thanks for the heads up 54
thanks for playing 28