Thanks to us перевод на испанский
643 параллельный перевод
Thanks to us you'll be divorced! Maybe someone..
¡ Por merito nuestro serás divorciada!
It's thanks to us that this life will be happier for them.
De nosotros depende que esta vida sea más feliz para ellos.
It's thanks to us.
Y es gracias a nosotras.
Thanks to us, Fantomas hasn't shown his face for a year.
Gracias a nosotros, Fantomas no ha mostrado su cara durante un año.
He said if he got through this, it was thanks to us.
Dijo que si ha conseguido todo esto, es gracias a nosotros.
Thanks to us, Chief.
- Gracias a ambos, Jefe.
- Well, 99, thanks to us, Pym was stopped from drugging the reservoir and giving all the people in Washington hallucinations.
Bueno, 99, gracias a nosotros, Pym no drogará la reserva ni le causará alucinaciones a la gente.
Thanks to us, the theaters were able to open their doors again.
Gracias a nosotros, los teatros pudieron abrir sus puertas de nuevo.
Thanks to "the voice" band. Join us next week on "the voice," live.
Acompañanos la semana que viene en THE VOICE, en vivo.
Either we continue with our deception, thanks to which you have eluded the spies that are spying on us... and with the help of God, not one month will pass before you've crossed the border.
O continuamos con nuestro engaño gracias al cual, has eludido las miradas que nos espían... y con la ayuda de Dios, no pasará un mes antes de que hayas pasado la frontera.
All of us survive only thanks to you.
Todos nosotros sobrevivimos sólo gracias a ti.
No thanks to either of us.
No es gracias a ninguno de los dos.
Thanks to someone we've got enough in the bank to carry us through.
Gracias a un desconocido, en el banco guardamos suficiente dinero.
Thanks to your letting things get out of control it'll cost us an extra million dollars this time.
Gracias a que usted dejó que las cosas se salieran de control esta vez nos costará un millón de dólares adicional.
Oh, Heavenly Father I give thee thanks for the security of this voyage which has brought us safely to my native land.
Oh, Padre Celestial os doy las gracias por la seguridad de este viaje que nos trajo a salvo a mi tierra natal.
And let us not forget that thanks to them, we are going back to France.
Y gracias a ellos volveremos a Francia.
In fact, thanks to your interference, you find us completely destitute.
De hecho, gracias a su intromisión, nos encontramos completamente en la miseria.
- Would you care to join us? - No, thanks.
- ¿ Quiere venir con nosotros?
If you want to stop us, try. - Thanks.
Si quieres detenernos, inténtalo.
Thanks for bringing her back to us.
Gracias por traérnosla de regreso.
Thanks for helping us out. But you shouldn't talk back your boss like that. You're liable to get fired.
Gracias por ayudarnos, pero no debería hablarle a su jefe de esa forma.
Eric asked you to go with us. - Thanks, but -
- Gracias, pero...
I don't know how to express my thanks for the evening you offered us.
Ya no sé cómo darle, Comendador, las gracias por ésta estupenda velada - con la que nos ha obsequiado.
O God, by whom the whole world... is governed and preserved... we give to thee humble thanks... for thy fatherly care over us, beseeching thee... to make us truly sensible of thy mercies... and thankful for them.
Dios, Tú que riges y guardas el mundo Te damos las gracias por cuidar de nosotros Te rogamos nos abras a Tu bondad y aprendamos a estarte agradecidos.
Friends, we all know the purpose of this meeting is three fold. As always to give thanks to the goodness bestowed upon us. ... but also to give thanks for particular that the fields are getting water.
Amigos, todos sabemos que eI propósito de esta reunión es agradecer al Señor Ios bienes recibidos, pero también agradecer, concretamente, Ia llegada del agua, Ias cosechas florecen y Ia vida también.
- Thanks for coming to help us.
Gracias por ayudamos.
They're not even giving us a chance to say, "No, thanks."
Ni siquiera nos dan la oportunidad de decir, "No, gracias".
Alive, thanks to your excellent report on us.
Vivos, gracias a tu excelente informe sobre nosotros.
They will be glad to see the last of us at Peh-Chu, thanks to this young woman.
Les alegrará no vernos más en Peh-Chu... gracias a esta joven.
Almighty God, father of all mercies... we, thine unworthy servants, do give thee most humble and hearty thanks... for all thy goodness and loving kindness to us and to all men... particularly to those who desire now... to offer up their praises and thanksgivings... for thy late services vouchsafed unto them.
Alabado seas, Padre de bondad infinita... nosotros, tus indignos siervos venimos ante ti para darte gracias... por tu generosidad para con nosotros y todos los hombres. En especial, señor, te damos las gracias por la generosidad que has tenido con los que ahora estamos aquí... y por las mercedes que de ti hemos recibido.
Let us give thanks to the Lord.
Demos gracias al Señor.
Thanks to Baron Ruthford who gave us the castle and you, queen.
Gracias al Barón Ruthford que nos ha entregado el castillo y a ti, reina.
We offer up our humble thanks and ask that you bless this food to our use and us to thy service.
Te rogamos que bendigas estos manjares para que seas nuestro sustento y a todos nosotros para que estemos a Tu servicio.
He comes to kill us at home, in public. Thanks, Duval.
Viene aquí a matarnos en nuestra propia casa delante de todos y es todo culpa suya, Sr. Duval.
Thanks for coming in to patch us up.
Gracias por haber venido a ayudarnos.
The Manhattan Home for Young Women thanks you for your generous donation and for permitting us to use your name
- El Hogar para Jóvenes de Manhattan agradece su generosa donación.
As for us, we moved to Tochigi, thanks to a friend's help.
Nos hemos mudado a Tochigi gracias a la ayuda de un amigo.
Had some bad moments, but the patient, thanks to his iron constitution, is still with us.
Pasé un mal momento, con ese paciente, pero... gracias a su salud de hierro, todavía lo tenemos entre nosotros.
Thanks to the work you forced us to do we now have a weapon that leaves you powerless.
Gracias al trabajo que nos ha obligado a hacer tenemos una arma ahora que lo deja a usted impotente.
- Thanks for bringing him to us.
- Gracias por traérnoslo.
Thanks to the poignant phrases which the Sibyll's inspired mouth send out to us across the millenia,
Gracias a las frases conmovedoras que la boca inspirada de Szibill... nos envió a través de los milenios,
Let us give thanks that he has been led to our embrace.
Agradezcamos que se haya refugiado en nuestros brazos.
Thanks to you, something incredible has been rekindled between us.
Te lo agradezco. Algo increíble ha renacido entre nosotros gracias a ti.
They're healthier than us, thanks to vitamins.
Tienen más salud, gracias a las vitaminas y las medicinas...
I'd like to give my thanks to the Women's League and our Management for taking good care of us.
Quisiera dar mis gracias a la Liga de las Mujeres y nuestra Gerencia por cuidar bien de nosostros.
It's thanks to you and Jamie that the rest of us are safe.
Es gracias a usted y Jamie que el resto de nosotros estamos a salvo.
It's all thanks to Aunt Eleonora, since she's so good to us.
Es todo mérito de tía Eleonora que es tan buena con nosotros.
Thanks to the whiskey, the glycerine and the ice, you're still among us.
¡ Gracias al Hielo, al whisky y a la glicerina está entre nosotros...!
And thanks to those in power who have helped us towards success.
Y daremos las gracias a todos aquellos que nos hayan ayudado a que tengamos éxito.
Those who dissent are eventually converted thanks to people like us and our methods.
Los opositores siempre acaban apoyándonos gracias a nosotros y a nuestros métodos.
I think we... owe a vote of thanks to the General for visiting us and cheering us up.
Creo que... debemos agradecerle al general que nos haya visitado y subido la moral.
thanks to you 1075
thanks to me 108
thanks to her 38
thanks to 17
thanks to him 73
thanks to mr 18
to us 492
used 73
usagi 51
usher 82
thanks to me 108
thanks to her 38
thanks to 17
thanks to him 73
thanks to mr 18
to us 492
used 73
usagi 51
usher 82
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
used to 118
use me 43
use mine 46
use the force 25
us too 58
use it wisely 19
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
used to 118
use me 43
use mine 46
use the force 25
us too 58
use it wisely 19
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48
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use that 67
use this one 17
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48
use these 22
use that 67
use this one 17