The one that says перевод на испанский
771 параллельный перевод
I's the foreman. I's the one that says when it's quitting time at Tara!
¡ Yo soy el mayoral y digo cuándo se para en Tara!
How much is that belt in the window, the one that says 2.95?
¿ Cuánto cuesta ese cinturón de la vidriera que dice 2,95?
The first cupboard on the right... the one that says "clean rags".
Hay un trapo en el armario de la derecha.
She is the one that says that prevents it from rising!
¡ Es ella la que dice que no baje!
I do know a law. The one that says most of the words in two parts the masters and the obeyers. In my country, there was such a law.
Conozco una ley la que dice que el mundo se divide en dos partes los que huyen y los que persiguen.
I'm the one that says when we go.
Yo soy el jefe y debo dar la orden.
One of my assistants just stopped by the Ohhyung Golf Course in Nonhyun-dong, and says that it looks really nice, perhaps they've renovated the interior.
Hace un momento, uno de mis empleados fue al campo de prácticas en Nonhyeon-dong. Dijo que reformaron el interior así que se ve bonito y limpio.
Paula says her father felled one of the trees on that pinnacle so that it dropped across the chasm and made a bridge.
" Paula dice que su padre tumbó uno de los árboles en ese montículo para que cayera sobre la quebrada y formara un puente.
When I'm on location doing a desert scene, see, this guy Denning picks out the worst camel in the pack and says,'You ride that one.'
Rodábamos en el desierto, Deming me dio el peor camello y dijo : "¡ Coge ese!"
I'll kill the next one that says "ethics" to me.
Mataré al próximo que diga ética delante de mí.
Every night he stands at the door watching the master return and says softly to himself, "One day that'l be me,"
Cada noche espera la llegada del dueño de la casa y se dice a sí mismo : "Algún día yo seré como él."
Jones says that mannion had one of the guards fixed.
Jones dice que Mannion mató a uno de los hombres.
Grandma always says that come, Grandma, I'll help you we'll wear the blue dress, or the green one
¡ La abuela siempre dice lo mismo! Vamos, abuela, yo te ayudaré. vamos a ponernos el vestido azul, o el verde...
That's when one half of Paris says to the other half :
La hora en que la mitad de París le dice a la otra mitad :
He says it's our family tradition that the girls be disposed of one, two, three, four.
Dice que es tradición familiar que vayamos en este orden primera, segunda, tercera, cuarta.
Because Gruber says, how could a nice girl like that run around like that... her father is one of the hostages going to be killed any minute.
Porque Gruber dice que cómo una chica guapa se la jugaría Cuando su padre es uno de los rehenes que pueden morir en cualquier momento.
The message says that only one of the two of us is to go the Café du Commerce.
El mensaje dice que sólo debe ir uno al Café del Comercio.
What says she, fair one? That the tongues of men are full of deceits?
¿ Que las lenguas de los hombres están llenas de engaños?
One of us just says, "Let's break it up." That's the end.
Uno dice : "Terminemos". Ése es el fin.
As for the director, he can only speak English and says I'm the one thing that's saving him from being a misogynist.
El director, en cambio, sólo habla inglés. Y dice que le salvé de ser misógino.
But at the same time, I'm a man who says that one hand washes the other.
Pero al mismo tiempo soy un hombre que dice que una mano lava a la otra.
It says in the Bible that "Whatever you did for one of these least brothers..."
En la Biblia pone que aquello que hagáis a mis hermanos...
- Up to now one round, but now the commander will give me a machine gun because he says that my aim is good.
El fusil, pero el jefe me va a conseguir una metralleta porque tengo buena puntería.
She says that we so need a nice hat,.. because the one we wear is horrible.
Dice que necesitamos un bonito sombrero porque el que llevamos es horrible.
General, that's what one says... but in the end there's no shooting, and you stay there.
¡ A que mi General! Eso dice uno, pero luego ni se pega uno nada, y se queda uno allí aguantando mecha.
Johnny says the biggest one that ever hit us.
Johnny dice que es enorme.
Oh, everyone says that Ian should be the one because he owns the store. Already he's planning to buy another on Colonsay.
Dicen que debo a elegir a McCulloug porque tiene una tienda... y ya tiene planes para comprar otra en Colonsay.
I'll be one of those going down the street with a sign that says : "Bread and Work".
Me convierto en uno de esos que van por la calle con un cartel que dice : "Pan y trabajo".
He says that seeing as how you had all them other boyfriends before me seeing as I never even had one single gal friend before you he figures that between the two of us it kind of averages out to things being proper and right.
Dice que como tú has tenido todos esos novios antes que yo... ... y como yo no he tenido ninguna novia antes que tú... ... Virge piensa que entre los dos el problema se equilibra...
Perhaps I should tell you that Johnson, one of the liftmen here, says he can positively identify you. And that you called in to see the Count one afternoon. And you said, when told he wasn't in, that he was afraid to see you.
Debo advertirle que Johnson, un ascensorista,... afirma poder identificarle... y que vino a ver al conde una tarde... y cuando Ie dijeron que no estaba dijo que tenía miedo de recibirle.
There's only one woman in the world who says ouch like that.
Sólo una mujer en el mundo dice "ay" de esa manera.
That one about the rabbit that fell on out of the tree and says,
Es uno sobre un conejo que cae de un árbol y dice :
There's nothing that says one team can't jump higher than the other!
¡ No hay ninguna ley que diga que un equipo no puede saltar más alto que el otro! ¡ Vuelva a su banquillo!
I followed the concept that I believed to be the highest in my profession, the concept that says : to sacrifice one's own sense of justice to the authoritative legal order, to ask only what the law is, and not to ask whether or not it is also justice.
Fui fiel al concepto que consideraba más importante en mi profesión, el concepto que dice : sacrificar el sentido propio de la justicia al orden legal establecido, sólo preguntar cuál es la ley, y no preguntar qué es o qué no es justo.
He says that's one of the fundamental laws of democracy, no exception.
Dice que es una ley fundamental de la democracia. Sin excepción.
It's as Okishi says, Sakichi, you said very clearly, that the one to settle any incident on your ground is you.
Es como dice Okishi, Sakichi, has dicho claramente, que el único que resuelve los incidentes en tu territorio eres tú.
He says that one of the planes hasn't turned back.
Dice que uno de los aviones no ha regresado.
And the generous one says that the that wins there I will give it to him.
Y la generosa dice que lo que gane allí me lo dará ella.
However, one of the letters says he may be the boy that used to be seen playing in the ruins of the Army Hospital.
Si. Sin embargo, hay una historia que escuche sobre un chico que rondaba un hospital militar.
Says the one who is always at that table and has no idea what the world is.
Para los que siempre están como tú en la mesa, el mundo quién sabe lo que es.
He says there's one around the corner that usually empties out whenever he gets there.
Dice que hay uno cerca que se vacía en cuanto llega él.
The second one, the one over there, that's Donner, California. The one on the bottom, that says Sonora. That's down south in Old Mexico.
El segundo de ahí se dirige a Donner, California, y el que está debajo dice Sonora, que está al Sur, en el viejo México.
Aren't you the one that always says a little suffering is good for the soul?
¿ No decías que el sufrimiento es bueno para el alma?
And they come and say that God does not exist and mockery if he heard this, because it never goes to church in masses or meetings. He says about the soul, we have no soul in us, only the gray matter. He does not know what is why not have one.
y dicen que no hay Dios se burlaría si lo oyese porque nunca va a misa a la Iglesia dice que no tenemos alma sólo materia gris porque él no la tiene
Thou art like one of these fellows that when he enters a tavern claps me his sword on the table and says, "God send me no need of thee!"
Eres como uno de esos tipos que cuando entran en una taberna golpean con la espada en la mesa y dicen :
One thing, though, in very small print, there is a short clause, which says that McBain or his heirs Lose all rights if, by the time the railroad reaches this point, the station ain`t built yet.
Una cosa, sin embargo, en letra muy pequeña, existe una cláusula de corto, que dice que McBain o sus herederos pierden todos los derechos si, por el momento el ferrocarril llega a este punto, la estación de Ain `t construido todavía.
Now, I'm not saying that Mr. Simon is the only one that says these things. The rule, the rule is, is very I think you'll agree consistent among many members of the faculty.
El Sr. Simon es el que os dice esas cosas, pero el reglamento refleja, y creo que estaréis todos de acuerdo, las ideas de muchos miembros del cuerpo de profesores.
Suppertime. The Führer says that if one plans on ignoring the terms of a contract, no use quibbling over details.
El Führer dice que si uno planea ignorar los términos del contrato, no tiene sentido pulir los detalles.
My father says that going to bed is an integral part of the job, and - And one must be good at it.
Mi padre dice que acostarse con alguien es parte integral del trabajo y... y debo saber cómo.
My baby says she's travelin'on the One after 909 I said move over honey I'm traveling on that line.
Mi nena dice que va a tomar el de después de las 9-0-9 le dije, "hazme sitio, encanto yo tomo esa línea"
In the rough-and-tumble of parliamentary debate one often says things that are easily misinterpreted.
En la actividad frenética del debate parlamentario uno a menudo dice cosas que son malinterpretadas fácilmente.
the one and only 111
the one that got away 33
the one that 19
the one i told you about 27
the one 287
the one on the left 17
the one with the 40
the one who died 17
the one who 21
that says 62
the one that got away 33
the one that 19
the one i told you about 27
the one 287
the one on the left 17
the one with the 40
the one who died 17
the one who 21
that says 62
that says it all 20
the other night 242
the other half 29
the others 231
the odyssey 21
the other me 18
the other woman 16
the other way around 24
the old 139
the office 84
the other night 242
the other half 29
the others 231
the odyssey 21
the other me 18
the other woman 16
the other way around 24
the old 139
the office 84
the only way 33
the other side 74
the other guy 58
the other day 439
the other thing is 17
the only thing 56
the other way 103
the other thing 93
the other one 318
the old days 17
the other side 74
the other guy 58
the other day 439
the other thing is 17
the only thing 56
the other way 103
the other thing 93
the other one 318
the old days 17
the old woman 18
the opposite 109
the other two 35
the ocean 80
the old one 21
the other 237
the old lady 20
the opposite 109
the other two 35
the ocean 80
the old one 21
the other 237
the old lady 20