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Very impressive перевод на испанский

2,007 параллельный перевод
Well, his record is very impressive.
Bueno, su historial es admirable.
You've done some very impressive work.
Has hecho un trabajo impresionante.
That's very impressive, Mr. Deacks, but let's cover it up.
Muy impresionante, Sr. Deacks, pero tapémoslo.
This is a very impressive resume.
Este es un currículum muy impresionante, señor Carter.
Whoever made this tape had access to some very impressive audio-filtration equipment.
Quien haya hecho esta cinta ha tenido acceso a equipos de filtración de audio de alta tecnología.
Your game play style is the focus of my story. And I must say. Very impressive.
Tu estilo de juego es el centro de mi historia, y debo decir que es muy impresionante.
Your vocabulary is very impressive.
Tu vocabulario es impresionante.
That's very impressive.
Eso es impresionante.
Very impressive.
Muy impresionante.
- She is very impressive.
- Ella es bastante impresionante.
The site is very impressive.
El sitio es muy impresionante.
I think that's very impressive.
Eso me parece impresionante.
Very impressive.
Muy impactante.
You're very impressive.
Eres muy impresionante
I... You really came very, uh, highly recommended... - and your resume is very impressive.
Te recomendaron mucho... y tu currículum es muy impresionante.
Very impressive.
- Impresionante.
Very impressive choice for your comeback.
Una elección impresionante para tu retorno
- Very impressive.
- Muy impresionante.
- Yeah? Very impressive.
And arranging that was very impressive.
Y arreglar eso fue bastante impresionante.
Very impressive.
muy impresionante.
We were watching you when we saw how at Hit you rebuffed Nikki Stevens even though she could have helped your career, and it was just so incredible. It was very, very impressive.
Te estabamos viendo, vimos como te coqueteó, cómo rechazaste a Niki Stevens, incluso cuando podía beneficiar tu carrera, fue increíble, fue muy, muy impresionante.
Very impressive setup, Dr. McNamara.
Su establecimiento es imponente Dr. McNamara.
It was very impressive.
Fue muy impresionante.
It sounds a little like something I'm working on, but it was... very impressive.
Suena un poco como en algo que estoy trabajando, pero fue... muy impresionante.
That is very impressive.
Caray. Eso es muy impresionante.
That is very impressive.
Eso es muy impresionante.
- That's very impressive.
- Impresionante.
Very impressive.
You're very impressive.
Eres muy impresionante.
That's very impressive.
Realmente impresionante.
Wow, very impressive.
Wow, muy impresionante.
I know you're all very invested in your vaunted technology, and it is very impressive, but I still don't believe you can wipe away a person's soul.
Sé que son muy dedicados con su nueva tecnología y es muy impresionante pero aún no creo que puedan quitar el alma a una persona.
That's very impressive.
Es muy impresionante.
Very impressive. No.
Muy impresionante.
Your test score was very impressive.
Su puntaje fue impresionante.
This is it. Not very impressive.
No es muy impresionante.
Very impressive, Dr. Tanaka.
Impresionante, Dr. Tanaka.
- Oh, I did. - Very impressive.
Muy impresionante.
Very impressive.
Muy buen trabajo.
Very impressive!
Muy impresionante!
It's a very impressive house they have, isn't it? Ohh, yes.
Es una casa muy impresionante la que tienen, ¿ no?
That's very impressive.
Mr. O'Neill, I have to say that your hotel suite was very impressive.
Sr. O'Neill, tengo que decir que su suite de hotel era muy impresionante.
You can read very impressive.
Puedes leer impresionantemente.
Which is very impressive, no other car of its type gets even close to that.
Lo cual es impresionante, ningun otro auto de este tipo se le acerca.
Impressive. Huh, carlos? Very.
Impresionante. ¿ No es verdad, Carlos?
It's very impressive.
Es muy impresionante.
* * * * very impressive, donna.
Muy impresionante, Donna.
That's impressive. In a very evil way.
Es impresionante en una forma muy maligna.
His- - his jokes aren't very funny, but his stench is impressive.
Sus... chistes no son muy divertidos, pero su hedor es impresionante.

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