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We're good people перевод на испанский

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A whole lot of good people feel just as I do... and we're not un-Christian monsters.
Mucha gente decente piensa igual que yo... y no somos monstruos anti-cristianos.
We're going back to where, no matter what people are... they don't try to stop people from laughing and having a good time... as if it were wrong.
Vamos a regresar a un lugar en el que seas quien seas... no intentan impedir que te rías y te diviertas como si eso estuviera mal.
We're good people, you know.
¿ Por qué? , somos buena gente nosotros.
Now keep yer seats like the good, decent people you are. We're off!
Permanezcan sentados como buenas personas.
But this is a vital operation and we're short of good people.
Pero esto tiene una importancia vital y nos faltan personas.
- We're good people.
- Somos buena gente.
But we're all good people.
Sí, todos nosotros somos buenas personas.
But they're good people, and they're fine people... and together we were beginning to get over this bad patch.
Pero son buena gente. Y son gente delicada y juntos estábamos empezando a superar este mal trance.
I believe we're all born into this world as good people.
Yo creo que cuando nacemos, todos somos limpios y puros.
The good Lord give it to us'cause we're deserving people.
El Señor nos los dio porque nos lo merecemos.
Of course, we're good people, we deserve the best.
Por supuesto, somos buena gente, nos merecemos lo mejor.
Now, we're gonna say good night to these people and go home.
Ahora vamos a despedirnos de la gente e irnos a casa.
So we work out a routine, say you're two people - one good, one bad.
Por lo tanto, elaboramos una rutina, digamos eres dos personas - una buena, una mala.
Look, I'm sorry, but we're looking... for some very good jazz dancers... and it's been made very clear to me... that those people don't fit in to that particular category.
Lo siento, pero estamos buscando bailarines de jazz muy buenos y me queda bien claro que esa gente no encaja en esa categoría en particular.
Howard Beach, Howard Beach, Howard Beach, Howard Beach... Good people, we're giving you one more warning to please go home.
Les avisamos una vez más que se vayan a sus casas.
I hope Sam and me will find our way too because we're good people.
Espero que Sam y yo salgamos adelante porque somos buenas personas.
We're gonna go where people pretend they want to go when they can't afford to go someplace good.
Iremos adonde la gente pretende que quiere ir cuando no pueden darse el lujo de ir a un lugar bueno.
All we're asking you to do in good faith and to purge yourself of your mistakes in the past is to help us in identifying the people in those photographs.
Lo que le pedimos hacer de buena fe es expiarse a sí mismo de sus errores pasados y ayudarnos a identificar personas en estas fotografías.
We're a good people, a society with much potential.
Somos un buen pueblo, una sociedad muy prometedora.
Come on, we're not pirates, we're good people
Tranquilo, no somos piratas, somos gente decente.
We can finally say... that when some people are having a good time... and drinking some beers, throwing some meat... that we're not gonna protest.
Podemos finalmente decir... que cuando algunas personas se divierten... y beben unas cervezas, lanzan carne... que no vamos a protestar.
We're supposed to make people feel good, but sometimes things just get out of hand.
Se supone que hagamos sentir bien a la gente, pero a veces las cosas se descontrolan.
But, Mr. President, we're not all good people.
Pero, Sr. Presidente, no todos somos buenos.
Some people say we're just no good
- Algunos dicen que no servimos para nada, - Algunos dicen que no servimos para nada
We're losing good people, but we expect to retain the core of a solid staff.
Estamos perdiendo a buena gente, Pero esperamos mantener el núcleo de una plantilla sólida.
- Good point - Because we're not typical examples and I think that's what people seeing the program might think falsely
- Porque nosotros no somos ejemplos tipicos y creo que eso podria llegar a pensar la gente que ve este programa algo falso
It's not like we're good, but at least we don't kill people!
No somos angeles, pero tampoco vamos matando gente.
Sure, we've had our share of misfortunes, but we're a good town, with good people. And I know that none of us will rest easy until this horrible murder is solved.
Ahora, seguramente, hemos tenido nuestra porción de desgracias, pero somos una buena ciudad, con buena gente, y sé que ninguno de nosotros descansará fácilmente hasta que este horrible asesinato esté resuelto.
We're good people.
Somos buenas.
No, I think that we're free to be the people that we are - - good, bad or indifferent.
No, creo que somos libres de ser las personas que somos ; buenas, malas o indiferentes.
We're not killers. We're good people!
No somos asesinos. ¡ Somos gente buena!
We're an independent and good People!
Somos independientes, y buena gente.
And if that makes people breathe a little easier knowing we're out there... or being a little less nervous walking the streets at night, well, that's a good feeling.
Y si acaso eso hace que la gente respire un poco más tranquila sabiendo que estamos afuera, o estando un poco menos nerviosas al caminar por las calles de noche, bueno, esa, esa es una buena sensación.
Now, we're all very different people, and that's a good thing.
Todos nosotros somos muy diferentes y eso es bueno.
But, hey, despite the stigma of failure and loss we're surrounded by good people.
Pero a pesar del estigma del fracaso y la pérdida nos rodea gente buena.
Kucha knows what we're doing. They are really good, nice people, and which does make it harder as the days go on.
Los Kucha saben lo que hacen son buenas personas y eso dificulta su eliminación conforme pasan los días.
We're the good guys. We don't kill innocent people.
Mira, somos de los buenos, no matamos inocentes.
We're good, people.
Estamos bien.
In addition to our new coach... we're extremely proud of our brand new uniforms... thoughtfully supplied by you, the citizens of Stars Hollow... and carefully cleaned by the good people at Tricky's Dry Cleaners.
Además de nuestro nuevo entrenador... nos enorgullece presentar nuestros nuevos uniformes... que los ciudadanos de Stars Hollow tuvieron el detalle de darnos... y que la buena gente de Tricky's Dry Cleaners lavó.
We're looking for people who are dynamic, good communicators.
Buscamos a gente dinámica, buenos comunicadores.
You're good at what you do, and you want people to know what you do, but once you open your mouth, it's all over'cause what we say ends up in the news.
Eres bueno en lo que haces, y quieres que la gente sepa que eres bueno en lo que haces, pero una vez que abres la boca, todo termina porque lo que decimos acaba en las noticias.
But they're good people, and a president is being inaugurated so let's see what we can do.
Pero ellos son buena gente, y usted debe jurar... Veré que puedo hacer.
We're good people, right?
Nosotros somos buena gente, ¿ o no?
We shall overcome because we're good people. like those e-mails, right?
Juntos podemos porque somos buenos, es como la del tipo que manda los mails,
He lights and carries a torch of racial controversy. / Mr. Shore... Which you know, which is why you're here. We need to put this one out, good people.
La verdad es que sólo tomé este caso para estar en el tribunal contigo.
We're good people.
Somos buenas personas.
You're okay but we had a lot of really good people show up today.
Eres bueno, pero hoy hemos tenido gente realmente buena.
You're okay, but we had a lot of really good people show up today.
Eres bueno, pero hoy tuvimos muchas otras presentaciones buenas.
I mean, we're still good people, right?
Todavía somos buena gente.
- We're good people.
Somos buena gente.
We're good at fixing people up I know!
Somos buenos juntando gente.

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