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You wouldn't do that перевод на испанский

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I wouldn't do that to you.
No te haría eso.
Why wouldn't you do that?
¿ Por qué no harías eso?
You know I wouldn't do that to you, man.
Sabes que no te haría eso. Estoy loco.
I mean, except for his work. Flora wouldn't let you do that.
0 sea, menos en su trabajo, porque Flora no te habría dejado.
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Yo no haría eso si fuera tú.
I wouldn't do that if I was you.
Yo no haría eso si fuera tú.
You wouldn't do that.
No harías eso.
You know, she probably wouldn't go out with me anyway, but how do know that for sure if i don't ever ask?
Sabe, ella no iría a ningun lado conmigo, ¿ Pero cómo estoy seguro de ello si nunca le he preguntado?
I wouldn't make you do that anyway.
No te haría hacerlo de todas maneras.
If you were a true friend, you wouldn't do that.
Si fueras un amigo de verdad, no harías eso.
I wouldn't do that to you, Braden.
No te haría esto a ti, Braden.
Does that mean if you do it to Aaron and something happened to us, that we wouldn't be together?
Y eso significaría que si bautizas a Aaron, y algo nos pasara a nosotros, ¿ que no estaríamos más juntos?
I-I promised myself I-I would just live with these feelings, you know- - I wouldn't do anything about them, but, um... I just can't do that anymore.
Me prometí que viviría con estos sentimientos, ya sabes que no haría nada al respecto, pero no puedo seguir haciendo eso.
Nice. If you hadn't pushed me to do that extra mile stuff, that wouldn't have happened, so thank you.
- Si no me hubieras forzado a poner más de mi parte, no habría sucedido así que te lo agradezco.
That's all. Wouldn't your girlfriend do the same for you?
Tu novia no haría lo mismo por tí?
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Yo no haría eso si fuera usted.
But you know that Miles wouldn't do anything unless he was provoked!
Pero tu sabes que Miles no haría nada... a menos que sea provocado! - ¿ Provocado? - ¡ Provocado!
Well if I could do that to myself, I wouldn't be standing here arguing with you!
si pudiera hacerme eso yo mismo no estaría aquí discutiendo contigo!
Look, Carl wouldn't do that. He was working for you.
Mira, Carl no haría algo así, él está trabajando para ti.
I told you that, so that you wouldn't spend what time we had left trying to do something.
Te lo dije para que no te pasaras el tiempo que nos quedara intentando hacer algo.
- what do you think about the Jews that have destroyed over 417 Arab villages, including all mosques and majids, which wouldn't affect you,'cause you're an atheist.
¿ Qué piensa Ud. de los judíos que han destruido 417 pueblos árabes? Lo cual no debe haberle afectado, ya que Ud. es ateo.
You wouldn't do that!
Bueno, ud. no haría eso.
I wouldn't do one thing that smelled of campaigning for you.
No haré nada que huela a que hago campaña por usted.
Besides the fact that I'm a doctor, and my mother was a nurse, why do you think I wouldn't be able to help my wife with- -
Además del hecho de que yo soy médico y mi madre fue enfermera...
You wouldn't do that.
No serías capaz.
You see, Mac wouldn't do that.
¿ Ves? , Mac no haría eso.
You wouldn't do that.
Te conozco. No harías eso.
There are things that go deeper than words but you wouldn't know that because you never look past the surface, do you?
Quiero decir, hay cosas que van más allá que las palabras, amigo mío más allá que las palabras, pero tú no sabes nada de eso porque nunca miras más allá de la superficie de cada uno, ¿ verdad?
( Sark ) I wouldn't do that if I were you.
No lo haría si fuera tú.
"When do I get the car back?" Even you wouldn't ask that, Gerry.
¿ Cuándo me darán mi auto de vuelta? Ni siquiera tú habrías preguntado eso, Gerry.
After all we've been through, do you really think that I wouldn't be there for you after this baby is born?
¿ Crees que no voy a ayudarte con el bebé?
But I wouldn't ask you to do this if I didn't trust that you could do it without drawing attention.
Pero no te pediría esto si no confiase en que puedes hacerlo sin llamar la atención.
You know him, right? He wouldn't do that.
Él no desaparece así porque sí.
I wouldn't do that to you.
No voy a hacer eso
You wouldn't do that to your boss for no reason.
No le habrías hecho eso si no hubiera ninguna.
She wouldn't do that without talking to you. Not that girl.
No haría eso sin hablar contigo.
It took a lot of years for me to get this,'cause I grew up very much with this idea that you know, there was something I was supposed to do and if I wasn't doing it, I was like, "God wouldn't be happy with me".
Me llevó muchos años entender ésto porque crecí con esta idea que había algo que se suponía tenía que hacer y si no lo hacía era como "Dios no estará felíz conmigo"
In that case, you should know that I wouldn't do it to your shampoo.
En tal caso, deberías saber que algo así no lo haría con tu champú.
No, but, well, you wouldn't do that. Right?
No, usted no haría eso. ¿ Verdad?
or do a cartwheel down the hall because you wouldn't have missed that.
Como cantar "alguna tarde encantada" o hacer una voltereta en el suelo.
- You wouldn't do that.
- No harías eso.
If it were someone you loved, wouldn't you do everything that you could to save them?
Si fuera alguien a quien amaras, ¿ no harías lo que puedas para salvarlos?
I wouldn't do that if I were you, alex.
No haría eso si fuera tú, Alex.
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
No haría eso si yo fuera tu.
I wouldn't do that to you. Really?
No te haría eso a ti.
Captain, he's not doing anything you wouldn't do if it were me in that room.
Capitán, él no hace nada que ud. no haría, si fuese yo el de la habitación.
out of a dog's foot you would do that gently, wouldn't you?
Es como quitar una espina a un perro
a strong team, and i wouldn't be in that o.r. if i didn't know i could do it, and you just have to trust me on that.
Un equipo sólido, y no entraría a ese quirófano si no supiera si puedo hacerlo, y tú tienes que confiar en eso.
ANDY : Hey, Cindy, he just had his heart broken. You wouldn't do that to him, would you?
Oye, Cindy le rompieron el corazón.
You wouldn't do that!
- Tú no lo harías.
If you aren't Kira, there wouldn't be any need to do that.
Si tu no eres Kira, entonces no necesitas hacer nada, ¿ no crees?

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