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But in secret перевод на французский

450 параллельный перевод
This is a very peculiar thing for one gentleman to say to another... but as a matter of fact... you're the one thing in the world I really love.
Adolphus, je vais... te confier un secret. Tu es la seule chose au monde que j'aime réellement.
I know your recipe is a secret but you could write it in your will.
Je comprends que tu gardes ton secret. Mais tu pourrais le mettre sur ton testament.
That secret document is too dangerous to bring here, but not in the way he means.
Ce document est trop dangereux pour être exhibé ici.
Killer now possess three pieces of treasure map but secret cannot be read without fragment in parent's pocket.
Tueur possède maintenant trois morceaux de carte au trésor... mais secret ne peut être lu sans morceau dans poche de ton père.
But I hadn ´ t the courage and I Ieft her with Ana, to be raised in secret.
Mais je n ´ en ai pas eu le courage et je l ´ ai confié à la tante Ana du moulin pour qu ´ elle l ´ élève en secret.
As I see it you killed Phillip Musgrave in his own room, carried his body down through the secret passageway, out through the greenhouse into the garage where you crammed it into the rumble seat of that roadster but unfortunately for you,
D'après moi, vous avez tué Phillip dans sa chambre, vous l'avez transporté par le passage secret vers la serre, jusqu'au garage, pour le cacher dans le cabriolet. Dommage pour vous, vous aviez un témoin.
The document was actually entrusted to a reliable but insignificant man in our secret service.
Le document a été confié à un homme loyal, mais insignifiant, de nos services secrets.
A perfect stranger coming out of the wall! Do not even mention it. In Paris, nothing but secret entrances.
À Paris, tout le monde fait ça, sauf les maris et les domestiques.
But top-secret groups like O77... were billeted in remote, country estates where they were held in complete isolation... while awaiting specific assignments.
Mais les groupes tels que l'O-77... sont expédiés ø la campagne... dans l'attente de missions spécifiques.
You've been dreading this moment, hoping against hope it would never happen but knowing in your secret hearts that it would
Vous saviez, au fond de vous, que ce moment tant redouté arriverait.
But you won't discover nature's eternal secret forces in those books.
Mais ce que la nature contient de semences eternelles, aucun livre ne te le dira.
Yes, but the police may not think he's guilty. After all, they work in secret, you know.
La police ne le croit peut-être pas coupable.
But with you in possession of the secret and Kalka, I couldn't run the risk of any delay.
Mais comme Kalka et vous connaissez le secret, je ne peux pas courir le risque d'attendre.
If Bravano had to choose between really having Maria, in secret and not having her, but with the whole world thinking he did he'd want it just he way it was
Si Bravano avait dû choisir entre posséder Maria en secret ou se contenter de faire croire à tous qu'il la possédait, il aurait opté pour la seconde solution.
But always in secret. Never let it be known. And never ask to be repaid.
Mais toujours en secret, sans rien demander.
I watch my health, take plenty of salt, of course, but I think the real secret is in one's mental attitude.
Je fais attention à ma santé, je mange plein de sel, mais je crois que le secret c'est d'avoir un bon mental.
About me really, because it happened before I met you. But I don't believe in keeping things secret.
Ça m'est arrivé autrefois, mais je ne veux rien te cacher.
Yes, but in the secrecy of confession you told me, and even if they should kill me I would never say a peep.
Oui mais tu m'as dit ça dans le secret de la confession, et même si on voulait me tuer je n'en dirais pas un mot.
Lieutenant Rip Crandall was on his way... to a secret anchorage, a hidden harbor, so shrouded in mystery... that it was known only as "somewhere in the South Pacific."
Son but : un port mystérieux, quelque part dans le Pacifique sud.
It's a crisis affecting many writers today, but in my case it's something secret inside affecting my whole life.
On est nombreux à la connaître, mais pour moi... c'est une chose secrète qui affecte ma vie.
But the great psychologist. ... demonstrate the existence of another part of our mind. which functions in darkest secrecy and can even rule our lives.
Mais le grand psychologue démontra l'existence d'une autre partie de notre esprit, œuvrant dans le plus grand secret, et gouvernant nos vies.
I'll let you know when I'm leaving, but if you keep nagging me, then I'll just leave in secret!
Si tu me laisses faire, je t'indiquerai le jour du départ. Si tu fais des histoires, je partirai sans rien dire.
You don't happen to be a patient, but when i do have a patient, it's... a big part of my job is to-to help him discover those secret wishes and fantasies and bring them out in the open, and when that's done -
Vous n'avez pas à jouer les patients. Mais quand j'en aurai un, une grande partie de mon travail consistera à découvrir ses secrets et fantaisies cachées.
But I see no harm in telling you that I was born in the year 1 204.
Mais ce n'est pas un secret... je suis né en l'an de grâce 1204.
Well, he got his flying papers back because we were short-handed in the air, but he kept the secret from her that he was shoving off the next day.
Il avait reçu son ordre de départ. Il le lui avait caché.
We live in Tunisia, but we come from Grenada, where our relatives still adhere to our forefathers'faith.
Nous vivons à Tunis mais sommes de Grenade... où nos parents perpétuent en secret la loi de nos pères.
Of course, all this - The existence of a secret... library was known in high places... but there was no way of getting at it.
Les autorités connaissaient cette bibliothèque secrète. Mais impossible de mettre la main dessus.
See, secret agents gave Tony a shot of truth serum but he fixed them. He answered their questions in Arabic.
Ils lui ont injecté un sérum de vérité mais il les a bernés en répondant en arabe.
All my secrets. Yeah, it's probably the most secret room in the whole country, but, you see, no guards.
La pièce qui contient le plus de secrets dans tout le pays.
Do you know, during the first five months he took home quite a heap of policy files and other secret stuff, but during the last month he took away nothing but low-grade, non-secret digests of foreign policy that anyone could have read two days later in Time Magazine.
Figurez-vous que pendant les cinq premiers mois, il a ramené un nombre important de dossiers top-secrets, mais ce dernier mois, il n'a ramené que des dossiers de politique étrangère publics et peu importants que n'importe qui aurait pu lire deux jours après dans le Time.
I know about the rigorous training of the Vulcan youth, but tell me, did he ever run and play like the human children, even in secret?
Mais lui est-il arrivé de jouer comme des enfants humains? Même en secret?
Sinner, you got me here with the secret of confession but there is something behind you which will accuse you, not behind in fact, inside you, your conscience.
Pécheur tu m'as eu ici avec le secret de la confession mais il y a quelque chose derrière toi qui va t'accuser, non pas derrière, dedans toi, ta conscience.
An agent murdered is bad enough, but when it happens inside the Ministry of Top Secret Information, the most security-conscious area in the country, well...
Un agent tué, c'est grave. Et au Ministère de l'Information Top Secrète, l'endroit le plus sûr du pays!
But she spoke in secret, so maybe we'd better not take the main alley.
Mais comme elle parlait en secret, évitons l'entrée principale.
But when he grows into a young man and returns to Argos, he meets Electra in secret by the grave of their father Agamemnon, and together they decide to take revenge.
Quand il devient jeune homme, à vingt ans, il revient à Argos, retrouve en secret Électre sur la tombe paternelle et ils décident de se venger.
But you heard a witness testify to having seen you on the London docks on the night of November 14th, consorting in secret with a known enemy of the crown. - He lies!
Un témoin a affirmé vous avoir vue sur les docks londoniens la nuit du 14 novembre, comploter en secret avec un ennemi de la Couronne.
But we don't live in your era of secret societies anymore
Ton époque de mouvements clandestins est révolue.
But here in Hamburg, as in Hong Kong, Tangiers, Switzerland, among others, the banking laws keep these boxes absolutely private.
Mais à Hambourg, comme en Suisse, entre autres, le secret bancaire prévaut.
But don't be blind! There is a man loving you madly and secretly suffering for you, in the shadow.
Il y a un homme qui vous aime en secret et qui souffre, dans l'ombre.
I'm the man in charge. But I can't watch everybody! The last thing I'd wish would be something secret going on in my own home, something hidden from me.
La dernière chose que je voudrais, serait un secret dans ma maison, qu'on me cache quelque chose.
but in places that were dark, secret, remote, hidden, inaccessible?
mais dans des endroits qui étaient obscurs, secrets, à distance, cachés, inaccessibles?
But to find his name, and to do it in secret is a job of pure detective work.
Mais trouver un nom, et le faire dans le secret est purement un travail de détective.
First, he appointed him Commander, in the hope that he'd drown miserably. But he soon concluded a secret alliance with Napoleon III... ( here he is )
Il l'a nommé amiral, espérant qu'il ferait naufrage, l'a fait trahir par Napoléon II.
Here's how he's supposed to have looked... based on Irving's reports of those secret meetings which in fact never happened. But who cared about facts?
D'après les rapports d'Irving, cette rencontre n'a jamais eu lieu.
- Yes, but not in secret! - I don't remember being present.
C'est vrai, mais pas en secret!
Maybe not, but it was not in secret!
Je n'y étais pas. Certes, mais ce n'était pas en secret!
Women liked Simon, but they had to like him in secret. Simon had had this relationship with his mother for 35 years. She was the centre of his universe and his tormentor.
"Cette relation avec sa mère, Simon la vivait depuis 35 ans, elle était son soleil et sa... tourmente."
The secret ideal of all managers, if they are honest He stated everything in advance, to everybody but nobody wanted to believe it
En Thuringe, où fut créé le camp de Buchenwald, ils laissèrent le chêne de Goethe sous lequel, 150 ans, plus tôt, le poète avait écrit :
- We haven't all the details yet, but it appears he'd become involved in a British Secret Service operation.
- Au cours d'une opération impliquant les services secrets britanniques. Nous n'en savons pas plus.
But in reality, I'm a lady spy who's looking for this castle's secret.
Mais Wolf est là, je n'ai donc plus de chance de le prendre.
But don't nibble in secret.
Mais ne grignotez pas en douce.

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