For a moment there перевод на французский
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You know, for a moment there I actually thought that Brunt's head was going to explode with frustration!
J'ai cru à un moment que la tête de Brunt allait exploser de frustration!
- What a shame. For a moment there, I thought you were onto something.
J'ai cru que vous teniez une piste.
I know we were talking about you for a moment there, but my day was so bad.
Je sais qu'on parlait de toi, mais ma journée a été trop horrible.
For a moment there, I wasn't sure what you would do.
Pendant un moment, je n'étais pas sûr de ce que vous alliez faire.
For a moment there, neither was I.
Pendant un moment, moi non plus.
The aroma's starting to grow on me. For a moment there, I almost forgot it wasn't the real thing but only for a moment.
J'ai failli oublier que ce n'était pas du vrai.
Why deny it that for a moment there...
Pourquoi le nier? L'espace d'un moment...
Why deny for a moment there God was you?
Pourquoi nier que pendant un moment... Dieu, c'était vous?
Marco... I'm telling you, for a moment there, I believed it.
Marco, je te dis que j'y ai cru.
For a moment there, you had me worried.
Dieu merci! J'allais m'inquiéter.
For a moment there I thought you were the voice of experience. Obviously not.
T'avais l'air d'avoir tant d'expérience Suis je bête.
Although she gave me quite a fright for a moment there.
Elle m'a cependant effrayée.
I, er... tuned out there for a moment, Elliot.
J'étais branché ailleurs, Elliot.
There will be no classes with me for a while.
Je ne vais pas faire cours pendant un moment.
For a moment we lost them and then suddenly we saw them near the bottom, and once there were 3 of them.
Un moment on les avait perdu et puis brusquement on les voyait approcher sur le fond et une fois il y en avait 3.
But there's a time and a place for everything and this is the time and this is definitely the place for one hell of a party.
Il y a un temps et un lieu pour tout... et c'est le moment et l'endroit pour une soirée du tonnerre.
- There never has been a good time for us.
- Il n'y a jamais eu de bon moment.
I'm going to stay there for a while.
J'y resterai un moment.
Ship tracked them for another couple of minutes and then : One moment he was there, the next he was gone.
On les a suivis encore quelques minutes et ensuite, ils ont disparu.
You know, for a second there, I thought we were gonna have a Hallmark moment.
Pendant une seconde, j'ai cru que vous alliez vous ramollir.
He's always been there for me when I needed him and right now, he needs me.
Il a toujours été là pour moi et en ce moment, il a besoin de moi.
Well, I'm sure there's an old cell lying around here somewhere but I don't have time to scrounge around for it at the moment.
- C'est un secret. Il y en a une qui traîne, mais je n'ai pas le temps de la chercher.
Well, for a while there, neither did I.
Pendant un moment, moi non plus.
In fact, he met privately with the President, though, unfortunately, there wasn't enough time for a photo opportunity.
Il a d'ailleurs rencontré le Président en privé même s'ils n'ont pas eu le temps d'immortaliser ce moment.
There was a moment when I used to blame everything and everyone for all the pain and suffering and vile things that happened to me that I saw happen to my people.
Il fut un temps où j'en voulais à la terre entière pour la douleur, les souffrances que j'endurais, et que mon peuple endurait.
Uh, sir, there is time now for a personal moment. We're a few seconds ahead of schedule.
A vrai dire, vous avez un créneau maintenant... nous avons quelques secondes d'avance.
And though I could no longer speak for Eddie, who had gone off to fulfill his destiny, of all things, I think that right then and there... for the first time in a long time, I actually felt safe.
Et même si je ne pouvais plus parler au nom d'Eddie... qui était parti remplir son destin... malgré tout, je pense qu'à ce moment précis... pour la première fois depuis longtemps... je me suis senti en sécurité.
She could have gnawed on it for a while, but I don't think there's a motherfucker in here let that happen.
Elle aurait du s'acharner dessus un bon petit moment.
Listen, once he gets into that MTV, he'll be there for quite a while.
Quand il regarde MTV, il en a pour un moment.
For a minute there...
Pendant un moment...
Out there, it can only be for a moment, because if your body dies out there while you are in here your soul will be trapped in here with us forever.
Mais là-bas, ça ne peut durer qu'un court moment car si votre corps mourait alors que vous êtes ici, votre âme serait prise au piège avec nous à jamais.
Allah says, "When the time for division comes, there is going to be a huge storm, and you will all fight like animals."
Allah dit, quand le moment où la division viendra, il y aura un orage énorme, et vous combattrez tous comme des animaux.
Yes, there's a baldy who's been sitting here for a long time, only asked for a glass of water
Oui, il y a un chauve qui est assis là depuis un long moment, il a juste demandé un verre d'eau
They wish this could have come at a better time as if there is ever a good time for this but agree that we must intervene.
Ils auraient préféré que le moment soit mieux choisi... comme s'il y avait un bon moment pour ça... mais conviennent qu'il faut les aider.
Jane. Oh, sorry. I was just fantasizing for a second there.
Désolé.J'ai fantasmé pendant un moment.
You've been in there for a long time.
T'es Ià-dedans depuis un moment.
"Sally, there's something I've been wanting to ask you for a while now."
"Sally, il y a une question que j'aimerais te poser depuis un bon moment."
They came to me at a time in my life when evil - there's no other word for it - had lost all proportion with the world around me.
Ils sont arrivés à un moment de ma vie où le mal, c'est le seul mot, avait pris le pas sur ma vie.
Actually, if you all wouldn't mind leaving the room for a moment, there are a couple of rather personal questions I'd like to ask Daria.
En fait... J'aimerais que vous nous laissiez un moment. J'ai quelques questions assez personnelles à lui poser.
Excuse me, Mother, but thanks to the influence... of these "refined gentlemen," there has never been... such rampant corruption, such miserable conditions... for working people than there is at this very moment.
Pardon, mais grâce à ces "hommes raffinés", il n'y a jamais eu autant de corruption ni de misère chez les ouvriers qu'à l'heure actuelle.
Michael, there comes a point in a man's life, and maybe that time for you is now, when it doesn't hurt to start thinking about the future.
Michael, il y a un moment dans la vie, et c'est peut-être le moment pour toi, où il faudrait penser à l'avenir.
I know for sure that there isn't anybody around now.
Mais je sais qu'il n'y a pas un chien là-bas en ce moment.
- I've tried to deny it for some time now, but I guess there comes a time when you have to face the truth.
- J'ai essayé de nier, mais il arrive un moment où il est important d'affronter la vérité.
She was standing before me as innocent and as beautiful as ever and I wanted her just as much as I ever have but, I don't know, as large a part of me wanted her there's a part of me just as large that knows that now is not the right time for us.
Elle était là, plus belle et innocente que jamais. Je la désirais toujours autant, mais une part de moi la désirait et une autre part savait que ce n'était pas le bon moment.
You've been in there for a Iong time.
T'es Ià-dedans depuis un moment.
Look, could you wait for me over there for a bit?
Vous pouvez m'attendre un moment?
There couldn't have been a more perfect moment to see Skipper for the first time since she dumped him.
Elle n'aurait pas pu choisir un meilleur moment pour revoir Skipper, un an aprés l'avoir plaqué.
But according to your wife's statement, at one point, she reached over for you in the bed and you weren't there.
Mais d'après les dires de votre femme, à un moment donné, elle a tendu le bras vers vous et vous n'étiez pas là.
Don't you think there was a moment when Xena just did it all for... destiny?
A un moment ou l'autre, Xena n'a pas fait tout ça pour la destinée?
You looked for long enough and there was a duck.
Au bout d'un moment on voyait un canard.
I know this is coming at a bad time for everyone but there's nothing I can do about that.
Je sais que cela vient à un mauvais moment pour tout le monde Mais il n'y a rien que je puisse faire à ce sujet.
for as long as i can remember 39
for all intents and purposes 51
for all i care 74
for a while 430
for all i knew 20
for all you know 82
for a few days 45
for all we know 381
for all of us 271
for all i know 267
for all intents and purposes 51
for all i care 74
for a while 430
for all i knew 20
for all you know 82
for a few days 45
for all we know 381
for all of us 271
for all i know 267
for all eternity 28
for all of it 31
for all our sakes 38
for a while now 24
for a while there 37
for a walk 37
for all of you 34
for a change 108
for a year 68
for an hour 41
for all of it 31
for all our sakes 38
for a while now 24
for a while there 37
for a walk 37
for all of you 34
for a change 108
for a year 68
for an hour 41
for a second there 70
for a moment 206
for any reason 26
for a week 61
for about 65
for anyone 32
for a very long time 38
for a drink 22
for another 41
for a minute 130
for a moment 206
for any reason 26
for a week 61
for about 65
for anyone 32
for a very long time 38
for a drink 22
for another 41
for a minute 130