How does that help перевод на французский
188 параллельный перевод
And how does that help us?
- Et en quoi cela nous aide?
- How does that help people?
- En quoi cela aide-t-il les gens?
How does that help us?
En quoi ça nous aide?
How does that help me, to see her?
En quoi cela m'aide-t-il de la voir?
Yeah. So how does that help me?
En quoi cela peut-il m'aider?
How does that help us?
En quoi cela peut-il nous aider?
How does that help you win a parachute?
En quoi est-ce que ça vous aide pour gagner un parachute?
How does that help us find him?
Ça nous aide à le trouver?
- That helps you. How does that help me?
- Un intérêt pour vous, pas pour moi.
How does that help us?
Qu'est-ce que ça nous apporte?
How does that help us?
A quoi ça nous avance?
It's most entertaining, but how does that help me? .
- Amusant, mais en quoi ça m'aide?
How does that help us track him down?
En quoi ça nous aide?
- How does that help?
- Et alors?
How does that help us, Dr Jackson?
Quel rapport?
How does that help a community? But that's part of the state... you know, making parents responsible, making them work- -
l'État du Michigan veut responsabiliser les parents...
How does that help me?
- Comment est-ce que ça va m'aider?
- So how does that help us?
- En quoi cela nous aide-t-il?
How does that help me find out what happened last night?
Ça m'aide à savoir ce qui s'est passé hier soir?
And how does that help us find the killer?
- Cela peut nous aider à trouver le tueur?
How does that help us figure out what we're supposed to do?
En quoi cela nous aide-t-il?
Captain, how does that help anything?
- Capitaine, comment ça va nous aider?
So my stamp collection is safe how does that help us find the Gate?
Donc ma collection de timbres est à l'abri... En quoi cela peut nous aider à retrouver la Porte?
How does that help us?
Comment ça va nous aider?
How does that help us?
Et en quoi ça nous aide?
How does that help?
Des briques? En quoi ça aide?
How does that help me?
En quoi ça m'aide?
You've just described half of the men living in Philadelphia. How does that help us?
Vous venez de décrire la moitié des hommes vivant à Philadelphie!
Man : how does that help with video games?
En quoi ça aide pour les jeux vidéo, ça?
So how does that help explain how Diane Chase died?
Comment ça explique la mort de Diane Chase?
So they start shooting at each other. How does that help us?
Admettons qu'ils commencent à se tirer dessus.
How does that help me?
Et moi dans tout ça?
But how does that help me?
En quoi ça m'aide?
How does that help your case?
En quoi ça peut t'aider?
How does that help?
Quel interet?
How does that help you?
En quoi ça va vous aider?
And how does that help us?
Et ça nous aide?
How does that help Turkey?
- Et Turkey?
How to make the good that my client does known and how to help him find ways to do good and benefit others as well as himself.
Faire connaître ce que mon client fait de bien. L'aider à prendre les bonnes décisions... autant pour les autres que pour lui.
- Well, how does knowing that help us?
- Et le savoir nous aide en quoi?
How does that even help them solve the crime? They look at the thing.
J'ignore en quoi ça les aide à élucider un crime.
So how does it help us to join the side that is slaughtered?
Quel intérêt aurions-nous à rejoindre le camp des sacrifiés?
How the fuck does that help?
Ça fout tout en l'air!
How does it feel... to know that somewhere out there... someone is about to die... and they're gonna ask you for your help?
Ça te fait quoi de savoir que quelqu'un qui va mourir, va te demander de l'aide?
How does that help Leo?
En quoi ça aide Léo?
How does that help me?
Et en quoi ça aide?
Well, that's great, but how does it help us now?
Eh bien, c'est génial, mais en quoi cela nous aide-t-il maintenant?
And I can't help but wonder... how does a terrible thought like that get into a little boy's head?
Et je ne peux m'empêcher de me demander... Comment une chose aussi horrible peut traverser l'esprit d'un petit garçon?
In an auditory sense, a gunshot is fairly unique, in that it produces a short, intense sound impulse. And how exactly does this help me with a timeline?
D'un sens auditif, un coup de feu est plutôt unique, et ici il produit une impulsion courte et intense.
Well, that's good, but how does it help us?
C'est bien, mais comment ça va nous aider?
How the fuck does that help me? How?
En quoi ça m'aide?
how does that help us 29
how does it feel 296
how does that sound 179
how does it make you feel 33
how does it work 242
how does it go 44
how does it look 112
how does he do it 43
how does she do it 17
how does that work 156
how does it feel 296
how does that sound 179
how does it make you feel 33
how does it work 242
how does it go 44
how does it look 112
how does he do it 43
how does she do it 17
how does that work 156