Would it matter перевод на французский
523 параллельный перевод
What would it matter?
Quelle portée aurait-elle?
Would it matter if I slept with you?
Et si je dormais avec vous?
What would it matter?
- Comment!
What would it matter?
Quelle importance?
- Would it matter?
- Ça ferait-il une différence?
The letter would make it here somehow... whether from the Netherlands or the United States, it doesn't matter.
La lettre arriverait ici, par n'importe quel moyen, qu'elle soit envoyée des Pays-Bas ou des Etats-Unis, ça n'a pas d'importance.
Yes, but it would matter very much.
Oui, en effet ça a de l'importance et beaucoup.
As a matter of fact, it all comes down to this, a man would have to be very stupid to touch you without first knowing your heart.
À vrai dire, le tout peut se résumer ainsi : il faudrait être stupide pour vous toucher sans d'abord connaître votre cœur.
Madam, we would appreciate it if you'd straighten this matter out first.
Nous vous serions reconnaissants de débrouiller ceci en premier.
But how would you justify it if it were only a personal matter?
Qu'est-ce que vous en savez?
Well, I'd hoped that it did matter... that when you came here, things would change.
Je pensais que ça en aurait et que les choses changeraient à votre arrivée.
I didn't think it would matter so much.
Je ne pensais pas que c'était important.
No matter how faint, it would still be something.
Au moins un petit quelque chose.
A little reform wouldn't do you any harm. As a matter of fact, I think it would do the state good if somebody'd reform you right out of existence.
Le salut public exigerait qu'on vous réforme de l'existence!
Mr. Bronson and I have decided that it would be a simple matter to break that wall.
M. Bronson et moi avons décidé que nous pourrions simplement détruire ce mur.
If our bases were this close, it would be a simple matter.
Mais la sphère d'influence du Japon est trois fois plus grande que celle de l'Allemagne.
It's childish. You were always inclined to despise my simple approach to the problems of this life, but our silence on the matter would be worth something, would it not?
Tu as toujours dédaigné mon approche simple des problèmes de cette vie, mais notre silence sur cette question vaut quelque chose, non?
Believe me, Jane, if it were only for self-glory it would be a different matter.
Croyez-moi, Jane, si ce n'était que pour la gloire, ce serait différent.
He would do that. But it doesn't matter.
C'est bien de lui.
Not that it would matter to me, one way or the other.
Alors, je me demandais. Mais ça ne me gêne pas du tout.
But it would matter.
Oh! Mais ça serait important.
I knew you would, no matter how much it hurt you.
Je savais que tu m'aiderais, quoi qu'il en soit.
There are other stories, some perhaps more heroic... but no matter what story might have been selected... or wherever on earth or in the air it might take place... the men involved would be much the same as Murray...
Il existe d'autres histoires, certaines peut-être plus héroïques, mais quelle que soit l'histoire, l'endroit sur terre ou dans les airs, les hommes concernés seraient semblables à Murray,
It would be a simple matter to let the knife slip.
C'est facile de faire déraper un couteau.
It would be a very simple matter to transfer some of the activities of the Allen Oil Company so that they can take over operation of any one of these Pennsylvania concerns.
Il serait très facile de transférer certaines activités du Groupe Allen afin qu'elles s'occupent d'intérêts présents en Pennsylvanie.
I was just sitting here thinking, as a matter of fact, you know nothing really has turned out the way I thought it would.
J'étais justement là, à me dire que rien ne s'est passé comme je l'espérais.
As a matter of fact... Maybe it would be more interesting without it.
À vrai dire... ce serait peut-être plus intéressant sans ça.
My blood's antibodies would attack it as they attack any invading matter.
Greffer des organes d'un autre corps est une agression.
Is it a symposium of doubles, or matter and antimatterapproximation, which I would not recommend, as it could lead to annihilation and thus, to the creation of an unknown power, and the known powers are just enough.
Un congrès de sosies? Ou une rencontre de la matière avec l'antimatière? Pas à conseiller, ça.
I think it would also matter to Mitch.
Mitch en souffrira aussi.
First, he would like you to make it clear... that your recommendation to vote "Yes" was purely personal... not binding on Catholics as a matter of conscience.
D'abord, il veut que vous précisiez qu'en recommandant de voter "oui", vous n'engagiez que vous, et non les catholiques.
What's the matter? Jane Russell would do it for Billy the Kid.
Jane Russell l'a bien fait avec Billy the kid.
And me, I would have been able to start a new life. It didn't matter if that money was stolen.
En travaillant pour le faire fructifier, je le redistribuerais aux bonnes œuvres.
It would be good if they take care of the retirement matter that works as a monthly cost.
. 199 00 : 19 : 35,174 - - 00 : 19 : 37,176. Quoi?
But if you were an untouchable girl.. well, it would be a matter of principles.
Mais si une jeune fille est intouchable.. et bien, ce serait une question de principes.
It is a paltry matter to be rid of him, but I would do it.
LEICESTER : Se charger de lui est un problème dérisoire, mais je le ferai.
I would say it's a matter of the north pasture.
Je parle du pâturage nord.
Would you think it was some kind of cowardice if I told you... that no matter how confident you two are I'm just a little scared.
Vous pensez que ce serait un genre de lâcheté, de vous dire... que peu importe combien vous êtes sûrs de vous, je suis juste un peu terrorisé.
Wouldn't matter who I was, would it?
Que ce soit moi ou une autre, qu'importe, hein?
Because it would be the act of a desperate woman which I do not happen to be, no matter what you say.
Une femme désespérée le ferait.
I am perfectly certain that you will not cold-shoulder me, you will not turn your back on me, because it would not be a matter of turning your back on me, but on your very country.
Je suis certain que ceci ne sera pas accueuilli froidement, que vous ne me tournerez pas le dos, car ce n'est pas à moi, mais au pays entier que vous le feriez.
It's only a matter of time that lwazu and I would come to this.
Tôt ou tard, Iwatsu et moi devrons nous affronter.
I didn't think it would matter.
Je ne voulais pas mal faire.
That would explain the high-radiation readings, wouldn't it, Captain? If the matter - antimatter..?
Cela expliquerait le niveau élevé de radiations si...
- It would seem that we were held in the power of creatures able to control matter and to rearrange molecules in whatever fashion was desired.
- Eh bien? Nous étions à la merci de créatures capables de contrôler la matière et de réarranger les molécules de quelque façon que ce soit.
Then it would be just a matter of counting our dead.
Alors il ne s'agira plus que de compter nos morts.
They would've done it anyway, no matter what I said.
Ils l'auraient fait quoi que je dise.
No matter how many times I would go over it, I realised I had not been fair to her.
Et plus j'y pensais, plus je m'en rendais compte.
No captain of the Starfleet would do that unless it was a matter of life and death.
Aucun capitaine ne ferait cela sauf en cas de vie ou de mort.
In Chicago, I would have. But considering the reputation of Scotland Yard, I decided it was in the best interests of my client to put the matter in their hands.
A Chicago, je le ferais... mais compte tenu de la réputation... du Yard... j'ai décidé que c'était de l'intérêt de mon client... de remettre l'affaire entre leurs mains.
As a matter of fact, it would be better for you to be frank with me.
D'ailleurs, il vaudrait mieux pour toi que tu sois franc.
would it 428
would it not 28
it matters 145
it matters to me 106
it matters not 21
matter 86
matter of fact 310
would 251
would you like some coffee 97
wouldn't 33
would it not 28
it matters 145
it matters to me 106
it matters not 21
matter 86
matter of fact 310
would 251
would you like some coffee 97
wouldn't 33
would you like some 121
would you like a cup of tea 61
would you like some tea 119
would you 3241
would i lie to you 18
would you mind 397
would you like something to drink 80
would you do me a favor 67
would you like some water 61
wouldn't you like to know 93
would you like a cup of tea 61
would you like some tea 119
would you 3241
would i lie to you 18
would you mind 397
would you like something to drink 80
would you do me a favor 67
would you like some water 61
wouldn't you like to know 93