You came in перевод на французский
5,408 параллельный перевод
Well, you came in here looking like crap, and you haven't said very much.
Ben oui, vous êtes rentré ici comme une merde, et nous n'avez pas parlé depuis.
Well, you came in here looking like...
Ben oui, vous êtes rentré ici...
You came in the storm one night.
Vous étiez venu de nuit, en pleine tempête.
I was looking at this right before you came in, and now it's gone.
Je regardais les images juste avant ton arrivà © e, et elles ont disparu. C'est vide.
You came in from two sides...
Vous êtes arrivés des deux côtés à la fois.
♪ When you came in the air went out ♪
♪ When you came in the air went out ♪
If you came in here to rub my nose in it,
Si vous êtes venu ici pour me frotter le nez,
But you knew that when you came in here.
Mais tu le savais en arrivant.
When you came in here, you said you were angry with yourself.
Quand tu es venue, tu as dit que tu étais en colère contre toi-même.
- Last night, when you came in here, I told you.
- La nuit dernière, quand tu es venu, je te l'ai dit.
Yeah, you came in here and immediately insulted me and my neighborhood.
Tu débarques et tu m'insultes, moi et mon quartier.
You came in here practically glowing.
Tu es venu ici en étant pratiquement scintillant.
You came in here knowing what you had to do, hoping I would pull a rabbit out of a hat, so you wouldn't have to.
- Je vois. Tu es venue ici, sachant ce que tu devais faire, en espérant qu'un lapin sorte du chapeau pour te libérer d'un fardeau.
Your wife's next door. Don't tell anyone how you came in.
Votre femme est à côté, mais nul ne doit savoir comment vous êtes entré.
I was very glad to see you came back in this week.
Je suis content que vous soyez revenu.
There was a cycle at the ICA in London, I saw almost all of them, and you came, you probably don't remember.
Il y a eu un cycle à l'ICA, à Londres. J'ai presque tout vu. Vous êtes venue.
Roy, you can't take her in there. Well, Flora and I just came by.
Roy, elle peut pas entrer.
We did, but you're a terrible dancer, so we came in second to last.
Si, mais tu es une danseuse terrible, alors on est arrivé avant-dernier.
I do not want to move, but if I win my place in the team, I came to see you in class Colombia.
Je veux pas m'avancer, mais si je gagne ma place en écurie, je viendrai te voir en 1re Classe à Columbia.
Only if you want me to tell you we came in the back and took the stairs.
Oui, mais on est entrés par-derrière et on est montés à pied.
You came out in digital, for God's sake... digital!
Tu es passé au digital bon sang!
No. He came in yesterday, and he was fine in a totally boring way you'd expect if you knew who I was talking about.
Il est venu hier, et il était bien mais ennuyeux, comme attendu, si tu savais qui c'est.
You just came in.
T'as fait que ca.
I came to tell you in hospital that the couture house employing you had fired you.
Je suis venu t'annoncer sur ton lit d'hopital que tu n'etais plus a la tete de la maison de haute couture qui t'employait.
And, urn, lavatories are just through the door where we came in, so you don't have to go through the main bar to access the facilities.
Et, hum, les toilettes sont juste derrière la porte d'où nous venons, donc vous n'avez pas à traverser le bar principal pour accéder aux installations.
They kill you and then they hide drugs in your corpse and they ship your corpse to your grandmother and then somebody shows up and kills your grandma and takes the drugs.
Ils bourrent ton cadavre de came, ils l'envoient à ta grand-mère, ils tuent la grand-mère et prennent la came.
When you were sitting there in the darkness, I thought you killed him and you came to ask for help.
Quand tu étais assise là, dans l'obscurité, j'ai pensé que tu l'avais tué et que tu venais demander de l'aide.
You stank when you first came in here.
Tu puais la première fois que tu es venu ici.
You know the good years when you're in them, or you just wait for them until you get ass cancer and realize that the good years came and went?
On reconnait les bonnes années quand on les vit, ou on attend de les vivre jusqu'à choper un cancer du cul et réaliser que les bonnes années vont et viennent.
Shit, man! What, did you alienate every other person in your life and then finally you came back to me in the rotation?
Tu as découragé tous les gens que tu connais ou quoi?
I got here early, decided to rinse off, and Laurie came in and said, "where are you?"
Je suis arrivé plus tôt, ai décidé de me doucher, et Laurie est arrivée et a dit "où es-tu?"
Okay, then, Sheriff Hood, why don't you tell me when you first came in contact with Mr. Rabbit.
Alors, Shérif Hood, racontez-moi votre première rencontre avec M. Rabbit.
And you'll never guess who came to see the show in Zurich.
Devine qui est venu nous voir à Zurich.
I came at once, but she stumped me, so I brought in Mr. Wei Ling Soo under an alias to unmask her. Now you see the result.
J'ai fait venir Wei Ling Soo anonymement pour la démasquer, et voyez le résultat!
You know, I came over here to keep our drone bases in Diego Garcia.
Vous savez, je suis venu ici pour garder nos bases de drones à Diego Garcia.
You came with basically fixed songs, in the sense of musically as well as lyrically, to the studio, and we were...
Tu es venu au studio avec des chansons largement définies, aussi bien musicalement que lyriquement, et nous étions...
Perhaps if you had intervened when he first came to you with these fantasies, perhaps if you helped him understand the world in which he lived... he'd still be here right now.
Si vous aviez réagi quand il vous a parlé de tout ça... Si vous l'aviez aidé à comprendre le monde dans lequel il vivait, il serait encore des nôtres.
You always used to tell me when an invitation came in.
Tu me le disais, chaque fois que tu recevais une invitation.
A gang of high school kids came in here and demanded you serve them drinks.
Des jeunes sont entrés et ont demandé des verres.
I came in search of those green pastures you hear tell about.
Pour les verts pâturages dont on parle.
In knowing where you came from?
De savoir d'où vous venez?
Those creatures who came in the night, they wanted to take you away.
Ces bêtes qui sont venues dans la nuit, elles voulaient t'enlever.
I mean, the curtain came up, and there you were, singing in front of everypony!
Je veux dire, le rideau s'est levé et tu étais là, chantant devant tout le monde!
You came back, and you put the jacket in ms murnane's laundry.
Tu es revenue, et tu as mis la veste dans la buanderie de Mme Murnane.
Because of you, I came in 8th.
A cause de toi, je suis 8e.
Just in case you ever came over.
Juste au cas où tu viendrais...
But we can say that Pulpo came in, threatened you, and forced you to help them out.
Mais on peut dire que Pulpo est venu, t'as menacé, et obligé à les aider.
I spent three months in Colombia after you came up here to work, but also to get away.
J'ai passé trois mois en Colombie après ton séjour ici, pour travailler, mais pour m'évader aussi.
Well, if you worried a little less about me, you'd see who just came in.
Si tu te souciais un peu moins de moi, tu aurais vu qui vient d'arriver.
Hey, I forgot to tell you... something came in this morning I wasn't expecting.
J'ai oublié de te dire... Quelque chose d'inattendu est arrivé ce matin.
Okay. So, I'm looking at your lab results, which just came in, and I see here that you have...
Je regarde vos résultats de labo qui viennent d'arriver, et je vois ici que vous avez...
you came 519
you came to the right place 39
you came just in time 17
you came to me 83
you came back 217
you came for me 37
you came here 28
you came to see me 27
you came home 23
you came back for me 52
you came to the right place 39
you came just in time 17
you came to me 83
you came back 217
you came for me 37
you came here 28
you came to see me 27
you came home 23
you came back for me 52
came in 20
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