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He was alone перевод на португальский

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He was alone.
Estava sòzinho.
He was alone too.
Sim, e estava sozinho.
Well, he was alone on the Continent last year.
Esteve sozinho no continente no ano passado.
He was alone.
Ele estava só.
He was alone with him, day and night.
- Sim.
He was alone, working on the monitor.
Ele estava sozinho, a trabalhar no monitor.
In the old days, he had sung at night when he was alone steering on his watch on the turtle boats.
Nos velhos tempos, ele cantava | à noite, quando estava sozinho... no seu turno como piloto | nos barcos da pesca à tartaruga.
But he was alone.
Mas, estava sozinho.
But he was alone.
Mas ele estava sozinho.
Our responsibility is clear. Whatever happened to the captain on that planet must have taken place in the short space of time that he was alone with Dr. Lester.
O que aconteceu ao Capitão ocorreu no breve espaço em que esteve a sós com a Dra. Lester.
He says that if you saw him in the window, one, he was alone, and two, he was wearing a bathrobe.
Diz que, se o viu à janela, em primeiro lugar, estava sozinho, em segundo lugar, estava em robe.
He was alone, as far as I could tell.
Estava sozinho, tanto quanto sei.
They had to arrange at home and then he had to go, he had to go alone to do it, he was not permitted to have the help of his children.
Eram senhas especiais e tinham de as arranjar em casa. Depois tinha de fazer a distribuição sozinho. Os seus filhos não podiam ajudá-lo.
He wouldn't dare come alone if they didn't know he was coming.
Ele não teria coragem de vir sozinho se eles soubessem que viria.
And he was buried alone on a remote hill, far beyond the Valley of the Seven Jackals.
Essa é a maldição que Amon-Rá... o rei de todos os deuses, deixou sobre Kharis.
Jack is angry because he was left alone in the city with no money.
O Jack está chateado porque foi deixado na cidade sozinho e sem dinheiro.
He was so pointed about wanting to see me alone.
Sabes o que dizer, não sabes?
Some time later, before a packed audience, the greatest figures in show business joined in paying tribute to the memory of the little guy who thought that he was all alone.
Algum tempo depois, perante um teatro esgotado, as grandes figuras do mundo do espectáculo juntaram-se para prestar homenagem àquele pequeno grande homem que sempre acreditou que estava sozinho.
- He is not here yet - Was he here all alone?
Importa-se de esperar aqui um minuto?
The poor darling. He was so shortsighted, he could barely see the end of the racket... let alone the ball.
Era tão míope que mal via a ponta da raquete,
For he alone in Thebes, was the Master of the ancient art of opening skulls.
Porque, em Tebas, era o único mestre, na antiga arte de abrir crânios
He was always alone if he wasn't with me.
Se não estava comigo, estava sempre sozinho.
And in such thoughts he was not alone.
E com tais pensamentos, ele não estava só.
He was scouting alone?
Ele estava explorando sozinho?
He was all alone in the night with no mother, a wanderer in the storm.
Mas ele é um cigano. Estava sózinho no meio da noite.
He was supposed to come with me, but he didn't because I'm alone!
Ia ficar comigo, mas não quis porque sou sózinha.
He was taking a walk, and he wasn't alone.
Estava a passear e não ia sozinho.
Of course. Was he alone?
De certeza, antes das 7 horas.
So I said to him, maybe it was time we forgot about football... maybe he ought to get a job and let me and Brick alone.
Aconselhei-o a esquecer o futebol. Devia arranjar um emprego e deixar-nos em paz.
He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone 84 days now without taking a fish.
Ele era um velho que | pescava sozinho num esquife... na Corrente do Golfo, e 84 dias se | passaram sem ele apanhar um peixe.
Salas was alone when he killed the old man.
O Salas estava sozinho quando matou o velho.
Unwittingly, he found himself in the disintegrator chamber,... but he was not alone.
Inadvertidamente, viu-se dentro da câmara desintegradora, só que não estava sozinho.
He was a man who began all alone... Like an animal.
Era um homem que começou sozinho... como um animal.
He was a friend, Mr Scott, and we'd like to be left alone.
Era um amigo. Sr. Scott, e gostaríamos de ficar a sós.
He was left all alone.
Ele ficou totalmente sozinho.
But he was washed ashore, alone.
Mas ele foi dar à terra, sozinho.
It was he who willed that I be archbishop, and it was for love of him alone that I accepted.
Ele desejou que eu fosse o Arcebispo... e eu aceitei esse cargo por amor a ele.
You see, I thought if he was leaving me... he'd suffer thinking that I was alone.
Julguei que se ele ia deixar-me, havia de sofrer, pensando que eu ia ficar sozinha.
I was thinking of the boy. He is always alone.
Pensava no menino, sempre está sozinho.
And, well, I was alone... yet he was by my side, but nothing from him.
Mas ele estava ao meu lado, mas não havia nada nele.
Spence said he was traveling alone when I found him.
Spence disse que estava a viajar sozinho.
Was he alone?
- Estava sozinho?
- He was alone, then.
- Estava sozinho?
- Was he alone?
- Ele estava sozinho?
He was supposed to be alone.
Ele devia estar sozino.
And then, when I couldn't do it alone, I thought there was no one I wouldn't go with, if I liked him, and he could offer me that.
Quando vi que não conseguia sozina, pensei que iria com qualquer um, se gostasse dele, e se ele me proporcionasse isso.
- Was he alone?
- la sozinho?
I was alone... it was he who came there.
Eu estava sozinha... foi ele quem apareceu lá.
Tomlin Dudek was a great chess player, and at this time, it would have been tasteless, cruel and unnecessary... to even mention the existence, let alone the result of a match which he lost.
O Tomlin Dudek era um grande jogador de xadrez e, nesta altura, teria sido deselegante, cruel e desnecessário o simples facto de mencionar a existência, quanto mais o resultado de uma partida que ele perdeu.
- Was he alone or working with somebody else?
- Estava só ou trabalhava com mais alguém?
He was writing obituaries for the Pasadena News when I found him, and I alone made him into a bestseller.
Ele escrevia obituários num jornal quando o descobri e diz dele um escritor de sucesso.

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