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He was my brother перевод на португальский

551 параллельный перевод
He was my brother-in-law. They brought me a message from my wife.
Eles trouxeram-me uma mensagem da minha mulher.
He was my brother, too.
Era também meu irmão.
I know he was bad, sir, but he was ill, really... and he was my brother.
Eu sei que ele era mau, mas ele estava mesmo doente. E era meu irmão.
He was my brother.
Era o meu irmão.
He was my brother.
Ele era meu irmão.
He was my brother, and I thought he was innocent.
Ele era meu irmão, e achei que ele era inocente.
But he was my brother.
No entanto era meu irmão.
He was my brother, Mr. Vincent.
Ele era meu irmão, Sr. Vincent.
- He was my brother.
- Ele era meu irmão.
My brother went on eating meat... He fell ill and was invalided out.
O meu irmão continuou a comer carne, adoeceu e reformaram-no.
During the time, I got worried that my brother... he was killed in Guadalcanal.
Na altura, estava preocupado que o meu irmão... Ele foi morto em Guadalcanal.
When I was little up on the third floor with my brother we'd lay on our beds watching the heat lightning flashes and he'd say "What's that?"
Quando era criança, eu ficava com meu irmão na cama... olhando os relâmpagos no céu de verão, e eu sempre dizia... " É agora.
I have a statement here signed by a fisherman by the name of Jefreemy Bates, a statement that says my brother was in this house on the day he died.
Tenho uma declaração assinada por um pescador... chamado Jefreemy Bates, que diz que o meu irmão esteve nesta casa no dia em que morreu.
From then on - as long as he lived... Ambrose was not only my kinsman and guardian But father, brother, friend, everything in the world to me.
Desde então, enquanto viveu, o Ambrose foi não só o meu protector mas também pai, irmão, amigo, foi tudo para mim.
He was like my younger brother.
Era como o meu irmão mais novo.
He knows my brother and I were cast out by the Apaches because our blood was not pure.
Ele sabe que meu irmão e eu fomos expulsos dos Apaches, porque o nosso sangue não é puro.
You told my brother he was expected?
Avisou o meu irmão para vir aqui?
Miss Wilkinson's brother was called down from London, you see, and he has just told my assistant that the body at the mortuary positively is not hers.
O irmão da Menina Wilkinson foi chamado de Londres, sabes, e ele acaba de dizer ao meu assistente que o corpo que está na morgue positivamente, não é dela.
Yes, that's my brother, when he was still boxing.
É ele, o meu irmão. Quando era pugilista.
The army thinks he was killed in action by the Germans... but I think they did it - Tex, Gideon, Scobie and your husband - because my brother wouldn't go along with their scheme to steal the gold.
O exército pensa que ele foi morto em acção pelos alemães... mas acho que o matou foi... o Tex, Gideon, Scowby e o teu marido... porque o meu irmão nunca iria o ouro.
He's my late brother's son... and I've been responsible for him ever since he was ten years old.
Filho do meu irmão que já morreu. Sou responsável por ele desde os 10 anos.
How could I leave my brother to die, when he was already dead when I left him?
Como podia abandonä-lo a morrer se ele jä estava morto quando o deixei?
I swear! He was my brother.
Está bem, dar-te-ei.
He was made my brother.
Tornou-se meu irmão.
- He's my brother-in-law. - I was thinking of this, but I'd have to ask my wife.
Pra falar a verdade, eu devia perguntar pra minha mulher.
I don't like to say this about my own brother but he just never was what you'd call an outstanding citizen.
Não queria dizer isto do meu próprio irmão... mas... ele nunca foi o que se chamaria de um cidadão exemplar.
Her father was my brother and he was murdered last Sunday.
O pai dela era o meu irmão... e foi morto no domingo passado.
My brother writes that he was working on your ranch.
Meu irmão escreve que estava a trabalhar no seu rancho.
When my brother was Governor Breck's assistant, he told me about them.
Quando o meu irmão foi assistente do Gov. Breck, falou-me delas.
He called all the workers this morning. And he said, " Ric, my brother, was a very special man.
Chamou os funcionários todos esta manhã e disse : " O Rick, o meu irmão, era um homem muito especial.
My father was sick and knew for a of the Red Cross telegram that my young brother-in-law he had been died in Germany.
O meu pai estava doente e soube por um telegrama da Cruz Vermelha que o meu jovem cunhado tinha sido morto na Alemanha.
I turned and looked at my brother to see what he was going to say.
Virei-me e olhei para o meu irmão, para ver o que ele ia dizer.
He wasn't my brother, he was my father.
Não era meu irmão, era meu pai.
I think my brother was perhaps not himself when he wrote it.
Acho que o meu irmão não estava em si quando a escreveu.
He was my father's old friend, my brother's corps commander, a soldier of iron loyalties.
Era o velho amigo do meu pai, comandante de legião do meu irmão. Um soldado de uma lealdade inquebrável. Não é possível.
My brother told me not to go into this business. Parking lots, he says. I told him he was crazy!
O meu irmão dizia : "No estacionamento está o futuro!" Eu chamei-lhe parvo.
My mother was shorter than him. And my brother was real short, and we couldn't even see him. He was short.
Minha mãe era mais ainda... e meu irmão era tão baixo que não dava para vê-lo.
He was my brother.
Era meu irmão.
He's my brother-in-law. is it true that he was dearer to you than a son?
É mesmo verdade que ele era mais caro a você do que um filho?
My cousin's sister's brother dug his way out there... when he was a prisoner at Shadizar.
O irmão da irmã do meu primo cavou um caminho dali para fora... Quando ele era um prisioneiro em Shadizar.
He was about to shoot my brother in the back.
Ele estava prestes a matar o meu irmão pelas costas.
But, mine was way too big for me, and my brother he couldn't ride his anyway.
Mas a minha era demasiado grande para mim e o meu irmão nem conseguia montar-se na bicicleta.
By the time my brother Frank was eleven, he was six foot five.
Quando o meu irmão Frank tinha 11 anos já media 1,75m de altura.
As I sat at the table my back was to the window, and my brother George, he being my partner at cards, was facing it.
Eu estava sentado à mesa de costas viradas para a janela, e o meu irmão George, meu parceiro no jogo, estava de frente para ela.
I thought he was off on a walk with my brother, Porter.
Pensei que estava a passear com o meu irmão Porter.
Why, I'll take care of him like he was my own brother.
Eu, tomarei conta dele como se ele fosse o meu próprio irmão.
Anyway, Roger decided to swap places with his brother because he was of the opinion that the prison food was better than that being served here by my wife Edith.
Roger decidiu trocar de lugares, por achar que a comida da cadeia era melhor que a servida aqui pela minha mulher.
He also fancied my twin brother... Which is hardly surprising because that was me as well.
Também tem um fraquinho pelo meu irmão gémeo, o que não é surpreendente porque sou eu na mesma.
I put a bullet in him for every time some cop fucked with my brother, since he was 14 years old.
Pus-lhe uma bala por cada vez que um policia... lixou o meu irmão desde os 14 anos.
He's not as weird as I thought he was, and I love you and Nick like my own brother and sister.
Ele não é tão esquisito como pensei que era, E gosto de ti e do Nick como se fossem meus irmãos.
That is my kid brother, Jeffrey, when he was 2. And the dork is me at 12.
Este é o meu irmão quando tinha 2 anos e este desajeitado sou eu aos 12.

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