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He was arrested перевод на португальский

719 параллельный перевод
But yesterday he was arrested...
Mas, ontem, ele foi detido.
He was arrested here tonight.
Foi preso aqui esta noite.
I took over Hansen's business when he was arrested.
Fiquei com o negócio de Hansen quamdo ele foi preso.
And not just because he was arrested, but that wife of his.
Não apenas por ele ter sido preso, mas também por causa da mulher dele.
He was arrested on the open road. He didn't conceal his identity.
Não escondeu a identidade.
The next I knew, he was arrested by the police for floating nude down the Seine, experimenting in river currents with rubber water wings.
Quando dei por mim, ele tinha sido preso pela polícia por estar boiando pelado pelo Sena abaixo, Indo na correnteza do rio com bóias de borracha nos braços.
You were with him when he was arrested in Los Angeles and Chicago?
Estava com ele quando ele foi preso em Los Angeles e em Chicago?
That night he was arrested, he broke away and came to see me in my room.
Na noite em que foi preso, conseguiu escapar aos guardas e foi ter comigo ao quarto.
He was arrested in 1932 for selling pornographic bibles.
Foi preso em 1932, por vender bíblias pornográficas.
He was sitting right in that seat when he was arrested.
Ele estava sentado neste mesmo banco quando o prenderam.
Your friend Ned, he was arrested.
O seu amigo Ned foi preso.
He was arrested by order of the Minister of the Interior.
A prisão foi ordenada pelo ministro do Interior.
- The sheriff fingerprinted Knight when he was arrested.
O xerife tirou as impressões ao Knight.
He was arrested sometime that afternoon.
Prenderam Charlie naquela manhã.
He was arrested several times when he was younger... but just some minor offences... breaking a couple of windows, joyriding. But later on, he was associated with a number of underworld figures... and it's believed that he's a major operator... on running numbers, loan sharking and extortion.
Ele foi preso várias vezes quando era mais novo, por pequenos delitos como partir janelas e entrar em carros, mas depois associou-se a várias figuras do sub-mundo e agora é um dos tubarões das apostas, agiotagem e extorsão.
Quando foi preso estava a fazer um rolo de massa doce.
He was arrested immediately by two real cops, friends of mine.
Detiveram-no imediatamente dois grandes policías meus amigos.
Maybe he was arrested by the troops at the roadblock.
Talvez tenha sido preso pelas tropas no bloqueio da estrada.
He was arrested last night for possession of narcotics.
Foi detido, ontem à noite, por posse de narcóticos.
Do you happen to remember e xactly when he was arrested?
Lembra-se, ao certo, quando é que ele foi preso?
He organized it and led it, fighting for human rights, until he was arrested four days ago.
Organizou-o e liderou-o na luta pelos Direitos do Homem, até ter sido detido, há quatro dias.
Nο. He was arrested, but never brοught tο trial.
Foi detido, como te disse, mas nunca foi a julgamento.
The number he called right after he was arrested.
O número que telefonou mesmo depois de ser preso.
You were with Andy Leonard when he was arrested.
Estava com Andy Leonard quando o prenderam.
And so he was arrested and convicted and got, I think, 90 days.
Ele foi preso e condenado, se não me engano, a 90 dias.
He was arrested with Jonathan Ngubene.
Ele foi detido com Jonathan Ngubene.
- He was arrested.
- Foi preso.
But thanks to my father's vigilance, his plans were thwarted, and he was arrested.
Mas graças à vigilância de meu pai os planos dele foram contrariados e foi detido.
"The Count was arrested. If he had been convicted..."
"O Barão teria sido preso se fosse condenado..."
He was going to be arrested and sent back to England.
Ele ia ser detido e deportado para a Inglaterra.
- Ever get pinched? Was he ever arrested?
- Alguma vez foi preso?
Except that he was in Riverside when I was arrested for robbery at the Eucalyptus Grove Motel.
Ele estava em Riverside quando fui presa pelo roubo. ... no "Eucalyptus Grove Motel".
Gentlemen, he answered in effect nothing at all. He had arrested me that was enough.
Mas não falou nada, apenas me prendeu.
Do you realize it was the morning the Gestapo arrested Bernard that I found out he worked for the Resistance?
Sabe que foi na manhã que a Gestapo prendeu Bernard que descobri que ele trabalhava para a Resistência?
The situation is that he was on the verge of resigning... and it was then the police arrested certain comrades.
O caso é que estava a ponto de demitir... E foi quando a polícia prendeu certos companheiros.
He's been arrested because he was against the games!
Prenderam-no por que foi contra os jogos.
A rebel was being arrested by the military police. Rather than be taken alive, he exploded a grenade he had in his jacket.
Um rebelde estava a ser preso pela polícia militar e, em vez de ser levado vivo, fez explodir uma granada que tinha escondida no casaco.
Mr Shahnawaz was treated by his doctor for a cut he received but was later able to identify Trevor when he was apprehended and arrested by the police.
Sr Shahnawaz foi parar no hospital pelo corte que recebeu mas em seguida pôde identificar Trevor quando ele foi detido e preso pela polícia.
Uh — Beth, didn't you say that several of Charles's friends... were contacted by the military after he was supposedly arrested?
Beth, você não disse que o Exército contactou vários amigos de Charles depois dele ter supostamente sido preso?
It's crazy, Charlie being arrested by them... when some people even thought he was from the C.I.A.
É uma loucura. Charlie ter sido preso por eles quando alguns até pensavam que ele fosse da CIA.
He was actually arrested for having stolen the Pink Panther and sent to prison.
Foi mesmo preso por ter roubado o Pantera Cor-de-Rosa.
He was hot, raging about how Stephanie was never arrested, and how he was gonna find out who salted her record.
Estava furioso, a dizer que Stephanie nunca foi presa e que ia descobrir quem forjou a ficha dela. Óptimo.
Kotero was arrested seven times. He was only convicted of one crime... but it was a doozie.
O Papa Kotero foi preso sete vezes, foi condenado por um crime, mas por heroína.
When Jonathan Mardukas was arrested, you were the first person he called.
Quando o Jonathan Mardukas foi detido, a senhora foi a primeira pessoa para quem ele telefonou.
Another bounty hunter was arrested after he tried to take Mardukas away.
Outro caçador de prémios foi detido depois de ter tentado levar o Mardukas.
- Depois de morrer misteriosamente a Shopia foi presa por tentar publicar o livro.
He was arrested and put on trial. I followed your orders
The deceased was arrested on the 27th of July, was he not?
O falecido foi preso em 27 de Julho, não foi?
How long after his first visit to your house was he arrested?
Quanto tempo depois da primeira visita dele a vossa casa foi detido?
How many days after you met was he arrested, and what were the grounds?
Quanto tempo depois de se conhecerem é que ele foi preso, e quais os fundamentos?
Zacharias was arrested, but not before he blew away a few cops.
A maior parte dos Guerreiros foram mortos.

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