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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ H ] / He was gone

He was gone перевод на португальский

1,502 параллельный перевод
When I came back, he was gone.
Quando voltei, ele tinha desaparecido.
But the thing is, when I was your age, he was in the Air Force and he was gone a lot, and he didn't have time to teach me much, so...
Mas acontece que quando eu tinha a tua idade, ele estava na Força Aérea. E como estava muito tempo ausente, não tinha tempo para me ensinar muita coisa...
Turned around, he was gone.
Quando dei conta, foi-se. Desaparecido.
And we interviewed the ice-cream man, and he was gone by 11 : 00 a.m.
Falámos com o homem da carrinha de gelados, foi-se embora pelas 11h00.
I didn't realize what that call meant until he was gone.
Só percebi o significado disso quando ele morreu.
No, we turned around and he was gone.
Bem, significava que era outra coisa.
When did you notice he was gone?
Quando deu pela falta dele?
When I opened my eyes, he was gone.
Quando abri meus olhos, ele tinha desaparecido. Tem que encontrá-lo.
But when I checked on him, he was gone.
Fui saber dele e tinha desaparecido.
Once he was gone, we continued with the game.
Asssim que ele foi embora, continuamos a jogar.
And this is the formula he scribbled to figure out the odds of Kevin's survival if he tried to use it after he was gone.
Esta é a formula para calcular as probabilidades de sobrevivencia do Kevin caso ele usasse a máquina depois dele morrer
He came out, she was gone. Her and the car.
Quando saiu, ela tinha desaparecido.
I gave her the address, told her to meet me at his hotel, when I got there, he was gone, there was no sign of Christine.
Dei-lhe a morada e disse-lhe para se encontrar comigo lá. Quando cheguei, ele não estava e não havia sinais da Christine.
The next morning he was gone.
De manhã, não estava.
December, 1980. The man was here, and then he was gone.
Em Dezembro de 1980, ele estava aqui e depois desapareceu.
When I came back he was gone.
Voltou a vê-lo?
- After he was gone.
- Depois que ele desapareceu.
- What do you mean he was gone?
Que quer dizer com "Desapareceu"?
Hell, Ruthie, he was gone from the waist down.
Não foi nada a partir da cintura para baixo.
I fell asleep in the lounge and when I woke up, they told me he was gone.
Eu adormeci na sala de espera... e quando acordei disseram-me que tinha saído.
He'd size you up, check your tongue and pulse, a scribble and he was gone.
Mal chegava, via-me a língua, o pulso, passava uma receita e voltava costas.
I heard his voice and then, he was gone.
Escutei sua voz e então, se foi.
- He was gone before I woke up.
- Quando acordei, já tinha saído.
I was actually doing laundry when I got a call from my husband and he had thought that a bomb had gone off in his building and when by the time he had called me he had checked all those avenues and said that,
Estava a lavar roupa quando recebi a chamada do meu marido. Ele pensava que uma bomba tinha rebentado no edifício. Quando me ligou, ele tinha verificado todos os corredores e disse :
Yeah, he was worried that maybe you'd gone off the deep end or something.
Sim, ele estava preocupado que perdesses a cabeça ou assim.
If he was here, he's gone.
Se estava cá, desapareceu.
- I looked back to see where he was, and hewas gone. - Why? - Why?
Depois de alguns minutos, olhei para trás para ver onde é que ele estava, e ele tinha desaparecido.
And then he was up and gone before I had the chance.
E hoje, levantou-se e saiu antes que tivesse oportunidade.
He was gone when I woke up.
Ei, fui dar uma corrida.
It must be down to at least someone that Raye Penber was investigating or he would have never gone this far.
Tem de ser por causa de alguém que Raye Penber estava a investigar senão não tomaria estas precauções.
I was picking up the tickets in the box office and I turned round and he'd gone.
Tava a levantar os bilhete na bilheteira, viro-me, e ele não está!
His consciousness is gone, but he was the one who helped me build the device that was sent to eliminate the Ori.
- A consciência dele já se foi agora, mas foi ele que me ajudou a construir o dispositivo que enviamos para eliminar os Ori.
He might have gone if you hadn't called your grandson a "mud person" when he was born.
"uma pessoa da lama" quando ele nasceu. Por que me telefonou de volta?
He did say when Kavanaugh's frame-up job was gone and things looked bad he said something like :
O que ele disse... quando o Kavanaugh foi apanhado e as coisas estavam más, foi algo do género :
No, he was... he was just gone.
Não, ele... Ele desapareceu simplesmente.
She said he'd do it if I was more than 3 months gone.
Ela disse que ele o faria mesmo que eu estivesse grávida há mais de três meses.
He was only gone for a minute.
Ausentou-se apenas por um minuto. O que aconteceu quando o Rob regressou?
He admits to being in the house, but says he was long gone at the time of the murder.
Ele admite ter estado na casa, mas diz que já tinha saído há muito à hora do assassínio.
My dad was always this villain in my life, and now, all of a sudden, he's gone, or at least physically gone, and, i don't know, i just feel like there's this big hole.
O meu pai foi sempre este vilão na minha vida, e agora, sem mais nem menos, ele parte, ou pelo menos, parte fisicamente, e... eu não sei, Sinto que existe este grande buraco.
He was in the base prison, and now he's gone, and they're saying he was never there.
Ele estava na prisão da base, e agora desapareceu, e dizem que ele nunca lá esteve.
He was literally talking to me one second and gone the next.
Num segundo ele estava ali literalmente a falar Comigo e no segundo seguinte já não estava.
We're hoping It'll help jeremy Remember what happened before he realized Katie was gone.
Esperamos que ajude o Jeremy a lembrar-se do que aconteceu... antes dele perceber que a Katie tinha desaparecido.
He rode up like a saviour, when every hope is gone, the beast was gone, the deed was done,
Montou como um salvador, quando já não havia esperança, a besta sucumbia, missão cumprida,
He was gone.
If he was shuffling around money for some of his clients, things could have gone bad.
Se ele desviava dinheiro para alguns clientes, as coisas podem ter dado para o torto, certo?
It was his way of telling me that he'd gone for good.
Mas foi a forma de ele me contar... que tinha ido embora para sempre.
"How far gone he was"?
"Como ele estava perturbado"?
And if he was someone else, I would have been gone a long time ago.
E se ele fosse outra pessoa, já tinha ido há muito tempo.
When he died, that thing was gone, too.
Quando ele morreu, a coisa também se foi.
I mean, and then he was just gone. Just gone.
Quer dizer, e depois ele foi-se simplesmente embora.
And once I was gone, he never came looking.
E quando parti, ele nunca me veio procurar.

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