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He was right перевод на португальский

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He was right.
Ele estava certo.
I think he was right to say it.
- Acho que teve razão.
He thought he was right, but his roommate knew better. "
Pensou que tinha razão, mas o colega de quarto dele é que tinha. "
But he was right about the skitter rebellion.
Mas ele estava certo sobre a revolução dos Skitters.
Looks like he was right.
Parece que estava certo.
He was right.
- Ele estava certo.
My father said morphic resonance would take a minimum of 3 generations, and he was right!
O meu pai disse que a ressonância mórfica demorava pelo menos 3 gerações. Ele estava certo!
He was in his head going on about tough choices, doing the right thing.
Estava decidido a falar sobre escolhas difíceis, fazer a coisa certa.
Yeah, that's right around the time he was seeing my sister.
Sim, isso foi mais ou menos na altura em que ele andava com a minha irmã.
Yeah, right before the dome came down, he was really in my face about repo'ing his car.
Antes de a Cúpula surgir, ele ficou irritado comigo por lhe ter penhorado o carro.
He's right, I was thinking of the lower flermin.
Ele tem razão, pensei no flermin inferior.
Well, my contact... Yeah, he told me that this was happening, so I just wanted to come down and make sure it gets done right.
O meu contacto disse-me que isto ia acontecer, por isso, quis vir cá para ver se é bem feito.
It wasn't a joke when I was asked to do the exact same thing that he's doing right now.
Não foi uma anedota quando me pediram para fazer o mesmo que ele está a fazer.
I knew right then... he was a doctor.
Eu soube então... que ele era um médico.
Was he all right?
Estava bem?
He knew what I was trying to do, and he called my bluff right there.
Ele sabia o que estava a tentar fazer, e cobriu o meu bluff imediatamente.
It was almost like he was standing right over her bed talking about the fire.
Era quase como se ele estivesse ao lado da cama dela a falar sobre o fogo.
Right? And if Fletcher had found out what was going on, he never would have let that go.
E se o Fletcher descobriu, o que estava a acontecer, ele não ia deixar passar.
Eva, right? He was getting ready to blow the whole thing up.
Estava a preparar-se para expor o esquema todo.
But am I going to sit here and tell you that what he did to you... was right?
Mas vou ficar aqui a dizer-te que o que ele te fez... foi o correcto?
And I was choking on the dust, but then he would have... He would have had to have prepared them in advance, right?
E estava a sufocar com o pó, mas então ele teria... teria que as ter preparado com antecedência, certo?
And right after Will was murdered, she stops calling, almost as if she knew he was dead.
E logo depois do assassinado do Will, ela deixou de ligar, quase como se soubesse que ele estava morto.
Mas ele tinha razão.
Ali, look, he was just fucking with you because he has some twisted thing for you, and you fell for it because you're a little too trusting sometimes, but we're okay, all right?
Ele estava a mexer contigo porque tem um desejo doentio por ti, e tu caíste porque às vezes és crédula, mas estamos bem, sim?
According to reports, right before Tesla's death, he was working with Albert Einstein and the United States
Desenhos das paredes de pedra e Esculturas maravilhar turistas. Mas ao contrário de outras grandes
You know... when I was a kid, like eight, my old man, he'd have his buddies over to play dominoes, right?
Quando era criança, com uns 8 anos, o meu velhote recebia os amigos para jogar dominó, certo?
- Oh, yeah. Bastard was getting ready to announce right before he died.
Ele estava, a preparar-se para o anuncio um pouco antes de morrer.
He said, "Because it was the right thing to do."
Ele disse, "Porque era a coisa certa a ser feita."
Right. Uh, we just want you to know that Cary was targeted by the ASA's office because he's so effective for his clients.
Apenas queremos que saiba que o Cary é um alvo da Procuradoria porque é muito eficaz com os seus clientes.
I'm not saying how he went about it was right, but, uh,
Eu não estou dizendo que, a forma como resolveu isto está correta, mas...
Right. Looks like he was perched their for hours just waiting, hiding.
Parece que ele ficou lá horas à espera, escondido.
He was here defending his right to privacy. - Oh, again?
Veio defender o direito à privacidade.
If this is because my dad... because he was a Grimm, right?
É por o meu pai ter sido um Grimm, não é?
- Was he right?
Ele tinha razão?
Right, he was offensive.
Ele era ofensivo.
Which is probably why he was murdered three days ago, right?
Deve ser por isso que foi morto há três dias.
But you did the right thing telling me where he was.
Mas, fizeste a coisa certa, ao dizer-me onde ele estava.
The weirdest part was that he had a bow and arrow, right?
A parte mais estranha é que ele vinha de arco e flecha, está a ver?
All right, so we need to retrace his steps from when he got to Manhattan to when he was killed.
Então temos que refazer os passos dele desde quando ele chegou a Manhattan até quando ele foi morto.
Figured he was scoring some meds, since it's right by that hospital.
Achei que ele estava tentar arranjar alguns medicamentos, já que é perto do hospital.
Jo, Sam had cold symptoms when he was killed, right?
Depressa. Jo, o Sam tinha sintomas de gripe quando foi morto, certo?
- He's right. It was a lie.
Sim, é verdade.
Hey. He was given the only dose of an experimental vaccine right before he was bitten.
Administraram-lhe a única dose de uma vacina experimental mesmo antes de ser mordido.
Oh, he said "Nora," I was right.
Ele disse "Nora". Eu acertei.
He said his contact was down at the docks, right?
Ele disse que o contacto estava nas docas, não disse?
He was right.
- Ele estava certo!
And then tried to wind me up a little bit, you know, and he said, "Trigger. You called me Trigger, right? It was Trigger, right?"
Ele tentou acertar-me um pouco e disse : " Chamaste-me Trigger, não foi?
And as the wounds are on the right side, most likely, he was left-handed.
E, como maioria das lesões se encontra do lado direito, suponho que seja canhoto.
Right, okay- - was the piece he ordered big enough to make a knife?
A pedra comprada é suficiente para uma faca? É.
No, he was right.
Não, ele tinha razão.
Sir Lui was so impatient that... he gave Zhang Ying 300 taels... to bribe the right people.
Sr. Lui estava tão impaciente que... ele deu a Zhang Ying 300 taels... para subornar as pessoas certas.

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