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He was just перевод на португальский

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Somewhere nearby, and he was just waiting for the right time... when he could do it.
Ali perto e ele estava à espera da altura certa para o poder fazer.
He was sitting in our hallway and, um, he was just sitting there.
Ele estava sentado no corredor.
He was just on the stage.
- Malta?
It's all right, guys. He was just leaving.
- Calma, ele já está de saída.
But Marcus said that he was just some Cl he was working with.
Mas, o Marcus disse que era um informador dele.
Well, initially he was just stealing in garden-variety tax evasion, but then he came up with a better idea.
No início, era apenas por evasão fiscal, mas, depois, ele teve uma ideia melhor.
He was just like our other two.
Ele era como os nossos outros dois filhos.
He was just a local boy... from the wrong side of the tracks... and she was engaged to a war hero.
Era só um tipo que estava no lado errado. Ela estava noiva de um herói de guerra.
He was just here.
Estava aqui.
Sometimes it's hard to remember he was just a cute little kid who liked to throw a ball around with his dad a few years ago.
Às vezes, custa a lembrar que era um miúdo adorável que gostava de andar aos chutos à bola com o pai, há uns anos.
He stayed right there with his family, but he was just as evil as he could be!
Ele ficou com a sua família, mas era o diabo em pessoa!
When your daddy walked through the house, he was just so big.
Quando o teu pai andava pela casa, era tão grande.
See, we can deduce from that, that the lucky helmet was probably not the factor in Coma's ability to get a hit because he was just able to do so without it.
Estão a ver, podemos deduzir daqui que o capacete da sorte provavelmente não era o factor na habilidade do Coma conseguir bater porque ele conseguiu fazê-lo sem ele.
But he was just too stubborn to forgive her.
Mas, ele recusava-se a perdoá-la.
He was just as we both pictured he'd be.
Oh, era como imaginávamos.
Her predecessor, Leodore Lionheart, denies any knowledge of her plot... claiming he was just trying to protect the city,
O seu antecessor, Leodore Lionheart, nega conhecer o plano e afirma que estava apenas a tentar proteger a cidade.
You know, I'd sue just like he was doing.
Eu faria o que ele fez. Processava-os.
Looking at that press conference, you would've expected that that young boy who was holding this in for months and was just... had to unburden himself with this terrible experience that he had was emotionally upset and came out with this whole long story,
Olhando para essa conferência, estaríamos à espera que aquele pobre rapaz, que guardou o segredo durante meses e tinha de se livrar do fardo, com a experiência horrível que teve, estivesse emocionalmente perturbado e tivesse contado esta história,
He just gave it to Pam Sturm who he knew was gonna go out to the Avery salvage yard.
Só à Pam Sturm, que ele sabia que ia à sucata dos Avery.
And then he just shrugged his shoulders and I was like- -
Ele encolheu os ombros e...
He had a dream that, um, when he goes up on the stand and everything and he says just as it was ending, somebody came out with a black robe on and they flipped the top out and it was Teresa and she was alive.
Ele sonhou que quando ia testemunhar, quando estava a chegar ao fim, aparecia alguém com uma capa preta, que descobria a cabeça e era a Teresa que estava viva.
I was just wondering if he was gonna tell the truth or not.
Estava a ver se ele dizia a verdade ou não.
There was a moment when I was just Lili, and I think that he could see that.
Houve, houve um momento em que era apenas a Lili, e acho que ele notou isso.
When Doug called me and told me that he wanted to propose, I was nervous. I was probably just as nervous as he was.
Quando o Doug me disse que ia propor o casamento... estava nervoso, possivelmente tão nervoso como ele.
He never understood that a true Olympian was not just about a God-given skill set.
Nunca compreendeu que um verdadeiro Olímpico não era só talento inato.
I bet that guy told you exactly who he was. You just didn't want to hear it.
Aposto que ele te disse exactamente quem era, mas não quiseste ouvir.
He was nearly ecstatic I thought, but he looks just as he does in all those pictures.
Estava quase em êxtase, pensei eu, mas estava igual a todas as fotografias. "
My father left Paris on a bicycle, uh, taking just what he- - what he could carry, which was really very sensible because people who had cars and dogs and canaries and mattresses and so on got stuck on the road.
FRANÇA... o que foi muito sensato, porque as pessoas que tinham carros, cães, canários, colchões, etc. ficaram presas na estrada.
Yes, he was. Which happened just about every single night.
Era o que acontecia todas as noites.
He came by to see me and he borrowed my phone and my car, but he was acting really weird when we went to see Dr. Edwards and he just ran out.
Ele veio ver-me. Levou o meu telefone e o meu carro... Mas ele ficou estranho quando fomos ver o dr. Edwards.
Well, he never said who it was. He just said that it sounded like this voice of an old woman.
Ele nunca chegou a dizer quem era, só disse que parecia a voz de uma mulher de idade.
I had a patient who was addicted to group sex, and he read this book, and it changed him so much that he just recently climbed mt.
Tive um paciente que era viciado em sexo em grupo. Ele leu este livro e isso mudou-o tanto que acabou de escalar o Monte Evereste.
I mean, I was confused because he smells just like that other polar- - huh?
Fiquei confuso porque ele tem o mesmo cheiro que o outro urso vórtice.
Just imagine, he was a little boy with scarlet fever in bed, reading history. King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
Imagine uma criança com escarlatina na cama a ler sobre a história sobre o Rei Artur e os Cavaleiros da Távola Redonda.
I was just so happy that he could be proud.
Estava tão feliz de ele poder estar orgulhoso porque ia ter um bebé e não podia ir em campanha.
And I was just so happy for Jack that he could be proud of me.
Estava tão feliz pelo Jack, por ele poder estar orgulhoso de mim.
He just was... he said he was tired.
Ele estava... Disse que estava cansado.
He was in great pain, anguish... but he just kept on writing.
Ele sentia muita dor, muita angústia, mas continuou apenas a escrever.
So he always thought I was just an army mechanic.
Ele sempre pensou que eu era apenas um mecânico do Exército.
No, it's good. You can just go back and tell him... that I fucked his cousin Nick while he was gone. That was good.
Tudo bem, tudo bem.
And he was a pervert, just like you.
Era um pervertido... Assim como tu.
You're just as annoying as he was.
És tão irritante como ele era.
It was just some guy, he found me online.
Foi só um tipo que me descobriu na Internet.
If Eisenhower was really smart, he'd have Howard Hughes just bomb Moscow, and have communism over and done with.
Se o Eisenhower fosse esperto, mandava o Hughes lançar uma bomba em Moscovo... e acabar com o comunismo para sempre.
He was laying there just groaning and calling for a medic.
Estava deitado a gemer, a pedir um socorrista.
I was just keeping it for collateral but then Dorian saw it and he took it.
Estava a guardá-lo para uma eventualidade, mas o Dorian viu-o e ficou com ele.
He keeps pooping in my yard and I was just...
Passa a vida a cagar no meu quintal e eu estava a...
But I was wrong, Zaya. Horus is a just god, as you said he would be.
Mas estava enganado, o Hórus é um Deus justo como disseste que era.
She, like me, knew just how special he was.
Ela, como eu, sabia como ele era especial.
He'd just say it was some kind of left over trauma mumbo jumbo crap.
Ele simplesmente disse que tinham sido sequelas do trauma.
He's just looking for a language to describe a location, and all he heard was coordinates.
Ele apenas procura um idioma que descreva um local e tudo o que ouviu foram coordenadas.

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