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He was my father перевод на португальский

1,100 параллельный перевод
- He was my father,
- Ele era meu pai.
- Yes, he was my father.
- Ele era o meu pai.
He was my father.
Ele foi o meu pai.
He was my father, too.
0 tipo também era meu pai.
He was my father.
Ele era meu pai.
You thought he was my father?
Pensaste que ele era meu pai?
I knew him like he was my father.
- Era como um pai, para mim!
But he was my father.
Mas era meu pai.
- Well, at least he was my father.
- Bem, pelo menos, era meu o Pai.
He was my father!
- Ele era meu pai!
Well, yeah, you see... when B.A. was about knee-high... his father gave him a little toy truck. And he used to scoot this thing around the living room... and wear my carpet down all day long.
Quando o B. A. Era pequenino, o pai deu-lhe um camião de brinquedo, e ele estava sempre a arrastá-lo pelo chão, a estragar o tapete.
My father was run over by a cart, and he died.
O meu pai morreu debaixo das rodas de uma carroça.
He was like my father,
Ele era como um pai para mim.
Even though he's dead, I must obey. The fortune teller was a friend of my father's. If my father found out anything, the fortune teller will know.
O vidente era amigo do meu pai, e se o meu pai descobriu algo, o vidente há-de saber.
My father gave control of this territory to Lucky Luciano but not because he got fed up with family business. It was because the search for the Gold of Babylon entranced him.
O meu pai reformou-se delegando a sua esfera de influência ao Lucky Luciano não só porque estivesse farto de disputas e lutas mafiosas mas também porque foi cativado pela procura do ouro da Babilónia.
Anyway, my father.... He grew up on a farm. He always thought it was a real shame that we only saw the suburbs.
O meu pai cresceu numa quinta, por isso queria mais para nós.
The whοle thing was a hallucinatiοn. - What did my father say? - He persisted in his stοry οf cοurse.
Era óbvio que ele o tinha lido e sofrido um ataque de amnésia.
High ideals? My father was Italian... and he was very thin.
O meu pai era italiano... e era bem magro.
- Yes, he was a close friend of my father's.
- Sim, rle era um grande amigo do meu pai.
Even when he told me it was not my father.
Até mesmo depois de ele me ter dito que não era o meu pai.
He was a great sword maker, my father.
Foi um grande espadachim, o meu pai.
Well, I didn't think it was very sensitive of you to ask my father whether at his age he could still fall in love.
Foi um bocado insensível perguntar ao meu pai se na idade dele ainda se pode apaixonar.
My father made sure of what he was losing the job.
O meu pai certificou-se de que ele perdia o emprego.
His own father kicked him out when he was 15... so my dad was taught to see child raising as a burden- - a prison rather than a playground.
O pai dele deitou-o fora de casa quando ele tinha 15 anos desde então o meu pai foi condicionado a ver a infância como um problema mais para uma prisão do que para um playground.
But thanks to my father's vigilance, his plans were thwarted, and he was arrested.
Mas graças à vigilância de meu pai os planos dele foram contrariados e foi detido.
As I was getting the bike, he turned and jokingly said to my father that if we got in an accident,
Quando eu ia buscar a mota, voltou-se, e a bricar disse ao meu pai que se tivéssemos um acidente,
And my father was waiting for the light in his car. And he saw me. He recognized me.
O meu pai, num semáforo viu-me e reconheceu-me.
My father was born in 1847, he was 60 years old when I was born.
O meu pai nasceu em 1847, ele tinha 60 anos quando nasci.
And when he was old enough to come... he wouldn't leave my father. No, he was blind and dying.
E, quando tinha idade para vir não quis deixar meu pai, que estava cego e morrendo.
My father was at peace with his conscience, for he was crossing the forbidden threshold not to shorten a long walk, but to preserve the precious canal from ruin and save Marseilles from drought.
O meu pai estava em paz com a sua consciência, porque estava a utilizar um caminho proibido não para encurtar a viagem, mas para preservar o precioso canal da ruína e salvar Marselha da seca.
I was locked in my revered, my feared father's study where he received the diplomatic corps of London, the elite of the world.
Eu fiquei trancado na sala de leitura do meu venerado e temido pai, onde ele recebia o corpo diplomático de Londres, a elite do mundo.
When my mother went to the market, she left me in my father's class. He was teaching six and seven-year-olds how to read.
Quando a minha mãe ia ao mercado, eu ficava na aula do meu pai, que ensinava a ler os miúdos de seis e de sete anos.
That year, my father made a great leap. From St. Loup, crossing the suburbs in one fell swoop he was offered a permanent position at the Chartreux School the biggest state school in Marseilles.
Naquele ano, o meu pai deu um salto de cometa, porque de Saint-Loup, nos subúrbios, foi nomeado titular da Escola de Chemin de Chartreux
At twenty-five my father started a radio station. At thirty he was a millionaire owing his own radio network with his morality intact.
Aos 24 anos o meu Pai fundou uma emissora de rádio e aos 30 era um milionário e dono duma rede de emissoras, tendo mantido a seriedade intacta.
He was a client of my father's law firm.
Ele era um cliente da firma de advocacia do meu pai.
Perhaps when I was in King's Lacey, but Colonel Lacey he is a friendly old man of my father.
Talvez quando estive em King's Lacey, mas o Coronel Lacey é um velho amigo do meu pai.
Well, there was this strange guy who said he was a friend of my father's.
Houve um tipo estranho que disse que era amigo do meu pai.
One ofthe reasons she married my father was because he was so black.
Uma ofthe razões ela casou meu pai era porque ele era tão black.
To my father, I spoke German, but he warned me to keep this language a secret because outside of our neighbourhood in Queens, New York, if people heard me speak German, they would either think I was a Nazi sympathiser,
Com o meu pai, eu falava alemão, mas ele avisou-me para guardar segredo desta língua porque fora do nosso bairro em Queens, Nova Iorque, se as pessoas me ouvissem falar alemão, iam pensar que era simpatizante Nazi,
I caught it from my father, he was a storyteller.
Eu peguei do meu pai. Ele era um contador de histórias.
My father, he was the expert.
O meu pai é que era o perito.
He thinks I was visiting my father.
Julga que eu fui visitar o meu pai.
Well, my father, when I was a kid he took me to the bank and he lifted me up, and he pointed to the teller, and he said :
O meu pai, quando eu era miúdo, levou-me ao banco. Pegou em mim ao colo, apontou para o Caixa e disse :
She hated my father. She's always telling me what a jerk he was.
Ela odiava o meu pai, disse-me sempre que ele era um idiota.
He is my godson, and his father was my closest friend, as you know.
É meu afilhado e o pai dele era o meu melhor amigo, como sabes.
Actually, it was a relief for me to know my father was no superman. That he has problems.
Que alívio saber que o meu pai não ê um super-homem, que tem problemas.
Y ou know, my father would kill me if he knew I was out with a boy tonight.
O meu pai matava-me se soubesse que estou com um rapaz esta noite.
My father was born in Soviet Georgia. He liked the symmetry.
Por isso, queimaram o meu ficheiro e congelaram-me.
He was closer to me than my father.
Ele esteve mais perto de mim que o meu pai.
My father thought he would catch the man who was trying to steal his wife from him.
O meu pai achava que ia apanhar o homem que queria roubar-lhe a mulher.
- My father told my mother... he was leaving town for the weekend. - What are you talking about?
- O que está a dizer?

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