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So it was перевод на португальский

18,785 параллельный перевод
So when we discovered four ships heading towards Earth, we were concerned that it was happening all over again.
Quando descobrimos quatro naves a virem em direcção à Terra, pensamos que podia acontecer de novo.
I was so focused on the past, I didn't think about it until now.
Estava tão focado no passado que não pensei nisso até agora.
So, what was it like being all mind-controlled and stuff?
Então, como é que foi ter a mente controlada?
He was so good that he wore an outfit with the words "Fair Play" written across it.
Era tão bom que usava uma roupa com as palavras "Fair Play".
I was hurting so bad, it... it got so I couldn't even see straight.
Estava muito mal. Nem conseguia ver direito.
Honestly, I just thought he was making it all up so Th-that he wouldn't have to pay me.
Pensei que fosse tudo invenção para não ter que me pagar.
They indicate it was a wheel-made lamp versus the mold-based ones that became so popular in the'40s...
Indicam que é uma lâmpada feita a mão, ao contrário das feitas com moldes que ficaram populares em...
You do realize that if Lars was the genie's master, it didn't work out so well for him in the end.
Estás ciente que se o Lars, era o mestre da lâmpada, não resultou muito bem para ele no final.
Uh, okay, so I determined that the shrapnel pulled from Danielle was made of steel and had traces of propane on it.
Certo, eu determinei que os estilhaços tirados à Danielle eram feitos de aço e têm vestígios de propano.
Okay, so now we just have to figure out a way to narrow it down to the one that Collins was using to communicate with us.
Agora temos de descobrir um modo de reduzir isto para qual deles o Collins usa para falar connosco.
So what you're gonna do is you're gonna give us a list of the names of all the people you tried to sell them to, anybody you mentioned it to ; I don't care if it was a date you were trying to impress.
Então, aquilo que vai fazer é dar-nos a lista dos nomes de todas as pessoas a quem tentou vender, qualquer um a quem o tenha mencionado, não me importa se fosse um encontro e estava a tentar impressioná-la.
So the spyware landed on her computer before she was catfished by Mintz, which means that it had to be her kidnapper who infected her.
Então, o "spyware" estava no sistema antes dela ser enganada pelo Mintz, o que significa que foi o raptor dela que o colocou lá.
Yeah, it sounded like he was overcompensating, so I asked Interpol to do a birth record search on Zho Tu.
Soa como se quisesse compensar algo, então pedi à Interpol para verificar o nascimento do Zho Tu.
I know he wouldn't have done bad things to people, so whatever it is that he was doing, I know it was good.
Sei que ele não faria coisas más a ninguém, por isso, seja o que for que estivesse a fazer, era bom.
We decided Tana would drop out of school, and once the baby was born... we would give it to a family where it could have a good life and so could Tana.
Decidimos que a Tana iria abandonar a escola, e logo que o bebe nasceu... Podíamos dá-lo a uma família onde ele pudesse ter uma boa vida e a Tana também.
Or was it so the other family would do it for you?
Ou foi para que a outra família o fizesse por vocês?
And there's no safe in the house anywhere, so if this was a robbery, it went way wrong.
E não há nenhuma segurança na casa, em nenhum lado, então se isto foi um roubo, correu mal.
Oh, God. The guy was so drunk, he just left it.
O tipo estava tão bêbado que se esqueceu do cartão.
Mobile phone, but the number was shielded with an encryption technology, so it can't be traced.
Telemóvel, mas o número foi protegido com tecnologia de encriptação então é impossível ser rastreado.
We reported... we reported the defect to Tokyo, but it-it was an American model, so they let us decide.
Nós informamos... Nós informamos o defeito a Tóquio, mas era um modelo Americano, então deixaram-nos decidir.
It was all so unfair.
Foi tudo tão injusto.
So you think it was Enzo's idea.
- Então acham que foi ideia do Enzo.
It was leaking, so we ran.
Estava a vazar, então fugimos.
But there wasn't enough time, and then the gas, it... it was spreading, so I...
Mas... não houve tempo suficiente, e depois, o gás... estava-se a espalhar, então eu...
County morgue says that they have two stabbing victims that match the description Henry gave, but neither are from an alley, so it's possible the body was moved.
- A morgue municipal informa que há duas vítimas que conferem com a descrição, mas nenhum encontrado num beco, então possivelmente o corpo foi movido.
So based on the cutting pattern, it was a serrated combat knife, with a five-inch blade, and that's not all.
Baseada no padrão de corte, é uma faca serrilhada de combate com lâmina de 12cm, não é tudo.
It was so fast.
- Foi tão rápido.
Yeah, I know. So did I. It was a mess.
Também vi. Foi uma confusão.
It was me. He loved me so much, he didn't care.
Ele amava-me tanto que não se importou.
So, then, if you had the chance to prove it was all real or fake, would you do it?
Então se tivesses a hipótese de provar que tudo era verdadeiro ou falso tu farias isso?
It's clear that Governor Baker's endorsement of Susan Ross was not enough to erase the damage done by the so-called "turbulence on the tarmac" incident which seems to have also hurt Mellie Grant tonight.
É claro que o apoio da Governadora Baker à Susan Ross não foi o suficiente para eliminar o estrago feito pelo incidente chamado "turbulência na pista" o que também parece ter prejudicado a Mellie Grant esta noite.
So, it wasn't about saving me at all, was it?
Então, tudo isto não foi para salvar-me pois não?
Now, nothing was damaged, nothing was missing, so the cops just chalked it up to a prank.
Não havia nada estragado, nem nada desaparecido, portanto, a Polícia descreveu-o como uma partida.
Every time I'd go on a trip when James was young, I'd get one of these, pin it to his teddy bear first thing in the morning so he'd know I was home.
Sempre que eu ia de viagem quando o James era jovem, comprava um destes e aplicava-o no urso de peluche dele logo de manhãzinha, para ele saber que eu tinha chegado.
So what about this- - I don't tell your mom I saw you and we keep it between us that I was trying on her clothes?
Fazemos assim... não digo à tua mãe que te vi, e tu não lhe dizes que eu vesti a roupa dela.
His voice was so familiar, but I can't place it.
A voz era tão familiar, mas não consigo lembrar-me.
I-I didn't want you to get the victory, though, so I just said that I loved it, but... it was all an act, man.
No entanto, eu não queria que tu ganhasses, então eu disse que adorei, mas... Foi tudo encenação, meu.
The chemistry was instant. It was undeniable. But we didn't want to jeopardize the work, so we tried to fight it.
Eu tratava do cabelo e do reconhecimento, ele... fazia o que faz, e eventualmente, é a história clássica, ele deu pontapés rotativos até ao meu coração.
It was this power that gave him so much empathy towards others.
Foi este poder que lhe deu tanta empatia para com os outros.
It's so obvious ; Come on. your cinder-hellion had just plunged a screwdriver into the poor lad, when she was interrupted by the chambermaid, who she then snuffed out with her bare hands.
É tão óbvio, A tua Cinder-diabrete enfiou uma chave-de-fendas no pobre rapaz, quando ela foi interrompida pela criada de quarto, ela estrangulou-a com as próprias mãos.
Okay, so based on the burn pattern, which is pretty gnarly in this case, it looks like the highest concentration of accelerant was placed, well... here.
Certo, então com base no padrão de incêndio, que é bastante deformado, neste caso... parece que a concentração mais elevado do acelerante foi colocado, bom... Aqui.
I'm thinking it was a rave, so...
Acho que foi um rave, por isso...
! - It was a crowded sex club, and there was so many hot girls...
- Num clube de sexo apinhado, e havia tantas miúdas boas...
Well, Daria was sleeping with her husband, so if anyone had a bone to pick, it would be her.
Bom, a Daria andava a dormir com o marido dela, por isso se alguém lhe guardaria rancor, seria ela.
She was so disgustingly perfect, I hated it.
Ela era tão nojentamente perfeita, eu odiava isso.
It was a double-blind, so just like the doctor and the lawyer, no one's at fault here.
Foi um acaso, por isso tal como a médica e o advogado, ninguém teve culpa.
So when I heard that he was getting some sort of temporary leave, I knew that it was my chance to make things right.
Quando ouvi que ele ia ter uma folga temporária, sabia que era minha hipótese de acertar as coisas.
Was it for... leaving me all alone at a restaurant so the busboy could give me pitiful glances all night?
Foi por me... deixares sozinha no restaurante para que o empregado me pudesse mandar olhares de pena toda a noite?
So, um, I was thinking at the bridge, we'd treat it like... kind of like a rap session.
A ponte podia ser uma espécie de rap.
So all I had to do was get rid of the songs that you produced, and it became this whole new concept.
Só tive de me livrar das canções que tu produziste e fiquei com um novo conceito.
Y'all, it's okay, don't worry about it,'cause Hakeem Lyon, he was just vibin'to some female, so it's all good.
O Hakeem Lyon sentiu uma química com uma miúda, está tudo bem.

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