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You said something перевод на португальский

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Wilfred you said something when you were under anesthesia.
Wilfred... disseste uma coisa quando estavas anestesiado.
You said something about a crème brûlée.
Falaste em crème brûlée.
So you said something this time. You were inspiring.
Desta vez, disseste algo.
You said something about a meeting. Okay.
Disseste qualquer coisa sobre um encontro.
But you said something that worried me - with the possible exception of Concorde, the E-type was the last great thing Britain made.
Mas disseste algo que me preocupou, com a possivel excepção do Concorde o E-Type foi a ultima grande coisa que Inglaterra fez.
- Psychiatrist. You said something on the phone about there being a study that I could use as a home office?
Você disse ao telefone que havia um escritório que eu poderia usar como consultório.
Well, you said something happened between Ralph and Sam.
Disse que alguma coisa aconteceu entre o Ralph e o Sam.
Well, there was something about the way she said it, right, and it got me to thinking, so I started looking at all of his bills - - you know, hotels, jewelry, things like that.
A maneira como ela disse fez-me pensar, então, comecei a ver as contas, sabes? Hotéis, joalherias, coisas do tipo.
All right? I know it's time to wake up, but you could've just said something.
Eu sei que é hora de acordar, mas podias ter dito alguma coisa.
They said that this old lady worked at the fair, that she was some kind of a fortune teller or something, but she could only tell you one thing, something you didn't want to hear.
Disseram que essa velha trabalhava na feira. E que ela adivinhava o futuro ou algo do género. Mas ela só conseguia dizer-te uma coisa.
You had something to say and you said it.
Tinhas uma coisa para dizer e disseste-a.
LT said he got shaky or something. You're such a douche, Jack.
És mesmo parvalhão, Jack.
The best thing to give a woman is something she said she wanted when she didn't think you were listening.
A melhor coisa para dar a uma mulher é uma coisa que ela disse que queria quando pensou que você não ouvia.
You could have said something.
Tu podias ter dito algo.
Grandma said the two of you have been, uh, up to something in here.
A Avó disse que vocês estavam aqui em cima a tramar alguma.
Something like, "when it's all said and done, there shouldn't be anything between you."
Algo como "Quando estiver tudo dito e feito, não deverá haver nada entre vocês".
- Come on. You said you had something.
- Disseste que tinhas uma pista.
When you said we were going to spend the thief out of hiding, I envisioned something more like supermarket sweep on Fifth Avenue.
Quando disseste que íamos gastar para o ladrão aparecer, imaginei qualquer coisa como limpeza de supermercados na "Quinta Avenida".
You said you had something you wanted to say to me,
Disseste que tinhas algo que querias dizer-me.
Then you said you read something.
Disseste que tinhas lido algo.
You know, I guess Detective Gabriel may have said something about it being a lousy day.
Acho que o Detective Gabriel pode ter dito alguma coisa sobre ter sido um péssimo dia.
You said you had something. I thought you meant something big.
Quando falaste em alguma coisa, pensei que era relevante.
You asked me before if something was wrong and I said no.
Há bocado perguntaste-me se se passava alguma coisa e eu disse-te que não.
Oh, dude, when you said you had a surprise for me, I thought it was free burritos or something.
Meu, quando disseste que tinhas uma surpresa para mim, pensei que fossem burritos de graça.
He said he could tell that there was something between the two of you.
Ele disse que dava para ver que tinha algo entre vocês os dois.
You said you needed something fast.
Tu disseste que precisavas de algo rápido.
It was just, you know something that I read in biology got me thinking about Ali's autopsy, but like you said, the case is closed. So there's really nothing to worry about. I really have to go to class.
Uma coisa que li em Biologia fez-me pensar na autópsia da Ali, mas, como disseste, o caso foi encerrado, não há motivo para preocupações e tenho mesmo de ir para a aula.
Agent Gibbs. Ziva said you found something?
A Ziva disse-me que encontrou algo.
You're the second one who's said something like that.
És a segunda pessoa que me diz isso.
Said you wanted to make a difference, give something back. This orwellian nightmare.
Você disse que queria fazer a diferença, dar algo em troca.
After you dropped Turell Baylor off at his house and before you drove away, Detective Gabriel said something to you, and it was important, because Detective Sanchez refuses to repeat it.
Depois de deixar o Turell Baylor na sua casa e antes de se vir embora, o Detective Gabriel disse-lhe alguma coisa, e era importante, porque o Detective Sanchez se recusa a repeti-la.
Like you said, if you find yourself in a room full of people, you sense something.
Como disse, se estás numa sala cheia de pessoas, sentes alguma coisa.
Paul and I were talking, and he said something about you taking my freedom
Estava na conversa com o Paul, e ele disse que estás a roubar a minha liberdade e fiquei a pensar...
You said you did something very bad.
Disseste que fizeste uma coisa muito má.
You said on the phone you had something?
Dissestes que tinhas uma coisa?
She said it might be worth something. You in the habit of authenticating the value of flea market soup bowls at nuclear laboratories?
Tem o hábito de autenticar o valor das tigelas de sopa do mercado de pulgas, num laboratório nuclear?
Gilda, you said after you dropped out of the window, you heard Rocky scream, you started running away from the house, and something chased you.
Gilda, você disse que após saltar da janela, ouviu o Rocky gritar, correu para longe da casa e algo a perseguiu.
Wait, you said you were gonna ask me something.
Espera, disseste que me ias perguntar uma coisa.
Because it looks to me like this man said something to you.
Porque para mim parece... que este homem disse-te alguma coisa.
You said you had something for me?
Disseste que tinhas uma coisa para mim?
When Max had his episode, I assumed that you'd said something.
Quando o Max teve o ataque, pensei que tivesse dito algo.
You know, Maria said something that made me think.
Sabes, a Maria disse algo que me fez pensar.
I said, didn't I, if you go around, acting like an idiot, sexing up all these girls, you are gonna catch something.
Disse, não disse..? "Se continuares por aí, a agir como um idiota, a foder tudo o que é gaja, ainda vais apanhar qualquer coisa."
Dr. Chase said you had something to tell me.
Dr. Chase disse que tinha algo a dizer-me.
I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry I said something to your mother.
Só te queria dizer que lamento ter dito à tua mãe.
My agent called me, said you replaced me with some British actor or something?
O meu agente ligou, e disse que me trocou por um inglês?
They said that the machine malfunctioned, but... it seemed to me that you saw something that scared you.
Disseram que a máquina teve uma avaria, mas fiquei com a sensação de que viu algo que a assustou.
Before he died, he said that Don Diego did not kill my sister. So he is blackmailing something else. - Do you think that Pascual had killed her sister?
Antes de morrer disse que dom Diego não tinha matado a minha irmã, assim que a chantagem seria por outra coisa.
She said to tell you something very important.
Ela disse para te dizer uma coisa muito importante.
Can you think of any issues, concerns, or regrets, or maybe something you wish you had said?
Pode pensar nalgum problema, preocupação ou remorso, ou talvez algo que você quisesse ter-lhe dito?
So, Max, you said on the phone you... you got something for us? Yes.
Max, disseste no telefone que tinhas alguma coisa para nós?

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