I went away перевод на русский
530 параллельный перевод
I gave it to Grandpa when I went away.
Я ее деду оставил, когда уходил.
And then I went away with him.
А затем я ушла с ним.
And then I went away with you for 12 glorious years.
Потом я ушла с тобой на 12 великолепных лет.
- Oh, I went away for a while.
- Я уезжала ненадолго.
I went away for a while, but I didn't eat anything.
Я ушла ненадолго, но ничего не ела.
I went away to grow up and I thought I had grown up.
Я уехала, чтобы повзрослеть, и думала, что повзрослела.
You know, I went away to a place where they have a saltwater cure.
Знаешь, я ходила лечиться морскими ваннами.
I went on too, then I went away.
Я полез наверх, только потом побежал вниз.
She was just a child when I went away.
Когда я уезжал в Нагасаки, она была ещё совсем ребёнком.
So I went away. I don't even know where I went.
Потом я куда-то уехала.
- Before I went away.
Да, ещё до отъезда.
You dealt with her after I went away.
После моего отъезда ты осталась наедине с Мичико.
I went away on fieldworks.
Я ж на картошку ездил. Только что вернулся.
On the day I went away
Однажды я просто уйду.
"I'm sorry things went wrong - but there's still time - for you - to get away!"
"Извини, что всё пошло не так, но у тебя ещё есть время уйти."
He went away when I knew him, but never closed his shop.
Он уезжал и раньше, но никогда не закрывал мастерскую.
I'm so sorry... it's just silly I got just a funny feeling when you went away with the gentleman in Dommayer's
Когда ты ушел из казино с теми господами, мне показалось, что ты в опасности.
I was only a child when you went away, Aunt Patience. I can only just remember you then.
Вы уехали, когда я была совсем маленькой.
And in the morning he went away, and I never saw him again till that day at the trial.
А утром он ушёл,.. ... и больше я его не видела до суда, где я выступила как свидетель.
I didn't wanna be seen there so I ducked away from the door. When the kid went up, I left.
Когда он поднялся, я ушел.
I haven't laughed so much since... Well, not since before you went away.
Я не смеялся так с тех пор, как ты сбежала.
When he went away I thought I was going to help her get over the wall.
Когда он уехал, я думал помочь ей перебраться через стену.
And then Charles went away, and I got married, and...
А потом Чарльз уехал, а я вышла замуж, и...
So, I drove home, put the car away and went up to my apartment.
... и я поехал домой. Поставив машину, я поднялся к себе.
I put away a few grand before I went up.
Я припрятал несколько штук баксов перед тем, как погорел.
Cupidon must have hid himself away somewhere when mr. Clint went out, and now he's with him. Well, i'll whip him!
Купидон прятался неподалеку а когда мистер Клинт вышел он пошел за ним я надаю ему!
I'm glad now you went away on your trip.
Здорово, что ты отправилась в эту поездку.
I heard them, but they went away.
Я слышал их, но до меня они не добрались.
I thought you went away.
Я думал, что ты ушел.
I kept the poem you wrote me in your last letter... when you went away.
Я сохранила стихи, которые ты написал в последнем письме... Когда ты ушла.
I said, he went away for a few days.
Я сказала, что он уехал на несколько дней.
Mother was dead and Mary said if she went away, I'd get into trouble.
Мама умерла и Мэри сказала, что если она уедет, я попаду в беду.
The song they were playing the night before I went away.
Эта песня звучала накануне моего отъезда.
Well, I know he went away quite often.
Я только знаю, что он уезжал достаточно часто.
It went away little by little, and then when I had children, of course.
Мало-помалу оно прошло. И потом - когда у меня появились дети, конечно.
I said it went away little by little, and then when I had children, of course.
Я говорю, мало-помалу оно прошло. И потом - когда у меня появились дети, конечно.
" One day I left you because of a foolish vision, and I went far away.
" Я оставил тебя однажды из-за глупой мечты и ушёл прочь.
I know why Mark went away, I know why.
Я знаю, почему Макс уехал, точно знаю.
It's about the case of Ms. Marcelli, the daughter of the man who went away with the saleswoman. Yes, I know. - It's a real disaster for that family.
Речь идёт о Марчелли, дочери того типа, что сбежал с продавщицей, вдовой.
Michele went to the office to find out what happened and I called you right away.
Микеле поехал в офис, чтобы узнать, что случилось. А я сразу позвонила тебе.
Lovely little town... and I heard one of the natives humming a tune... and as I drove away, that melody kept haunting me... you know... so I turned around and went back... and there were these two amateur songwriters...
Славный такой городок,.. и я услышал, как один из местных напевает песню. Всю дорогу обратно эта мелодия не давала мне покоя.
And I'll say you left the school, got married and went away.
А я скажу, она бросила институт, вышла замуж и уехала.
- Before I went away.
- До того, как я ушел.
Do you remember I told you how unexpectedly he went away?
Помните, я еще рассказывала, как он неожиданно уехал?
I went deep in the wilderness, as far away as I could get.
Я поселился в дикой местности, так далеко, как только смог.
I thought at first you went away with her.
Я вначале подумала, что ты ушёл с ней.
You know, once I went to a windmill 50 kilometers away from our village.
Один раз, знаете, поехал на мельницу, километров за 50 от нашей деревни.
Even I knew this trip was our only chance to get out of this island, I saw very sad how our two companions went away of us in our great ship, which we built with a lot of sacrifice and effort...
Я знал, что такая поездка была единственный шансом, чтобы выбраться с этого острова. Мне стало грустно, когда наши два товарища покинули нас на большой лодке, которую мы построили путем многих жертв и усилий.
- If I went around saying I was an emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!
- Ecли я нaзoвycь импepaтopoм... тaк кaк мoкpaя дypa швыpнyлa в мeня ятaгaн, мeня yпeкyт в дypкy!
No but I noticed that you went away, so I told myself that...
Нет, но я заметил, что вы ушли, вот и решил...
Seem to want 200 miles outside you teach his at one feed want only and don't want that "shell" went this is the order if let him run away... don't want the useless talk, I as long as he can't compete, treasure
Примерно в двухстах милях. Ты не сможешь ошибиться. Он едет в красном "понтиаке", и он один.
i went for a walk 44
i went shopping 18
i went 167
i went to the bathroom 21
i went home 97
i went over there 16
i went to college 32
i went to harvard 21
i went to 26
i went inside 19
i went shopping 18
i went 167
i went to the bathroom 21
i went home 97
i went over there 16
i went to college 32
i went to harvard 21
i went to 26
i went inside 19
i went too far 34
i went there 77
i went to see him 27
i went to see her 17
i went to sleep 16
i went to bed 25
i went crazy 19
i went out 40
i went in 23
i went to him 16
i went there 77
i went to see him 27
i went to see her 17
i went to sleep 16
i went to bed 25
i went crazy 19
i went out 40
i went in 23
i went to him 16
i went back 43
went away 28
away 568
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from me 19
away you go 17
away from here 45
away from you 37
went away 28
away 568
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from me 19
away you go 17
away from here 45
away from you 37