As you were saying Çeviri İspanyolca
154 parallel translation
As you were saying... rather unfortunate the way that poor man round the corner, uh, died last night.
Como dijo antes... La muerte del hombre de ayer es un suceso muy desafortunado.
Well, as you were saying...
Muy bien, ¿ qué decía?
Madam, as you were saying before, am I to blame for your brother?
Señorita, ¿ Qué me decía antes.. ... que hiciera por su hermano?
As you were saying, sir.
Lo que usted diga, amigo.
As you were saying?
¿ Cómo decía?
- As you were saying?
- ¿ Cómo iba diciendo?
And now, my dear, as you were saying?
Y ahora, querida, qué estabas diciendo?
As you were saying, sir.
Como le estaba diciendo, Señor.
It's true that on June 2, I secretly broke into the jail, as you were saying.
Es verdad que el 2 de junio me metí secretamente a la cárcel, como Uds. decían.
Now, then, as you were saying...
Ahora, como decía...
As you were saying, you saw our convoy.
Como estaba diciendo, usted vio nuestro convoy.
As you were saying, Mr Beaumont.
¿ Qué decía, Sr. Beaumont?
As you were saying, Mister Mayor?
¿ Decía usted, señor alcalde?
Now, as you were saying?
- ¿ Qué? - Darle las malas con delicadeza.
But as you were saying, Doctor.
Pero como decía...
As you were saying, Paul.
Como ibas diciendo, Paul.
- As you were saying, Nick.
- En referencia a lo que decias Nick.
- As you were saying, Mr. Kramer?
- ¿ Cómo decía, Sr. Kramer?
As you were saying? You!
- ¿ Qué estabas diciendo?
Now, as you were saying?
Pero, ¿ qué estaba diciendo?
As you were saying, Laurence?
¿ Cómo decía, Laurence?
Sounds very much to me as if you were trying to build up your own defense, if you'll forgive my saying so.
Me suena como que estuviera tratando de preparar su propia defensa... si me perdona que se lo diga.
Miss Parrish, did you receive a card saying you were discharged as of the close of business today?
¿ Ha recibido la notificación de despido?
and take good care of yourself how much I wish that you return home in good health, and you remain in good health many years yet you talk as if you were saying goodbye forever how so, forever?
Cuídate mucho. Te deseo que regreses bien y que tengas salud mucho, mucho tiempo. Duniasha mía... parece que te despidas de mí para siempre...
As if some force were saying, " Get back where you belong.
Como si una fuerza dijera : " ¡ Vuelve a lo tuyo!
Oh, as I was saying, Mellie Sewell told me that you were playing in a gambling game at the German embassy with the young Phili von Ramme and Sam Chandler, who is a relative of mine and who's always been a scandal.
Oh, como decia, Mellie Sewell me conto que usted estuvo jugando una partida en la embajada francesa con el joven Phili von Ramme y con Sam Chandler, que es familiar mio y que siempre ha sido un escandalo.
As I was saying, Miss Tyler, you were brought here for a special purpose... and you failed completely.
Como decía, Srta. Tyler... la traje con un propósito especial... y me falló totalmente.
You were saying Mr commissioner, just as that phone rang That you doubted the Tobor was capable of reaction to an emergency situations.
Decía usted, comisario, hace solo un rato que dudaba que Tobor pudiera reaccionar en caso de emergencia.
You say that as if you were saying, "It's a nice day."
Haces que suene como : "Qué día más bonito".
Every word, as if you were saying it now.
Cada palabra, como si las estuvieses diciendo ahora.
But as soon as we get down there, you tell them we were already over the horizon before he finished saying that.
Pero en cuanto bajemos, les dices que estábamos sobre el horizonte cuando dijo eso.
That doesn't mean I'm condoning what you've done, but at least you haven't excused your own actions by saying, as many men would, that these men were evil and should die, and that you carried out a legal execution.
Eso no quiere decir que apruebe lo que hiciste. Por lo menos no justificaste tus actos... como muchos hicieron, diciendo que merecían morir... que apenas realizaste una ejecución legal.
Well then, as we were saying, you must choose the reader for the news among those twelve still in the race.
Bien, decíamos que deberán elegir al locutor del telediario entre los 12 que aún quedan en concurso y deberán elegirlo con la máxima imparcialidad.
- We were saying, like as not... you'd be off today.
Estábamos diciendo que a lo mejor no vendrías sólo.
You are saying instrument failure as radical as you suggest went unnoticed until you were well past the neutral zone?
¿ Dice que una falla instrumental tan grave como sugiere no fue advertida hasta que pasaron la Zona Neutral?
In your file you are quoted as saying that all three were kind men... and did what they could for the other prisoners.
En su expediente dice que los tres eran hombres buenos... y que hacían todo lo que podían por los demás presos.
If you forgive my saying so, I am as fond of her as if she were my own daughter.
Disculpe que lo diga, la aprecio tanto como si fuera mi propia hija.
I mean, you're doing all these things, but are you doing them... because you really feel an impulse to do them... or are you doing them mechanically, as we were saying before?
¿ Haces todas esas cosas porque tienes el impulso de hacerlas... o de forma mecánica, como decíamos antes?
But, uh, you know, the fear of unconscious impulses... or my own aggression or whatever, but, uh... if things get too quiet, and I find myself just, uh, sitting there... you know, as we were saying before...
No sé si es algo Freudiano, el miedo de mis impulsos o mi propia agresividad.
Well, as I was saying, I wouldn't be very eager as much about the atom bomb. if it were to kill you right out.
Como te decía, yo no me inquietaría tanto por la bomba atómica si te matara de inmediato.
As we were having a stroll and I was drawing your attention to the sunbathing figures on the beach below us, you suddenly fell against me and stepped back, saying you suffered from vertigo.
Mientras dábamos un paseo y yo la hice mirar hacia abajo, a la playa, usted cayó sobre mí, y retrocedió diciendo que sufría vértigo.
You're saying that they were all in on a conspiracy to kill Simon Pawlen and pass him off as Harry Josephs?
Todos estaban de acuerdo en matar a Simon Pawlen - y pasarlo por Harry Josephs.
- No. Are you saying that this was going to be a donation for the CIA as far as you were concerned?
¿ Se iba a tratar de una donación a la cia de su parte?
No, I'm just saying that it's a very tricky business... and if I were your accountant, I would strongly advise you against it... as an accountant.
No, sólo digo que es un negocio muy difícil... y que si fuera tu contador, te aconsejaría no hacerlo... como contador.
As soon as we were alone together... you would flee, saying that you had something to do.
En cuanto nos quedábamos solos... enseguida huías a cualquier lado diciendo que tenías que hacer.
As is, we don't know what you were saying.
¿ Qué tiene que ver esa mujer con todo esto?
You're saying this as if it were that easy.
Lo decís como si fuera tan fácil.
You were saying, as big as life. You mean the Dyson Sphere?
¿ Usted cree que esa bola es una esfera de Dyson?
While you were serving the main meal, could Meurig not have entered the kitchen, overheard what Aldith was saying, added the monk's hood to the dish and then crept away as quietly as he'd come?
Mientras servían el plato principal, ¿ no pudo Meurig entrar a la cocina, escuchar lo que Aldith decía, agregar el veneno al plato y salir silenciosamente como había entrado?
He goes around as if he were saying... [Low, Gravelly Voice] "Yes, I'm here among you."
Camina como si estuviera diciendo "Sí, aquí estoy entre ustedes".
For you to go to bed with one for kinky thrills, like you were saying, makes you as dumb as they are.
Si te acostaras con uno por la excitación de hacerlo serías tan tonta como ellos.
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as you know 1680
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as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
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as your attorney 28
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as your attorney 28
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as you may have noticed 26
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as you said 191
as you well know 135
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as you do 33
as you please 44
as you call it 56
as you 43
as your friend 86
as you put it 48
as your doctor 24
as your father 16
as you are 36
as you do 33
as you please 44
as you call it 56
as you 43
as your friend 86
as you put it 48
as your doctor 24
as your father 16