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Could have been Çeviri İspanyolca

12,241 parallel translation
Could have been extorted. They could have said, "Look, we're going to reveal you as a homosexual," something which obviously is very different than it is today.
Podrían haber dicho, "Mira, vamos a delatarte como homosexual", algo que obviamente es muy diferente a como es hoy.
♪ I could have been someone
Pude haber sido alguien
Jocelyn thinks it could have been stolen.
Jocelyn piensa que podría haber sido robado.
Could have been self-inflicted.
Podría haber sido auto infligido.
They could have been close.
Pueden haber sido cercanos.
I have a child who could have been at home.
Tengo una hija que podría haber estado en casa.
I think it could have been the ghost.
Creo que podría haber visto al fantasma.
It really could have been any number of things.
Podría ser cualquier cosa.
It could have been you.
Podrías haber sido tú.
You could have been the greatest.
Pudiste haber sido el más grande.
As far as we know, the sadistic creep could have been hiding back here the whole time, till he decided to finish her off and jump out.
- Hasta donde sabemos, ese maldito sádico podría haber estado escondido en el asiento trasero todo el tiempo, hasta que decidió mostrarse y acabar con ella.
Some guy who could have been Charles.
A un chico, a Charles.
Based on the powder burns around the wounds, I suspect the device could have been on his person.
Sobre la base de las quemaduras de pólvora alrededor de las heridas, sospecho el dispositivo podría haber estado en su persona.
Could have been a neurological event.
Podría haber sido un evento neurológico
You could have been killed.
Te podrían haber matado.
Could have been younger then.
Podría haber sido más joven entonces.
It could have been you, should have been.
Podrías haber sido tu, deberías haber sido tu.
Who else could have been there?
¿ Quién más podría haber estado allí?
I could have been the HOHOHO.
Yo podría haber sido el HOHO.
You could have been killed.
Podrián haberte matado.
( sighs ) That could have been it, man.
Esto podría haber sido todo, hombre.
So it could have been Ferguson.
- Entonces quizás fuera Ferguson.
Do you know whose phone he could have been using, Janice?
- ¿ Sabe qué teléfono pudo usar, Janice?
It could have been me hooking up that wire.
Podría haber sido yo el que conectase ese cable.
Paul Crosley... could have been involved in some sort of...
Paul Crosley... podría estar implicado en una especie de...
Yo, this could have been us the whole fucking time.
Así pudimos haber estado todo el tiempo.
I think how could Have been all different.
Cómo podría haber sido todo diferente.
But it could have been Casper Bondesen.
- Pero podría ser Casper Bondesen.
So, the money could have been for anybody.
Así que, el dinero pudo ser para cualquiera.
You could have been killed, Gates, and if you're that stupid, maybe you should've been.
Podrías haber muerto, Gates, y si eres tan estúpido, quizá es lo que debería haber pasado.
It could have been anywhere.
Pudo haber sido en cualquier lado.
It was presidents'day weekend. He could have been on vacation or... or just skipping school.
Pudo pedir vacaciones o escapar del colegio.
Is there any way he could have been involved in something you wouldn't know about?
¿ Podría estar involucrado en algo... y que usted no lo supiera?
Everything we've worked for could have been swept away in an instant.
Todo por lo que hemos trabajado podía haber desaparecido en un instante.
How could Dani's accident have been murder?
¿ Cómo pudo el accidente de Dani ser homicidio?
There hasn't been a day gone by since it happened where I haven't wondered if I could have done more to protect her.
No ha pasado un día desde que sucedió que no me haya preguntado que más podía haber hecho para protegerla.
I mean, I have been used and abused by that girl more times than I could possibly count.
Quiero decir, esa chica me uso Y se aprovechó de mi Mas veces de las que puedo contar
Of course. How could I have been so stupid?
Por supuesto. ¿ Cómo he podido ser tan estúpido?
Okay. So could it have been, um, an award that Alexis won?
- Bien... ¿ Podría ser alguno... que ganó Alexis o algo que ganaste tú?
He could just have been here to make the hand-off or create a distraction or somehow run interference for the shooter.
Puede haber estado aquí para hacer la entrega o crear una distracción o de alguna manera generar interferencia para el tirador.
'He's out there, he could even have been watching.
El está ahí afuera, hasta podría estar mirando.
The scars you mentioned, could they have been wounds from being tied?
¿ Las cicatrices que mencionó, podrían haber sido heridas de ataduras?
Uh, Doctor, could Ms. Decotis'injuries have been caused by her prostitution?
Doctora, ¿ las lesiones de la Srta. Decotis podrían haber sido causadas por prostitución?
How could I have been so stupid?
¿ Cómo pude haber sido tan estupido?
Now through our investigations, we have been able to uncover several aliases, and there could be countless others.
A través de nuestras investigaciones hemos podido descubrir varios alias y podría haber muchos más.
It could only have been five minutes!
¡ Podrían haber sido solo cinco minutos!
So far, none of them are symptomatic, but as you suggested, we isolated anyone who could possibly have been in contact with our murder victim.
Hasta el momento, ninguno de ellos son sintomáticos, pero como sugirió, aislamos a todos los que podrían haber estado en contacto con nuestra víctima de asesinato.
"Believe me, Marianne, had I not been bound to silence, I could have provided proof enough of a broken heart even for you."
Créeme, Marianne, si no me hubieran obligado al silencio, podría haber aportado pruebas suficientes de un corazón roto incluso para ti ".
- Could it have been in Australia?
- ¿ Pudo haber sido en Australia?
See, Emma must have been able to do what I never could.
Emma debió hacer lo que yo no pude. Lo localizó.
The child must have been underneath the mother, because you could still clearly see its shape, with its mother's arms clasped around it.
El niño debe haber estado debajo de la madre, porque todavía se podía ver claramente su figura, con los brazos de la madre abrazándolo fieramente.

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