Crazy people Çeviri İspanyolca
2,321 parallel translation
I was getting, uh, weird letters from crazy people.
Empecé a recibir cartas extrañas de gente que estaba loca.
Well, those crazy people than I do.
Bueno, esos locos que yo.
In a few days, she's gonna find your private zoo, and they're gonna lock you away with crazy people.
En unos días, ella descubrirá tu zoológico secreto. Te encerrarán con gente loca.
Normally I like talking to crazy people, but I'm kinda tired today.
Normalmente me gusta hablar con gente loca pero hoy estoy algo cansada.
There's a lot of crazy people out here.
Hay un montón de gente loca allá afuera.
That may be true, but crazy people do ride the bus. And maybe she smells of menstrual blood because the homeless prostitute two seats away from her just threw her tampon at her.
Puede que sea verdad, pero los locos toman el autobús y quizás huela a sangre menstrual porque la prostituta sin hogar a dos asientos de ella le acaba de arrojar su tampón.
Okay, you can go ahead and judge me all you want, but there are some crazy people in the world.
Júzguenme todo lo que quieran, pero hay mucho loco suelto por el mundo.
Only crazy people see shrinks.
Solo los locos ven a los loqueros.
In fact, don't talk to me when I'm with other people it makes me look crazy okay?
Por cierto no me hables cuando estoy con gente me hace ver como un loco ok?
People go, you know, crazy.
La gente se vuelve loca.
It was not meant to be lived in by normal people. It was really crazy.
Era una locura.
Every time that happens whether it's a government, a way of doing business, whatever the people who are holding the reins they have their hands on the switch they go batshit crazy.
Siempre que pasa eso ya sea en un gobierno o en un negocio la gente que tiene las riendas que controla el interruptor se vuelve completamente loca.
It's been known to drive more than a few people a little Dark Score crazy.
Es sabido que ha llevado a más de uno a volverse loco al estilo Dark Score.
Is that what happens when people go Dark Score crazy?
¿ Es lo que sucede cuando la gente se vuelve loca al estilo Dark Score?
What do people do when they go Dark Score crazy?
¿ Qué hace la gente cuando se vuelve loca al estilo Dark Score?
- You're not one ofthose crazy car people are you?
- ¿ No eres tipo loco sobre los autos o si?
People say you're crazy and I should watch out.
Dicen que estás loco y que debería tener cuidado.
Look, there's some crazy, dangerous people after that.
Unas personas locas y peligrosas la quieren.
People, tell me this guy is crazy, please!
Díganme que este tipo esta loco ¡ por favor!
I'd been called crazy. If, in the course of the lG's investigations and Fred Hinson's work, you come across evidence of severely criminal activity, will you tell the American people the truth?
Si en el transcurso de las investigaciones de IG... y el trabajo de Fred Hinson encuentra pruebas de serias actividades criminales ¿ le dirá la verdad al pueblo norteamericano?
People are going crazy out there.
La gente ahí se está poniendo loca.
Dex, people go crazy for the little buggers.
Dex, a la gente le enloquecen esos bichitos.
And people were saying, " you're crazy.
Y la gente me decía : "¡ Está loca!".
Some people never go crazy.
Algunos nunca se vuelven locos.
People said that it made her mad, crazy.
La gente decía que se volvió loco. Loco.
Evidently, there are 12 million other people as crazy as you are.
Parece que hay 12 millones de personas tan locas como usted.
- It's crazy, because it's gonna be thousands of people and... one little, little him.
- Es loco, porque va a haber miles de personas y... un pequeño él.
- It's about doing something insane and taking all your chances, spending all your money, getting all your friends together, making this crazy team of people, just like in Mass Effect, and going on a suicide mission.
- Es acerca de hacer algo insano y arriesgarlo todo, invertir todo tu dinero, reunir a todos tus amigos, formar este loco equipo de personas, como en Mass Effect, y largarte en una misión suicida.
Be covered in blood... be covered in sweat and dirt be covered in scars and be so strange that people call you crazy.
Cubierto de sangre... de sudor, de suciedad... lleno de cicatrices... y es tan extraño que la gente te llamará loco.
You gonna still be crazy and a bunch of people? "
¿ Vas a seguir loca y siendo un montón de gente? "
People said you were crazy for growing soybeans here, but they look good to me.
La gente dijo que estabas loco por plantar frijoles de soya aquí. Pero me parece que lucen bien.
Many of my workmates think that the most difficult part of our job is telling people that they are acting like crazy.
Muchos de mis compañeros piensan que lo más difícil de nuestro trabajo es decirle a la gente que está actuando como loca.
People are going to find out what a psychotic, manipulative, crazy bitch you are,'cause I'm going to tell them.
La gente va a descubrir que eres una perra psicótica, manipuladora y lunática porque yo se los voy a decir.
I mean, the amount of crazy crap that people tell me and expect me to keep to myself, all... all the drama about my mom and Serena and Ben.
Toda la basura de locos que la gente me cuenta y esperan que me lo quede para mí, todo... todo el drama sobre mi madre y Serena y Ben.
Luckily, when you're the guy, you can just tell people she's crazy.
Por suerte, cuando eres un hombre, le puedes decir a la gente que ella estaba loca.
No lights, motherfuckers fighting over shit, cops kicking people. You know what I mean? It was crazy.
No había luz, todos se peleaban por todo los policías nos pateaban.
Makes people crazy.
Hace que la gente se vuelva loca.
People went crazy!
Todos se alborotaron.
These people are crazy!
¡ Esta gente está loca!
Like the crazy people?
- Puede ser.
And then the things, people, it just makes them crazy.
Y después cosas, gente, me vuelven loco.
When we went to Europe, was the same People like crazy We filled where we were going...
Cuando fuimos a Europa, fue lo mismo la gente como loca llenábamos donde íbamos...
People are going crazy to see you two spill more blood.
La gente se está volviendo loca por veros a los dos derramar más sangre.
! Crazy is a college kid sitting in her dorm room with posters on the wall and her music blaring, making money off of weapons that kill innocent people.
La locura es que una universitaria haga dinero desde su dormitorio lleno de posters en las paredes, y con la música a toda leche, vendiendo armas que matan a inocentes.
Chance to get shit off my chest before I do crazy things like shoot people.
Sacarme las cargas del pecho antes de terminar matando gente.
Well, call me crazy, but I'm willing to die if it means keeping an entire group of people I know and love from being eradicated in the name of hate.
Bueno, llámenme loca. Pero estoy dispuesta a morir si eso significa salvar a un grupo de personas que conozco y amo de ser erradicadas en nombre del odio.
It's crazy to lend money so people can buy crappy jeeps they don't need.
Es una locura prestar dinero. Para que la gente pueda comprar todo terrenos cutres que no necesita.
Plus, you know, people tip like crazy when they're shitfaced.
Ademas, las propinas son una locura cuando estan en pedo.
Not one of those docs that studies your mind, makes people think you're crazy.
No es una de esos Dres. que estudian la mente, pensando que las personas están locas.
You people are as crazy as a coot.
Ustedes están más locos que unas cabras.
It's crazy to think that they might be people we know.
Es una locura pensar que puedan ser personas que conocemos.
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people change 205
people screaming 74
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people change 205
people screaming 74
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people talk 81
people get hurt 32
people are dying 81
people are watching 31
people were killed 27
people make mistakes 71
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people do 54
people get hurt 32
people are dying 81
people are watching 31
people were killed 27
people make mistakes 71
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people do 54