People are looking Çeviri İspanyolca
842 parallel translation
Tom, please. People are looking at us.
Por favor, nos están mirando.
Rosita, please. People are looking.
- Por favor, la gente está mirando.
People are looking. Let's just dance.
Bueno, pues bailemos.
People are looking for a change.
- La gente desea que haya cambios.
People are looking. I'll tell you later.
- Después te lo digo.
People are looking.
Hay gente mirando.
I suppose most people are looking back and see the exact point where lives were touched by destiny.
La mayoría de la gente, al mirar hacia atrás, consigue ver exactamente cuándo su vida fue tocada por el destino :
Don't get too close, people are looking.
No te acerques tanto, la gente mira.
- People are looking at you.
- La gente la está mirando.
Please, people are looking.
Por favor, hay gente que mira.
People are looking!
¡ La gente nos mira!
People are looking at us.
Nos pueden ver.
People are looking!
¡ Nos están viendo!
Did you see the way them people are looking at us?
¿ Visteis cómo nos miraba la gente?
Well, the Duke and a lot of important people are looking into investing into America's future.
Pues el duque y un grupo de financieros extranjeros quieren invertir capital en América.
Many people are looking for waitresses now and all of you want to take part in the singing contests!
Acá ofrecemos trabajos para criadas pero todas quieren ir a cantar en el Festival de Sanremo.
See how people are looking at us?
¿ Te das cuenta de cómo nos miran?
People are looking at me.
La gente me está mirando.
Now, you don't know how it is... when people are looking down at you and laughing at you... and think that I'm a loser.
No sabes lo que se siente... cuando la gente te desprecia y se ríe de ti... y cree que eres una perdedora.
People are looking.
La gente nos mira.
The people are looking at this.
La gente está pendiente de eso.
People are looking for me now.
¡ Es duro! ¡ Ahora mismo me buscan!
Stop it! People are looking.
Para, que nos están mirando.
All the people are looking.
Todos están mirando.
Just looking round ourselves and seeing the open sewers and dogs running wild and the terrible overcrowding and you suddenly understand why it was that diseases evolved in cities, where there are huge concentrations of people, rather than in the far healthier lifestyle of the jungle.
Sólo mirando a nuestro alrededor y observando las alcantarillas abiertas, los perros corriendo en libertad y la terrible masificación, entiendes porqué proliferan las enfermedades en las ciudades, donde hay enormes concentraciones de gente, bastante más que en la jungla, con su saludable forma de vida.
The folks at Brother Moto are solid people looking out for their community.
La gente de Brother Moto son personas sólidas se preocupan por su comunidad.
My, but, there are a lot of strange-looking people here.
Hay un montón de gente rara por aquí.
If Judge Smith, there, wants to be President. He ain't going to get very far looking down his nose at people and thinking he's better than they are.
Si el juez Smith quiere ser presidente... no llegará lejos juzgando a la gente desde lo alto... y pensando que es mejor que ellos.
You want to ruin my plans and jeopardize the happiness of people who are looking to me for guidance.
Y ahora quiere arruinar mis planes... y poner en peligro la felicidad de la gente que depositó su confianza en mí.
But up here, where loneliness is so great, men are not so alone, and they're certainly closer to each other than people walking along city streets where they bump into each other without even looking at each other.
Pero aquí arriba, donde la soledad es inmensa, los hombres están menos solos, y, desde luego, más unidos que en las ciudades... donde la gente se entremezcla y se cruza sin mirarse a la cara.
Stop looking like a diamond tiara at a 10-cent store.... These are my people... Want to talk us into champagne?
Brilla como un diamante en una mina de carbón. ¿ Champán?
What are all these people doing looking at me?
No confío en usted. ¡ Quiero conservar mi cabeza!
People with eyes are too busy looking to notice anything.
Los que veis estáis demasiado ocupados mirando nada.
You're in a historic room, ladies and gentlemen, from the walls of which the heroes of another people's war, the war of 1812, are looking at us.
Señores, ustedes se encuentran en una sala histórica, de sus paredes nos miran los héroes de otra guerra civil, de la guerra de 1812.
Everyone is as quiet as in church, and looking to the Lord,... people are kneeling.
Todo el mundo está callado como en la iglesia, y mirando al Señor, la gente se arrodilla.
They're looking for people who are familiar with conditions in the Reich.
Están buscando personas que conozcan las circunstancias en el Reich.
The people are a remnant society who left the earth looking for a millennium, a place without war, without jeopardy, without fear.
Las personas son un residúo de la sociedad que abandonó la Tierra, buscando incansablemente, un lugar sin guerras, sin peligro, sin miedo.
Who are all these strange-looking people?
¿ Quiénes son estos bichos raros?
Hay gente mirando hacia aquí. Muy bien.
While all the people on the ground are looking at you, we sneak in the back door and steal the gold.
Mientras toda la gente abajo está mirándola, nos escurrimos por la puerta trasera y robamos todo el oro. - Por favor.
Right now, half a dozen of my people are out looking for us.
En estos momentos una docena de los míos nos están buscando.
Prison welfare is just an example of how amateurish we are when it comes to looking after people.
El sistema penitenciario es un claro ejemplo de lo poco profesionales que somos a la hora de ocuparnos de la gente.
Eyewitnesses say they are ordinary looking people.
Testigos oculares dicen que aparentemente son gente corriente.
But the chiefs are sure to send people after you, They're still looking for evidence against Takechi.
Pero los Jefes se asegurarán de mandar gente tras de ti porque todavía están buscando alguna prueba contra Takechi.
"We Americans are known thoughout the world as forward-looking people."
"Nosotros los americanos somos conocidos por ir siempre por delante."
I'd like to say if there are any bbc producers looking in Who need people to read the credits for them
Si hay algún productor de la BBC que necesite... gente para leer créditos, con mucho gusto...
And outside there are people and creatures looking at us for kicks?
Y en el exterior hay personas y criaturas que nos miran por diversión?
Find as many picks and shovels as you can. And start looking for people who are buried alive.
Coja picos y palas, y empiece a buscar a los que están enterrados vivos.
Tia, I know how you feel about the bear, and I think he's real neat, too, but a lot of people are gonna be looking for us, and he'll be safer on his own.
Tia, sé lo que sientes por este oso y yo también creo que es muy chulo, pero un montón de gente anda tras nosotros y estará más seguro si se va por su cuenta.
I'm looking for people who are not birds of passage who want to straighten their lives out.
Busco personas que no sean "aves de paso". Que quieran enderezar su vida.
If you're really a cop let's turn this clit into the people who are looking for her and I'll forget the liberties you've been taking.
Si Vd. es policía entreguemos esta furcia a los que la buscan y yo olvidaré todo lo que ha hecho.
people are talking 31
people are scared 36
people are watching 31
people are dying 81
people are dead 47
people are waiting 23
people are staring 19
people are 20
people are going to die 23
looking 1024
people are scared 36
people are watching 31
people are dying 81
people are dead 47
people are waiting 23
people are staring 19
people are 20
people are going to die 23
looking 1024
looking for a job 23
looking good 543
looking for someone 66
looking forward to it 92
looking sharp 44
looking at you 61
looking guy 114
looking for something 96
looking for you 158
looking like this 23
looking good 543
looking for someone 66
looking forward to it 92
looking sharp 44
looking at you 61
looking guy 114
looking for something 96
looking for you 158
looking like this 23