People are scared Çeviri İspanyolca
383 parallel translation
Most people are scared of me. I'm not. As a matter of fact, I like you.
A mí no, me cae bien.
And the people are scared forever.
Y la gente vivirá siempre con miedo.
People are scared to build.
Todos tienen miedo de construir.
Most people are scared stiff of dying.
Todo el mundo le tiene miedo.
Yeah, but feelings are running high and people are scared... and I can't say I blame them.
Si, pero los sentimientos estan corriendo alto, y la gente esta asustada... y no puedo decir que los culpo.
Things only change when people are scared.
Las cosas sólo cambian cuando la gente está asustada.
We never will have because people are scared.
¡ Nunca la habrá porque la gente tiene miedo!
That's really what is necessary so that these people are scared and they can't continue speculating
Eso realmente es lo que se debe hacer para que entonces esta gente tenga miedo y no pueda seguir especulando.
So people are scared.
La gente tiene miedo.
Some people are scared of anybody who runs free.
Algunas personas están asustadas de todos los que corren libres.
People are scared of ghosts.
A la gente le dan miedo los fantasmas.
I'm uneasy when people are scared.
La gente con miedo, me incomoda.
People are scared.
La gente está asustada.
People are scared, Frank.
La gente está asustada, Frank.
Cosas que a algunas personas han asustado como nunca imaginaron.
But people are scared and angry, and they expect me to act.
Pero la gente está asustada y enojada, y espera que actúe.
People are scared out of their wits.
La gente está aterrada.
People are scared shitless.
No digo tonterías.
- People are scared of you.
La gente te tiene miedo.
I know I'm doing a really good job and all, but let's not get too carried away, I mean, a lot of the people here are so scared to death of that General Koni guy.
Sé que estoy haciendo un muy buen trabajo y todo, pero no nos dejemos llevar, quiero decir, mucha de la gente aquí tiene tanto miedo a la muerte por ese tipo, el General Koni.
Professor, two people want to meet you, but are scared.
Ellos quieren conocerlo, pero son tímidos.
The people who laugh behind my back and are scared when I look at them.
Gente que se rie a mis espaldas y se asusta cuando la miro.
Because when people are cold and hungry and scared, they gather together in panicky herds, ready to be led by communists and fascists who promise them bread for freedom and deliver neither.
Porque cuando las personas tienen frío, hambre y miedo se juntan en manadas paranoicas listas para ser llevadas al comunismo y el fascismo que les prometen pan para libertad y no entregan ninguno.
People who are scared of guns leave them alone.
La gente que teme las pistolas se aleja de ellas.
You've decided people are all scared rabbits and you spit on them.
Ha decidido que todo el mundo tiene miedo y les desprecia por ello.
The booby hatches are full of people that keep things to themselves, either because they're scared to tell them the truth, thinking they'll make a monkey out of themselves, or they figure no one else can appreciate the situation they're in.
Los manicomios están llenos de gente que se lo guarda todo dentro, porque tiene miedo de decir la verdad, pensando que quedará en ridículo, o porque cree que nadie entiende su situación.
Honest people are not scared of threats, Shankar!
Las personas honestas no tienen miedo de las amenazas, Shankar!
People are just plain scared to, Karl.
La gente tiene miedo.
You know, people are so scared when it comes to insurance.
¿ sabe? , la gente está tan asustada cuando se trata de seguros...
People are too scared of you.
La gente le tiene demasiado miedo.
Of course I'm scared. Because you are irresponsible people
Es cierto que tengo miedo, porque sois unos irresponsables.
The Fascists are not scared and kill people, but you...
Los fascistas no se asustan de matar a gente, pero tú...
These scarecrows are to scare people away. You're not scared, are you?
Los espantapájaros están para asustar a la gente, ¿ o no?
Because people in a hurry are scared.
Porque el que tiene prisa... tiene miedo
- You scare the shit out of people... and then they don't see how scared you are. - What's that?
- ¿ Qué es?
People are so damn scared, Louise, I just don't understand.
Hay mucha gente asustada, No lo comprendo...
People here don't work with strangers they are scared to
Los de aquí no trabajan con desconocidos, tienen miedo.
There are three dead kids and a lot of scared people because of your sheriff.
Hay tres chicos muertos y mucha gente asustada por culpa de su sheriff.
So you're scared of these people who are not worth anything?
Entonces te asustan estas personas que no valen nada?
If people knew how sweet you are they'd never be scared of you.
Si supieran Io dulce que eres nadie te tendría miedo.
Too many people! I'm getting out here! Why are you scared?
Debes estar de broma, yo me largo de aquí.
El país está en alerta roja, la gente ya está asustada.
Captain, the people in 0liveira dos Brejinhos are scared... because a lot of armed men are going through.
Capitán, en 0liveira dos Brejinhos la gente anda asustada... con el movimiento de hombres armados pasando en la ruta.
If you don't, you would be part of it and people are really scared, Brian.
Si no lo haces, serías cómplice, y la gente está muy asustada, Brian...
Out there, there are no saints, just people - angry, scared, determined people, who will survive whether the Federation likes it or not.
Ahí fuera, no hay santos, sólo gente enfadada, asustada, con determinación que harán lo posible por sobrevivir, lo quiera o no la Federación.
There are a lot of scared people.
Hay mucha gente asustada.
There are a lot of scared people.
hay mucha gente asustada.
People are getting scared.
La gente se está asustando.
Well, people are scared, aren ´ t they?
18 son abuelas que se asustaron mirando el programa 13 son locos regulares que llaman todas las semanas para confesar lo que sea que esté de oferta. Siete de ellos llamaron más de una vez.
" People are too scared to go out!
- La gente tiene miedo de salir.
You're not scared of those people are you?
No te da miedo esa gente, ¿ verdad?
people are talking 31
people are watching 31
people are dying 81
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people are waiting 23
people are staring 19
people are 20
people are going to die 23
scared 523
people are watching 31
people are dying 81
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people are waiting 23
people are staring 19
people are 20
people are going to die 23
scared 523
scaredy 21
scared the hell out of me 21
scared to death 17
scared shitless 19
scared you 17
scared of what 75
scared me 19
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
scared the hell out of me 21
scared to death 17
scared shitless 19
scared you 17
scared of what 75
scared me 19
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people screaming 74
people change 205
people like you 105
people can change 59
people talk 81
people make mistakes 71
people get hurt 32
people were killed 27
people will die 36
people screaming 74
people change 205
people like you 105
people can change 59
people talk 81
people make mistakes 71
people get hurt 32
people were killed 27
people will die 36