People lie Çeviri İspanyolca
862 parallel translation
I do not like it when people lie to me.
No me gusta cuando la gente me miente.
Look, you know how these people lie.
Miren, ya saben cómo miente esa gente.
Even tortured people lie, you know.
Quizá hayan mentido...
It was a lie, right? The story about being chased by bad people. Meow.
nadie te persigue ¿ No es así?
What happens to people who lie to me?
¿ Qué sucede con las personas que me mienten?
You shall not lie here and bewitch the legs of honest people. "
No te vas a tumbar aquí para hechizar las piernas de la gente honesta. "
You have to Lie to sick people.
Tienes que mentir a la gente enferma
We... we cheat at cards and we lie about ourselves, and the only time we behave like decent people is when it pays.
Hacemos trampa con las cartas y mentimos sobre nosotros, y sólo nos comportamos bien cuando nos conviene.
Only two people beside myself heard Surrett lie about Cole losing his money.
Además de mí, dos personas oyeron lo que contó Surrett sobre Cole.
So why shouldn't simple people like us lie as well?
¿ Cómo pretendes que nosotros, los particulares, no mintamos?
My lie, to fool people in a man's disguise... will turn to the truth if I see him.
Mi vida, engañando a la gente disfrazada de hombre... se tornará verdadera si le veo.
You lie to many people.
Le mintió a mucha gente.
You don't lie, make insults, and leave me, like my people.
Tú no mientes ni insultas, ni me abandonas como mi gente.
When you lie flat on your back and rest... and watch the clouds sailing, as I often do... you're so close to those other people... that you can hear the thrumming of the hoofs of their horses... and the sound of the wheels on the road... and their laughter and talk... and the music of the instruments they carried.
Cuando se acuesten para descansar y vean pasar las nubes, como hago yo a menudo, estarán tan cerca de esas personas que oirán el retumbar de los cascos de sus caballos, el chirrido de las ruedas en el camino, sus risas, sus palabras, y sus instrumentos musicales.
It's because I know what can happen when people begin to lie to themselves, imagine things.
Es que sé qué puede pasarle a uno cuando se miente a sí mismo y se imagina cosas.
You don't want to lie to the wrong people!
¡ Ten cuidado con a quién mientes!
I do not like people who lie.
No me gusta la gente que miente.
But it is not your fault... people call you a fake...'cause that miracle in the rain was one big lie.
Pero no es culpa de Ud.... que la gente lo llame farsante... porque ese milagro bajo la lluvia fue una gran mentira.
The people will believe any lie if it is fantastic enough.
La gente creerá cualquier mentira si es lo suficientemente fantástica.
People like you just don't lie down and die.
La gente como tú no se deja morir.
Don't lie about where people can trip over you!
¡ Siempre estás en medio y la gente tropieza contigo!
I get to feeling so low that I lie to people.
Me hace sentir tan mal... que miento a la gente.
It's nice to get away, lie in the sun... be like other people.
Es agradable escaparse, tumbarse al sol, como las demás personas.
Two of them kind of people come in the house today and told me a terrible lie...
Hoy vinieron dos que me contaron una mentira horrible.
People might think Christine would lie on my account?
¿ La gente puede pensar que Christine mentiría por mí?
... be honest even at farewell, although people tend to lie then.
... ser honesto, incluso en la despedida, aunque la gente tiende a mentir luego.
You act all happy, while two people murdered today lie there next to you.
¿ no ve los cuerpos de los asesinados esta mañana?
People are saying the Mafia were behind this horrendous crime... and you all know that's a dirty lie.
La gente dice que la Mafia es la protagonista de este horrendo crimen. Y vosotros sabéis perfectamente que es una mentira inmunda.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, a polygraph or lie-detector test is not admissible in evidence, because no one has ever been sure that some people couldn't lie to a lie detector and get away with it.
Damas y caballeros del jurado, la prueba del detector de mentiras... no es prueba admisible porque no se ha podido asegurar... que nadie haya mentido al detector y haya salido indemne.
It's right that these two people should lie side by side in this grave... because they will share it in peace.
Es justo que estas dos personas yazcan juntas en esta tumba, porque la compartirán en paz.
I like to take'em personally from people who lie to me.
Me tomo como algo personal que la gente me mienta.
We just lie back in bed like civilized people and sip it through a straw.
Nos tumbamos en la cama y nos lo bebemos con cañita.
A lot of people in this world live a lie.
Mucha gente en este mundo vive en el error.
That choice will have to lie with my people.
Eso lo decidirá mi gente.
- People always lie when they're starving!
La gente sabe mentir cuando tienen hambre.
When we don't have our bedrolls, we just lie down on the stone... and cows and people and pariah dogs walk all over us.
Incluso si no tenemos nuestros petates, nos tumbamos en el suelo... y las vacas, la gente y los chuchos nos pasan por encima.
It's a lie, to make people desert him
Dicen este adrede, para que lo abandonemos.
If you're going to ask people to lie down in front of trains, the least you can do is listen when they have something to say.
Si ellos van a arriesgar su vida, por lo menos escúchalos.
The lie that weaves ties and unites people is also truth.
La mentira que teje lazos y une a la gente es verdad también.
I would lie in bed at night and think of the all the people in the world.
A la noche en la cama pensaba en toda la gente del mundo.
Who would have thought that if twelve hours would world city - - Lie in the dark and people respect each other..
¿ Quién iba a pensar que justamente dos horas después de este momento, la más grandiosa ciudad en el mundo se quedaría en tinieblas, ante el asombro de propios y extraños?
" Eighth : don't lie or accuse people falsely.
Ocho : No levantarás falsos testimonios ni mentirás.
After life's tribulations, they allow people to lie down quietly and be transformed into dust.
Tras las tribulaciones de la vida, permiten a la gente descansar en paz y ser transformados en polvo.
# There are countries where people sleep without a care and lie dreaming #
# Hay países donde la gente duerme... # #... sin cuidado y se encuentran soñando #
People who lie to the public are called leaders.
Gente que miente al público son llamados líderes.
When it is said that I concern myself with the education of many young people so as to be paid and to teach them to make an incorrect cause correct, a lie is being told.
Cuando se dice que me ocupo de la educación de muchos jóvenes... para cobrar honorarios, y para enseñarles a hacer justa una causa injusta, se incurre en falsedad.
Now Katy, we did promise that we could lie to other people, but never to each other.
Katy, prometimos que podríamos mentirle a otros, pero que nunca nos mentiríamos el uno al otro.
And in that smoke, from this day forward... my people will crouch and conspire and plot and plan... for the inevitable day of man's downfall... the day when he finally and self-destructively... turns his weapons against his own kind... the day of the writing in the sky... when your cities lie buried under radioactive rubble... when the sea is a dead sea and the land is a wasteland..
Y en ese humo, de aquí en más, mi gente se agazapará y conspirará y complotará y planeará la inevitable caída del hombre. El día en que finalmente en su auto destrucción volverá sus armas contra los suyos. El día que está escrito en el cielo, en que las ciudades yacen enterradas bajo los residuos radioactivos.
This, citizen Caziano, demonstrates how they lie when they say... that heroes are never born from humble people.
Esto, ciudadano Caziano, desmiente a los que dicen que no nacen del pueblo más humilde héroes supremos.
And sometimes, when one or two rows had already been shot, they had to lie on the people who'd been shot and then they were shot from the edge of the grave.
Y a veces, cuando una o dos filas ya había recibido un disparo, tenían que tumbarse en el pueblo que había sido baleado y luego les dispararon desde el borde de la tumba.
Lie like you people do.
Como Uds. hacen.
lien 40
lies 336
lieutenant 4498
lied 36
liebchen 17
lieu 18
liesl 23
liesel 47
lieutenant colonel 46
lieutenant commander 26
lies 336
lieutenant 4498
lied 36
liebchen 17
lieu 18
liesl 23
liesel 47
lieutenant colonel 46
lieutenant commander 26
lie to me 48
lieutenant provenza 93
lieutenant dan 20
lieutenants 19
lieutenant tao 88
lieutenant casey 21
lied to me 16
lieutenant scott 24
lie down here 16
lieutenant flynn 58
lieutenant provenza 93
lieutenant dan 20
lieutenants 19
lieutenant tao 88
lieutenant casey 21
lied to me 16
lieutenant scott 24
lie down here 16
lieutenant flynn 58
lie down 467
lieutenant tanner 17
lieutenant kelly 27
lieutenant burns 18
lie still 81
lieutenant uhura 76
lie back 73
people 5151
people like me 81
people don't change 46
lieutenant tanner 17
lieutenant kelly 27
lieutenant burns 18
lie still 81
lieutenant uhura 76
lie back 73
people 5151
people like me 81
people don't change 46
people of earth 28
people screaming 74
people change 205
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people talk 81
people get hurt 32
people are dying 81
people screaming 74
people change 205
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people talk 81
people get hurt 32
people are dying 81